Day Whatever

It's been forever since my parents let me back into our Lumpy Space Mansion.
Honestly, I hate them sometimes. Just because I took the car without asking, to take Finn, Jake, Flame Princess and Jake's kids to Weekly Prom Coming.

It's actually fun out here in the wilderness, but it's really hard.
Days are long, but the star-sparkled night sky is beautiful.
Food is scarce , but I can always count on my girl Turtle Princess to bring me some beans, (I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive Finn for spilling my beans that one time).

I ran into Jeff, from the Candy Kingdom, he totally has a crush, but I don't like him back.There's like a gazillion reasons why I shouldn't like him:
-He's short
-He talks like an old man with fireworks in his mouth
-And he smells like black liquorice, (nobody likes black liquorice)
He's just not my type.
Glob, I mean , today he was all like, "Hey, LSP, do you wanna date me"
And I was like, "No, Jeff"
Then Jeff was like, "But..."
And l said, "NO, Jeff, NO"

So yah, I'm like totally single , to whoever even dares to read my diary. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
