Wait, let me Explain

I'm skating to the flight deck, Vehicons jumping out of the way as I barge past. I skid to a halt at the edge, dust falling down into the starry sky below. Heavy pede-steps can be heard from the hall behind me, Megatron appears from the darkness of glowing purple.

"I see you are alive, fleshy"
"And I see that you haven't changed"
"Knockout says your operation is a success and that you dashed off, Soundwave reported your location"
"Of course he did, Sounders always wants me safe"

I stare into the night sky, thinking about jumping and free falling to the land below. It wouldn't kill me but it would hurt, a lot. I turn around and skate to the surveillance room, the only place Soundwave seems to be at this time of night. The hallways seem smaller as my larger, bulkier metal frame skates down it. Not being carried in the servos of one of the Cons throughout the halls feels weird but adds a new sense of adventure. I arrive at the room I am searching for, Sounders tapping away at the screens.

"Surgery...is a success...Y/n transferred to new body"
"Hey Sounders, yep I'm alive and bigger"
"You need...an alt mode...Y/n"
"Which is why I'm here, can you bridge me somewhere please"

Soundwave activated a ground bridge and watches as I walk through, it's still night when I exit.

"Jasper Nevada, of course"

I find a nice spot to sit and wait for a good alt mode to drive by an hour passes and barely a rusty Chev goes by. I struggle to stand before skating through the small forest heading towards a more populated area, the sound of cars whizzing by on the highway signals me to stop and search again.

That's when I saw it, I never thought Jasper's highways would have such a beautiful car on it. A Lamborghini Aventador with a custom paint job of gloss black, red checkers and deep blue side view mirrors. The car is just sitting there, the owner talking with his friends about racing each other through the small town. I move closer and all the colours and details of the Lambo are more visible, I quickly scan the car and move back to the area I bridged in. Transforming took a bit of time to figure out, I did it a few times so it was flawless and easy as pie for the next time I transform.

"Time to find the others, I should still remember where the base is located"
"Y/n you there? It's Knockout"
"Yeah I'm here Knocky"
"Megatron is blowing Screamer up again, think you can go to the Bots for now?"
"That's just where I was headed, tell Screams to com the Bots when he escapes and I'll meet him there"
"Righto, see you tomorrow possibly"

Knockout ends the call just as I find the correct path to the Bots hideout. I hear static in my com as I near the hidden door.

"Guys it's me, open up"
"Show us your face, exit the vehicle"
"C'mon, I just won this beauty in a race last night"

The door slides open and I drive in, I do a donut to create dust before sliding to a stop. The whole crew is looking at me, waiting for me to exit my new car. Ratchet actually stops his work to acknowledge me, or he's just worried.

"Stand back please, I've only done this seven times ten minutes ago"

I transform, spinning like I'm breakdancing before standing straight, my stabilisers relaxed for balance. I see shocked looks on faces and faceplates, Miko has a look I never want to see again if I want to live. Jack is holding her back from running to me and ask a thousand and more questions. Ratchet drops the spanner he's holding and walks over to me.

"By the Allspark, this can't be possible. Optimus"
"It is old friend, it seems during the time Y/n was gone, this happened"
"I am here y'know, I can see and hear everyone talking about me"
"Woah, Y/n how did that happen to you"
"It was my own choice, Breakdown and Knockout helped build it. After Airachnid off-lined Breakdown, Starscream joined us in building it. Soundwave helped with the techno side of it"
"Wish I had a suit like that"
"Miko, this is not a suit, my old body was buried in a cemetery, this now houses my mind and soul"

Ratchet walks around me, examining every joint, my panelling, wheels and paint colour. Miko is released from Jack's hold and flies down to my wheels, attempting to climb up my stabilisers.

"What have they done to you? The Cons will pay"
"Optimus, I chose this. Even Megatron was not ok with my choosing of this"
"That old bucket head. He probably wanted to squish you like a bug"
"Jack, everyone please. I chose to do this to myself, I chose to change how I looked"
"Y/n, are you sure this is what you wanted. I can use some Synth-en and"
"Ratchet, no"

A beeping sounded on the screen; Screamer's face appears in a circle. I half skate towards the screen and accept the call.

"Hey Screams, how's you dying?"
"Not funny Y/n, my whole left side is numb and there's a hole somewhere on me"
"Righto, I'll come and fetch you before you bleed out. Ratchet is attempting to throw a spanner at me for my choice"
"Hah, Megabucket don't like my disagreeing to use you in the"
"Not now, give me your location and I'll bridge to you"

I turn around, once again all eyes are on me. A ding is heard and Screamer's location is found, I activate the ground-bridge and leave with a med kit and Ratchet. Upon exiting a pool of blue energon is below Screamer, who is barely conscious leaning on a rock holding his left side.

"About time Y/n, you know he never misses"
"Worse than Knockout, I know"
"Where's the hole Starscream"
"How would I know, I turned to leave the throne room and I was shot"
"Hey Screams, think you can turn around. Or roll over"
"Yes but it hurts, why"
"You're missing a wing"
"What no, I need it to fly. I don't want to be grounded again"
"I know, hang on"
"Y/n to Knockout, you on here?"
"Speak away babe"
"You wouldn't happen to have a certain wing with you"
"I do, want me to get Sounders to deliver it"
"Well Starscream, Sounders is on his way with your wing"
"Here, to us. Are you insane Y/n?"
"No. But we will need to take Screamer back to base with us, so maybe"

Ratchet walks off towards a pond, I grab the med kit and patch Screamer's wing stub the best I can while we wait for Sounders to arrive. Starscream is in a more stable condition now, so I decide to play with the techno features.

A f/c light glows from cracks in my form, crossing over some of the glowing energon lines, another click and a visor is formed in front of my faceplates and a scan of the area happens, revealing three cybertronic lifeforms. I hear a third click, the visor and glowing f/c are gone and where my servos were are now guns. I turn my guns back to servos and look at Screamer, who seemed to be enjoying the show of me figuring out how things work.


Woah, here we are. A nice long update and no more writers block, for now. For Y/n's new Cybertron look, I thought 'Why not use legs like Sideswipe has, then Y/n would be more unique than the rest' because almost all of the TFP Bots and Cons have pedes and not wheels. So you can enjoy gliding and running faster, like skating :)

A/N (July 2021)
I have edited this chapter and added an image of your alt mode. Image is of my main car on Forza Horizon 3, I am working on the drawing of what Y/n looks like.
