Part 4

"Ready?" he asked in a whisper-y and raspy voice.

You hesitated for a while but then smiled when you saw Sam's small and loving smile. You gave him a small nod. You knew that that's what you actually wanted.

"Yeah" you breathed out and with a smile he dived in.

He kissed you fully on the lips and your hands went instinctively around his neck. This time he was more sweet and gentle than before. You allowed him access to your mouth and instead of battling, your tongue moved in sink like that's what you were always mean to do. One of his hands rested on your hip, gripping and trying to bring you closer to him; while the other just made it's way to your face and then to your hair.

He pulled just slightly away and moved his lips from yours, to your neck. He kissed and licked, quickly finding your sensitive spot and biting it hard. You let out a soft moan and he groaned in what could only be described as pleasure. You felt a smile tug at your lips when he started peppering kisses on your neck. He chuckled when he heard your soft giggle and continued doing what he was, his lips moving from your neck all the way down to your belly.

He was trying to show you all the adoration he had for you and... was he doing a good job at that!
He once again made his way up to your face and after giving you some butterfly kisses on the face, his lips found yours and you found yourself melting into the kiss. It was full of adoration, passion and love; the thought of which only made you smile.

Your eyes were closed, trying to savior every moment of this with all of your senses, but they fluttered wide open when you caught the sound of-

"(Y/n) we're back!" your mother's voice was heard clearly, coming from downstairs and even though you didn't want it even in the least bit you pushed Sam away.

"What...?" he said breathlessly but you didn't need to answer.

"(Y/n)?" your mother's voice was heard again and Sam's eyes widened as well.

You got off the bed immediately and quickly made your way to your door which was unlocked. Your mother's footsteps could be heard, coming all the more close to your room.

"(Y/n)?" there was a soft knock on your door.

"Yeah?" came out your raspy question.

"Are you alright honey?" asked your mother's worried voice.

"Yeah yeah" you cleared your throat, glancing at Sam that had a panicked look on his face "I'm- I'm fine mom. Just- had a shower and I'm not wearing any clothes now." you said.

Ok, not completely a lie, right?

"Oh alright. I'm going to buy some things from the market with your dad. Do you want anything?" she asked.

"No" you breathed out "No, thanks" you said in less-panicked voice.

"Ok. If you need anything call us. Love you" she said and you could hear the smile in her voice.

"Love you too, mom" it came out as a whisper.

Who were you kidding. You had just straight away lied to your mother to hide the fact that you were about to have sex with a guy in your room that oh by the way was your teacher.

You felt a hand on your bare shoulder and turned your head to look up at Sam that was gazing at you with a soft smile on his face.

"It was for the best" he said, rubbing his thumb over your shoulder.

"I hope so" you mumbled and looked down at your feet.

"Yes yes it was" he said reassuringly "Besides we don't have to rush into things. We could take it slow, hm?" he gave you a half smile.

Before you could say anything, though, he took hold of your hand and bringing you closer to him he enveloped you in his arms. You hesitated for a while but letting out a content sigh you wrapped your arms around his bare shoulders. Burying your face in his exposed chest as if you were snuggling with your stuffed bear.

"Sam-" you said in a low voice. You both pulled slightly away just so that you could look each other into the eyes.

"I know" he stopped you from continuing "I know. I better get going before they come back" he said with a soft smile, an understanding look on his face.

"Thanks" was the only thing you could mumble at that moment.

You both got dressed in silence, none of you saying a single thing after all that happen but this time- this time the silence around you did not feel comfortable at all. It didn't feel like you were at peace and you honestly only wanted to get out of this room, and situation, as soon as possible. Not because of Sam. No, never because of Sam. But mostly because of what had just happened.

You both got dressed quickly and made your way down the stairs, after of course you checked that your parents were gone. You lead him to the backdoor instead of the front one once again just in case somebody caught sight of him and told your parents that he was in your house even after they returned.

So much for being gone till the morning you thought to yourself, scoffing.

"So this is the backdoor. You will be able to get away without anyone noticing" you told him opening the door.

"Alright, so see you tomorrow?" he asked with a hopeful look in his eyes and a small smile that you honestly could not resist.

"Yeah" you said with a small smile that only widened when you saw him grin like a kid at Christmas "See ya tom-" you were cut off by Sam's lips on yours.

You were a little bit surprised but managed to kiss back as his hand cupped your face. It was supposed to be quick but as it seemed none of you wanted to break apart.

But you had to.

"Alright, yeah sorry about that" he said, scratching the back of his neck and smiling nervously "See you tomorrow" he gave you one last smile and turned to walk away.

He glanced a few times behind him, looking at you that were leaning against the door-frame until he was out of eyesight. You closed the door and rested your head against it. Silence had surrounded you you felt your heart beat even faster when you let everything sink in.

"What the hell have I done?" you breathed out, shaking your head and then clenching your fists.


You took in a deep breath, trying desperately to calm your rapidly beating heart. It was last period and you actually dreaded to walk into the classroom. You stumbled a few times , the lack of sleep contributing to it. Your mind would not stop spinning. A hundred thoughts running through it every second and it actually made you feel as if everything was moving around you and you were about to pass out.

If it was any other occasion you would be thankful that it was last period but today, hell, today was so much different. What had happened just yesterday with Sam had your mind always busy with thoughts, thus you hadn't slept at all last night. You couldn't help but think about what had happened between the two of you and, you could not deny it to yourself, that some part of you actually wanted to have continued. You found yourself more than plenty of times wishing you hadn't been interrupted. But every time you wanted to shout at yourself for that.

How could you be so foolish? He was your teacher, damn it. He was your teacher and you had almost- You shook your head at the thought. It made you felt guilty but a part of you actually liked it. A lot. No guy had ever made you feel like that before but then again Sam was noguy.

You ran a hand through your hair and shook your head, biting your lip. You thought back to yesterday and it made you wonder if it was actually real - not that the soft bruises on your hips proved otherwise, anyway. But, when you thought back to it, it felt as if it was a dream. It was as if you were under some kind of compulsion, your mind in a haze and images blurred. Maybe mostly because it was unlike you to be so forward with a man much less an older man that was your teacher but Sam- oh with Sam it was different. So different and it scared you. It scared you how this man brought a completely different person in you but- then again, that's what love did to people, right?

You bit your lip at the thought. You had fallen in love with your teacher and there was no going back. Not that you really wanted that but-

What about him?

That was the thought that had you mostly awake at night and kept you from paying any attention to the lesson the previous periods. What would happen to Sam?

You knew that you were legal, over 18, but that was not your main concern. Sure Sam would not get in real trouble with the police and such if they found out about you and him but he would certainly be in trouble with the school. The thought of you being the reason to him losing his job made your stomach tighten. Anybody that attended at least one of his classes could see how much he liked, no, loved what he did. He was so passionate about teaching to young people new things, speaking to them about things he liked so much and making them actually interested in them as well. You had never seen anybody love what he did, especially as a job, so much. It made your heart ache at the thought that he would be forced to not do so ever again just because... of you.

You loved him. You loved Sam even though you were practically forbidden to and even though it hurt you actually wished he had pushed you away that moment you leaned in to kiss him. You would have much rather preferred him to have pushed you away, gotten up and told you that it would be better for you to stay away from each other. You would have preferred it if he had said that he did not feel that way about you, if he had let you to your own thoughts about him and just walked away from you instead of... all that.

You now realized that the situation you had gotten in, with him showing that he felt the same, hurt more than it would if he said that he did not reciprocate your feelings. You were going to be his undoing and... under no circumstances did you want that. And you would do anything to prevent that.


You took in a final breath and walked into the class, hugging your books tightly in your chest. Sam's head snapped in your direction as soon as he heard footsteps and your eyes immediately locked with his. He smiled warmly as soon as he saw you and you let a smile tug at your lips despite everything.

It was obvious that he wanted to tell you something but he clearly couldn't do so with all those students walking through the door.

He wanted desperately to talk to you. He wanted desperately to be able to be close to you just like he had done the previous day, well not exactly but still- He wanted to hold you in his arms again, he wanted to be able to wrap his arms around you again, to be able to bury his face in your neck and smell your beautiful scent once again. But above all he wanted to be able to press his lips to your soft ones, to taste you just like he had done yesterday. Something that, he could not deny, had been even dreaming about all night. Well, at least the few hours of sleep he got.

His mind would refuse to stop thinking about you and everything that had happened between you and him, not that he wanted to stop thinking about it anyway. He had never felt more at peace after leaving you, although he didn't actually want to go, and he could not deny that he was on cloud nine when he thought of how you wanted to be with him as well. You didn't even know that he was your mate and yet you did want him. You did want to be with him and, he was sure, just as much as him.

Waiting till the period was over was what he could only do.

And that's what he did.
