

My hands trembled as I walked downstairs to basically interview my new parents. All kinds of thoughts were racing through my head. How was I supposed to ask only a few?

"Hey girlie!" Taylor said as I turned into the living room from the stairs. "Hi." I said, giddy to ask the questions I had had since I was 5. "Popcorn?" Joe asked from his spot on the couch. "Sure!" I said, sitting down next to him and grabbing a handful of popcorn. 

"So.. any questions?" Taylor asked me. "About 5 million actually." I said, making both of them laugh. "Ok what's the first one?" Joe asked. I thought about it and decided on, "How the heck did I get so lucky? Why did you pick me? You had like hundreds of other kids to pick from. Heck you had babies and you chose a teenager? I mean I'm not saying that I'm ungrateful or that you're adopting me, but why me?" I rambled on, thinking out loud. 

"Well it all started about a month ago..." Taylor started. "We decided we wanted to have a kid together, but I want to be able to keep making music and touring so we couldn't have a baby, so we found your social worker and she said she had a great girl that perfectly fit what we were looking for. A teenage girl that needed a good home and worked well on the road."

My mind was going 100 miles a minute trying to take everything in. "Worked well on the road?" I asked. "Well I've got a tour coming up and I wanted to be able to take you with me so we've enrolled you in an online academy for children of famous people." She said. I smiled. So I didn't have to go to school and get bullied AND Taylor Swift was my new mom? Could this day get any better? 

"Holy crap." I breathed, all of it finally sinking in. I looked at Joe and then at Taylor. "This is real right?" I asked, making them laugh once again. "Yes babe, it's real." Taylor said and smiled.


"Alright you can ask more questions later, I'm thinking Chipotle for dinner." Joe said, hopping up and pulling up the Chipotle menu on his computer. I looked at Marie and saw her face fall. "What's wrong Marie?" I asked, feeling like a mom for the first time. "I- I don't have a computer to do school on, I don't know what Chipotle is, and I'm still in shock." She said. "Oh don't worry about the computer, we got one for you." Joe said, still scrolling through the menu. 

She smiled. "As for Chipotle, it's a burrito place and you HAVE to try it." I said, leading her over to Joe and the menu. "Oh wow." She said, looking at the options.

 "Umm I'll have a chicken, rice, black bean burrito with cucumbers." She said after looking at the menu. "Awesome! Why don't you go put some comfy pajama's on and we'll order everything and put a movie on." I said, and she started for her room. 

I turned back to Joe to put my order in when I heard a small voice from the stairwell. "Hey Taylor?" She asked. I walked over to the bottom of the stairs. "Yeah babe?" I asked. "I don't have any comfy pajamas. I only have shorts and a t-shirt." She said. I smiled a sad smile at her. This girl really didn't have anything.

"It's ok! I got you some comfy pajama pants and sleep shirts. There in your drawers!" I said, and she continued up the stairs.


My room was huge. When I say huge I mean HUGE. It took me a second to figure out which door was my bathroom and which one was my closet even though Taylor had showed them to me not even half an hour before.

This was all so stressful. New parents, new food, new life. New friends? That was the part I was most worried about. How would all these new famous people react to me? Would I be kept a secret? I guess I'll just have to ask Taylor.

I found the pajama's she was talking about, along with a new hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, and other necessities. 

When I walked back downstairs, I could hear them talking about me. "The poor girl doesn't have anything Joe! I can't wait to give her a taste of LIFE!" I heard Taylor say. Joe laughed and I walked around the corner. 

"So Chipotle?" I asked, then noticed Taylor had on matching pajama bottoms. I smiled. Something about this small act of trying to be my mom made me feel special and loved. 

"Chipotle!" They both cheered and lead me to the kitchen where our food was sitting. I started to sit at the table, my former house hadn't let me eat in the living room, when Taylor said, "Come on! We're watching a movie!" I smiled again, and for the first time since my family died, I felt like I was home. 
