Meeting Tinkerbell

Louis slowly opens his eyes as the car comes to a complete stop. How he managed to get any sleep knowing everything go on is a mystery to him. He looks out of the tinted window at a two story house. It wasn't a mansion, but it was far from the trailer park he imagined it would be. The house is made of red brick. There are large windows all over the walls and it truly looks like it came from a story book.

But he can't show his kidnappers he is impressed. He can not be impressed with this house. Doing so would risk his own mind falling for their schemes. Its probably trashy and dark on the inside anyway. They probably keep Harry on a leash in the basement. Would he be living in the basement? They seem rather posh. Louis' stomach fills with dread as he thinks about the couple hosting a party and inviting their other posh friends to watch as they rape and beat him.

He could try escaping when they let him out of the car. But he has to free the boy inside. Now that he knows, it's become a moral obligation to save Harry. Besides, the two men could probably catch him in two seconds.

The two men exit the front of the car and Louis began to try and get himself out of the contraption. The man that Louis had already seen the face of opens his door. "No, no Louis," he says. He removes Louis' hands from the plastic and metal keeping him place. "You will never try to get yourself out of anything we put you in without permission. We don't want you getting hurt."

The boy spits out his pacifier to speak his mind. "Me getting hurt? More like me running away," he mutters.

"Watch your tongue please," says the driver. Louis can now see him in full. He is handsome in a different way to the other man. This guy, 'papa', has very chic clothes and hair and an extremely chiselled face.

Louis is helped out of the car seat. Just as he thinks he is going to be set on the ground, the man with the beard hoists him onto his hip.

"No!" Louis shouts to get any person's attention. He doesn't want to go inside! He doesn't want to be near these men, who both have at least three inches of height on them compared to his own small frame. "Lemme go!"

"Shhhh, calm down baby," coos his holder.

"I'm not a baby! Please! Please! I'll do anything," he begs trying to push his body out of the man's arms.

"Louis, you need relax. It will make everything easier," says the other man.

"Somebody! Anybody! Help me! I've been kidnapped!"

The black haired man cups his hands around Louis' chin. "Nobody is going to help you. Everyone on this street has babies of their own. We all want what is best for you."

"What is best for me," Louis asks as he begins to cry.

The man continues to hold Louis' face so he can not look away. "To let us take care of you. Let us be your daddies. This will all be so much easier if you cooperate from the beginning."

The man is looking at Louis with such an intense stare that the boy begins to shiver. The man who is holding him speaks up. "We are prepared to do this the easy way or the hard way. Either you become docile and behave right now and things will be simple for you. Or you fight and we make things even more difficult for you until you become obedient."

Louis lowers his head in defeat. Their threats made his heart drop into the pit of his empty stomach. They're not lying, he can tell. This whole neighborhood probably is full of kidnapped victims. However, these aren't just young ones taken from their families, but actual adults who are forced to play the part of a child. He cringes and looks at the house. His future residence for an indefinite amount of time.

From the corner of his eyes he can see somebody peering at him from a crack between the window and curtain. But as soon as their eyes meet the figure disappears.

"Are you ready to go in and meet your brother, sweetie?"

Louis stays silent. He nods his head. "Use your words," says the black haired man.

"I guess so...." he whispers. He doesn't like this one bit. The man is holding him too tight and he just wants to run away and never look back.

"Now, before we go in we need you to promise us something," says the same man.

"What," Louis asks.

"You need to be nice to Harry. Whatever you are angry about, you know very well he has nothing to do with. He is a sweet boy who doesn't deserve to have his feelings hurt," warns the brunette.

"Do you really think I would be an ass to him? He's probably suffered a worse fate than me!"

The two ignore the last part of his statement. "The second we walk through that door, all of the rules already explained to you will be enforced. There are more, which we will discuss, but no more swearing, hitting, threatening, or else you will be punished."

Louis turns his head and glares at the ground. His throat feels tighter than the arms around him and he wants to cry more than just the few tears that have escaped his eyes. 'But crying is what babies do,' he tells himself.

"Do you understand Louis," one of them asks.

"Yeah," he breaths.

"Yes, and to whom?"

Oh god! Don't make him say anything else. "Yes, sirs," his throat contracts into a questioning tone.

The black haired man lifts his chin so that he is looking at both of the mon. "I am Papa, and this is Daddy. You need to call us by the names we have given. Now do you understand?"

"Y-yes," he says for the third time. Both men look at him expectantly. Too afraid of what they could do to him, he gives in. "Yes, Daddy and Papa."

What happens next surprises Louis. At the mention of their names, both men smile brightly down at the boy. Their eyes were tightened into crescents and Louis has to admit, they are both incredibly handsome. They don't look a bit intimidating when they are happy. But the immediate change of appearance based on moods frightens Louis. Its as if he entered the movie Coraline and these men, Daddy and Papa, are the Other Parents. He was definitely going to have to watch his back.

"Well now squirt! Let's take you inside," Daddy smiles.

The three males leave the driveway and walk down the middle of the front yard to the porch. Normally Zayn and Liam insist on using the side door. But seeing as this is Louis' first time, they want to give him a grand entrance.

They reach the the porch after climbing three steps, but before they could open the door it is swung open.


Louis' eyes bug out as he sees a tall boy with brown curls run forward and hug the black haired man.

He is wearing a tutu! And wings! Like a fairy costume.

"Hey sprout! I'm so happy to see you! But, you know the rules baby. No opening the door and going out by yourself, " he scolds.

"I know. I'm sowwy! I just really missed you and daddy s'all," the boy says nuzzling his face into the man's neck.

"Are you a fairy today babe," Daddy asks.

Harry nods his head quickly. "Uh huh! Nicky lemme watch Peter Pan! I'm Tink!"

"Well then! Come here Tinkerbell!" Zayn puts his hands right below Harry's armpits and hauls him up onto his hip. The boy wraps his legs around his torso and it all looks extremely natural to him.

Louis has kept his face hidden from Harry from the most part, but now the boy is turning his head to look at him. "Is this him? Is this my bruder?!"

"Louis say hi," Liam whispers into his ear.

Louis turns his face to meet Harry's and he is shocked by how beautiful the adult baby is. Crystal green eyes and plump pink lips. Louis had expected him to look gaunt and abused. But he looks happy and healthy.

"Hello," he waves shyly.

Harry grins so brightly he looks like he's holding the sun in his body and everytime he smiles the sunlight escapes.

"Louweee! I'm Harry!"

Instead of acknowledging the boy further, Louis turns to face Liam again. "Why does he talk like that," he asks.

Liam gives Louis a swat on the but. It wasn't painful, but it still made Louis gasp. "Be nice."

But the newest addition to the household was overwhelmed. Two men, Papa and Daddy, giving him plenty of rules and spankings if he doesn't comply. A nineteen year old boy dressed as a fucking fairy.

Green eyes were still staring at him with wonder. "Wanna come play!?"

Before Louis can respond Harry's holder speaks. "Baby, we just got here. How about you go play for a while so Daddy and I can get him situated." It was an order disguised as a suggestion.

"Oh," he sticks his bottom lip out. "Yes, Papa."

Zayn presses a kiss onto Harry's lips. The boy in the tutu is set onto the ground. His diaper today was extra fluffy so he couldn't put his legs together very well. He slowly waddles through the door and Liam and Zayn watch him fondly go.

As Harry steps into the house he sees Nick sitting on a chair in the foyer waiting for the baby. "Papa told me to come in. They wanna help Louis," he says sadly. There are tears threatening to spill over. "I wanna play wiff him Nicky! I wanna play wiff my bruder!"

Harry lets out a shrill and then he hiccups as the tears run down his face. He just wants to play with Louis right now. He's waited months for today.

Nick places Harry on his lap in the chair. Harry clings to his shirt and sobs his heart out.

"Why can't I play wiff Loulou?"

"You have all the time in the world to play with him, Ducky. It's just right now they need to get Louis in a nappy and some comfy pjs. You know little boys can't walk around looking like big boys," he explains while rubbing his hands along the shaking back.

Harry is crying so hard into Nick's shoulder that he doesn't see his daddies and Louis go past him. Liam and Zayn give him a thankful look and Nick returns the look with a thumbs up and a gesture to keep them moving. He can continue watching Harry for the next few minutes.
