Father dont come home

Sonny looked at me and dropped the knife.

"Good choice" I said in relief as I went to give him a hug.

"I hope we didn't wake father up" I said.

"Well that's the thing, father isn't home yet"  I looked at Sonny in confusion. Then I got worried. What if he has Crystal....gosh. I couldn't even bare to think about it.


Its 1:00 now. Still no sign of father. We heard a knock at the door.

I opened it but it wasn't father. It was Mallory.

"H-hi, have you seen a 23 year old female with blonde hair and brown eyes....her name is Crystal and she....she...is..."

She broke down in tears before she could fully see me. "I-its you" she managed to say. I wanted to let her in....but I couldn't. I closed the door behind me and sat down.

"Hi im Ellie."

"Im Mallory."

I nodded, " my sister is missing." She said after 5 minute of silence.

I nodded again and looked down. "Can you help me find her? She is pregnant and....I don't know were she is....please help me Ellie." I didn't know what to say.

I can leave her like this when I clearly know what is going on.

"You want to....come in?"

Mallory nodded as I opened the door. In my mind I was praying

Father don't come home now.


I see you guys really like the book.....lol

