Chapter Thirty-Five

I arrived back at the apartment in a huge mascara running, head throbbing, tears streaming, hair messy state. I slammed the door shut and slowly slid down the back of it, my head buried in my hands.

"Why?" I wail.

After sitting there for another 10 minuets, I decide to pick myself up and change into some comfier clothes. I removed all spoiled makeup and gave my aching feet some fluffy socks to rest in.

I climbed onto the sofa, bringing the soft blanket up my eyes and turned on Netflix. I immediately flicked through the programmes to Pretty Little Lairs (a/n: otherwise known as the best show that has ever existed)

After yet another spooky text from 'A', I heard someone outside the apartment. I thought it would only be Joe or Caspar, but when the door opened, I was shocked to see Zoe.

"Zoe!" I screened and ran into her warm arms. The safe smell of roses and perfume reminded me of how much I missed her. Tears started to sprint down my face; I just couldn't help it. I had missed her more than words could say.

"Peppa." She sighed into my hair. I felt her smile on my scalp and instantly new good news was awaiting to be said.

"What are you doing here?" I run into the kitchen to grab us some tissue, as we were both now crying. We were crying, but laughing too. In between sniffs we would let a giggle escape, probably because of the state we were both in.

"My therapy is over!" Zoe squeals.

"Oh my goodness!" I give her a hug. "I can come back with you now?"

"Asap!" Zoe smiles. "And Alfie said that he'd try and see us both again. Not see me like that, but as a family...which we still are."

My face dropped slightly "About Alfie..." I sit down and beckon Zoe over next to me. "I think he's with someone else now." I hated giving this news to Zoe, and felt even worse when her face dropped.

Everyone online had been saying that it was just a phase, they'd get over it and be together again soon. I don't think that's going to happen. Lots of people were upset, especially the 'Zalfie' shippers, but some were really supportive, saying that they could see that their relationship was a bit rough and needed a break.

"How? Who?" Zoe sighs.

"I don't know who, but I saw them at a restaurant, holding hands across the table. I got angry and threw a glass of red wine over the woman, screaming." I told her.

Zoe laughed at that and then she went back to silence. "Oh well!" She bravely smiles. I hated that smile though. It was her 'I'm okay but seriously not okay' smile.

She helped me pack all my things and then called Joe to tell him I was leaving.

"Here goes another chapter." I sigh, heaving my suitcase into a boot once more.

Tysm for 17k! Can we get 20?

QOTD: what do you think of my book so far?
AOTD: I'm pretty proud tbh. I didn't think it would become how it is! I'd love to know what you think! Comment here ****

Ly xxx
