Chapter 5

 We are waiting for Kalie. We are ready to go, and we kept calling Kalie, but she wouldn't pick up her phone. It's been about 30 minutes now.

"Let's go up there and get her out" I started to beg Kellin.

"I don't know, Katie doesn't like to be in a rush at all." He replied sounding worried.

"We won't be rushing her we will just tell her that everyone is ready to go and if she doesn't want to come with us to Starbucks then we can go back and pick her up later," I told him.

"Ok let's go, but she won't like it one bit."

We walked back into the mall and to the elevators. Kellin and I got in with another lady who looked to be in her 60's. It feels like we were moving at a slow pace, probably because I'm nervous. I already don't think she likes me. When we arrived at the third floor Kellin and myself walked out and started roaming the 3rd floor, after we pretty much checked all over the top floor. We were certain she wasn't anywhere up here.

"She has to be here maybe she's in the bathroom I'll go check" I walked into the bathroom, and once the door closed I saw Kalie.

"Hey, there you are. Kellin and I are ready to go, if you don't want to come with us to Starbucks then we can go back and get you later" I told her.

She launched at me and punched me in the nose. I retaliated and kicked her in the shin as hard as I could. It didn't do much. She limped a little and shook it off. My nose was bleeding, and so was my swollen lip, and I started crying.

"You don't get to be Kellin's favorite. I've always been around and no child is going to take my place. He's just going to take you back anyway. You aren't important to him or me" Katie whispered to me as she walked out of the bathroom.

Outside (conversation between Kellin and Kalie)

"Oh, there you are, where's Scarlet?" Kellin asked Katie.

"I thought she was with you," Katie replied

"No, she went in there to see if you were in there." Kellin started to get suspicious.

"I didn't see her." she protested

"You did too you have that guilty look on your face. I'm going in there to get Kalie out."


"Scarlet" I heard kellin say, I tried to clean up my nose. I don't think she broke it though. It just hurts.

"Hun, why are u bleeding?" Kellin asked, walking to me.

"Apparently, Kalie doesn't like me too much," I replied, still trying the stop the bleeding.

"Oh I'm so sorry," Kellin said kissing my head.

"Let's get to the car" Kellin whispered in my ear. As we walked out, luckily no one noticed my still bleeding nose, when we got to the car I started crying.

"Okay, what happened? She said you did this Katie." Kellin said as we got into the car.

"No, of course not she probably did it to herself to frame me, she wants you all to herself Kellin. You should just take her back to the orphanage." Katie replied.

"I didn't do this to myself bitch, you need to stop lying," I yelled at Katie.

"Calm down Scarlet and watch your mouth. Katie, get out of the car right now!"

"No, why are you just going to do just believe her, she's the one with the fucked up brain. She probably just thinks I did it or something." Katie tried to protest.

"NOW!!". Kellin looked pissed. I didn't know he could yell like that. She got out of the car and we drove to the house. Kellin took my bags in and he told me to go to the bathroom so he could clean my nose and check it. I headed to the bathroom and sat on the counter. Soon Kellin came in and began to help me clean up my bleeding nose.

"What happened?" Kellin asked as he cleaned the blood out.

"I walked in and told her we could come to get her after Starbucks and she lunged at me, punching me in the nose," I replied.

"She has always had violent tendencies but I didn't think she would be that bad" Kellin replied, trying to make sure my nose wasn't broken. We cleaned it and I jumped off the counter I was sitting on.

"It doesn't hurt that bad, just stings," I told him. He nodded and I headed upstairs to put my things up.

When I got upstairs I headed to my room and put my books up, I hung my Hot Topic shirts up, put my bracelets and perfumes in the bathroom and then sat down, grabbing the first book in the Harry Potter series. I soon drifted off to sleep reading.     
