Chapter 11

"Aw yeah!!! Time for some ice cream!!" Yukia cheered with her fist in the air.

It was Wednesday and the group just went out of library from helping Tanaka and Nishinoya in studying. The duo repeatedly fails to understand the lesson because of the 'goddess' in front of them, but Chikara's glare made them come back to their senses.

"Noya," Tanaka said while draping an arm around Nishinoya. "I feel like I could get full marks now."



They both looked hella serious while small tears formed on the eyes, feeling blessed from the experience they had.

"What do you mean full marks? Did you even learned a thing or two?" Chikara said from behind them with his stoic face. His words wounded the two, the rest of their group could hear the sound of their shattering heart.

"C-Chikara-san..." Nishinoya sniffed, "Why do you have to be so mean?"

Nishinoya tried to pull the puppy eyes on the next captain with Tanaka beside him copying the shorter boy's face but Ennoshita's face stayed the same.

"Maybe if you both start being more mature and less idiotic, maybe I could be 'friendly'," He said as he walked right pass them.

"Oh come on, Chikara!" Yukia said as she went over to the dark haired boy and gave him a few pats in the back, a little too hard for his comfort. "Be nice to them," She smiled.

"Why would I do that?" He sigh.

Then the girl leaned in to whisper in his ear, "They got free ice cream, right? It'll be a shame if one of us couldn't get his share."

He remained silent before he let out another sigh, turning around he smiled. (Y/n) and Yukia playfully cringed at his very forced smile. The boys were very oblivious to that, by the way.

"We got somewhere to go right? How about we go there now?" He said while making his way back to Nishinoya and Tanaka, draping an arm on either boys' shoulder guiding them out the school gate. (Y/n) and Yukia walked behind them after they both giggled. 

Yukia was humming a song until (Y/n) decided to elbow her side. She looked at her and saw that she was playfully wiggling her eyebrows with a grin.

"What?" Yukia asked.

"What do you mean 'what'. You like him, don't you?" She asked and leaned in closer to her face, her grin seemed to grow.

"W-What? I don't know what you're talking about!"


"No, I am not!"

(Y/n) hummed and looked ahead at them. The boys were laughing a good few meter away from them, so they didn't heard their conversation.

"Don't worry, I won't tell him,"

"You weren't listening-- Ughh... was it really obvious?" Yukia said as she covered her reddened face with her hands, an action to hide herself to the world yet separate her fingers for her to see the boy in front.

(Y/n) giggled and waved her hands in dismissal, "Don't worry it wasn't. I'm probably the only one who even knows,"

"Good," Yukia said as she straighten her composure. "And I'd gladly appreciate it if it stays that way." Her face turned upwards to the sky as she speak, telling the message to any gods listening up there.

The (h/c) haired girl beside her just shook her head, clearly amused at her best friend's little trouble. 


(Y/n) plopped down on her bed, happiness and tiredness fills her inside. She face the ceiling as the memories from earlier flashed in her eyes. A contented sigh escaped her lips before she stood up and made her way to her study table where her diary lays on top. She had been writing on it every night since the school year started. 

Holding a pen in one hand, she used the other to open the (f/c) colored notebook and began to write about her day. Her mother got it for her when they arrived at Japan. She could still remember the words her mother said as she gave it to her.

'Good or bad, happy or sad... make sure to write it all in here okay?'

Closing it, she then lays back on her bed. She close her eyes as sleepiness takes over her.


Lunch came around and (Y/n) was having lunch with Yukia who's sitting in front of her, eating her own bento. They were talking and enjoying each others' company but stopped chatting when they heard a notification.


(Y/n) took out her phone from her pocket and saw a message from Oikawa.

From: Oikawa Tooru

Hi (Y/n)-chan!! This is Oikawa!  How are you?  (ω)~☆

"Hm, who's that (Y/n)?" Yukia ask.

"It's Oikawa-senpai,"

"HAH??!! Lemme see!!!" She yelled as she ran beside the girl and took hold of her phone. She carefully looked at the message before squealing, getting some of their classmates attention. (Y/n) hushed her and took back her phone.

"OH MY KAMI-SAMA!! Why do you have his number?? Do you guys text each other every day?? Are you guys going out??" She bombarded her friend with  multiple question.

"He ask for it. No and no," She monotonously said. "And why are you so interested in this, I thought you like Chikara-san?" She tease. 

Her smiled widened once her friend's face burst into a million shades of red. The mentioned boy wasn't in the room, probably having a quick practice at the gym.

"Shut up! Im gonna tease you to death once I found out who you like too!"

The (h/c) haired girl just shook her head and sent back a reply.

From: (L/n)(Y/n)

Hi Oikawa-san. I'm doing good, how about you?

(Y/n) spent the rest of lunch break chatting with Oikawa while Yukia whines beside her about not getting noticed by him. When class was about to start for both school's, Oikawa ended the conversation saying that if she wasn't busy by the weekend, he would love it if she'll join him. And since the girl doesn't have anything to do that day, she agreed.




You guys dont know how thankful i am that this book reached over 11k reads!! like... did you really enjoy a trash story like this??!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :<

though lets be serious rn... i honestly have the idea to discontinue this book cuz i had this poorly planed. but as i write one chapter to another, ideas came and my plots are arranged though the only problem is writers block ;-; BUT the support you guys give always pushes me forward! THANK YOU AGAIN!!   

HEADS UP: im also writing a new book rn, a Kuroo x reader but i dont know when im gonna publish it cuz its still not done ^^

thanks againnnn!!

