Chapter 2

You and Mettaton, entered onto a stage. With billions maybe trillions of screaming fans. "Welcome everyone! I'm Mettaton, and this is....our new member.....Y/N!" Mettaton said to all the adoring fans. You smiled and waved, since you didn't have a voice yet, and felt excited. "Oh my darlings! i am glad you approve of her style!~" You were built with your f/st, [(a/n) f/st is favorite style, like for instance i like wearing jeans and a long sleeved striped shirt. end of a/n). ] you gave everybody a dramatic pose. Making everybody even more excited. "Darling! You are doing Fabulously! The crowd loves you!" Mettaton says with a microphone so the crowd could also hear, they were cheering harder than ever. "Alright Darlings! It's time for.... The dramatic tale... of Mettaton and Y/n!~" Mettaton announced, as the stage lights got dim. The curtains drew, so the stage could be set. Mettaton put a dress with your f/c, that was silk soft and show stopping. Mettaton put on a Hero's outfit, which made him look even more stunning. Soon after the stage was set, you went to your stage place.... And the spotlights came on. "This is the story of Mettaton and y/n. Mettaton, was a hero of his village. He protected the villagers from danger, and crime." Mettaton stepped onstage, wielding a sword in one hand. "I do kindly respect thy villagers I save.. But I have my heart on..." he gave a dramatic pause, "Thy fair and lovely princess y/n, of ye village..." A spotlight came on were you were standing, it was time for your part. You walked over to a flower patch on the stage and picked a flower, and walked over to give Mettaton the flower. "Thank you my fair princess! I shall always cherish this gift!" It was your part to speak, but since Alphys didn't program a voice yet, Frisk spoke this part for you behind the stage in a graceful, yet kind voice. "Thy fair Mettaton, you have taketh thy heart. My love only belongs to ye." You then gave a loving smile, making the audience swoon. Then Undyne Came onstage wearing a men's villain costume. "FUU HUU HUU!! THY HERO'S LOVE SHAL BE TAKEN AWAY BY THE GREAT MERUANSO!" [(a/n) pronounce like this: Me-ru-an-so. end of (a/n)] Then a smoky fog came onstage, making it look like a thick, heavy fog. And you disappeared under a hidden panel on the stage, "Meruanso, why hath you stolen thy love from me?" Mettaton said in a heartbroken tone, "BECAUSE, METTATON. THY LOVELY Y/N SHALL BE MY LOVLEY MAIDEN FOR ALL ETERNITY! FUU HUU HUUU HUU HUU!" Undyne said in her most imitating villain voice. "Then I shall battle for her love Meruanso! Come at me with thy shield and thy sword!" Mettaton said heroically. After a epic sword battle, Undyne pretended to be defeated, and fell to the ground. "NYAAGHH! CURSE YOU METTATON!" Then the fog went away, you were onstage right before all of the fog was gone. "Y/n! are you alright?" Mettaton said concerned, "I am alright thanks to you Mettaton!" frisk said from behind stage, as you moved your lips in silence. "I owe you the finest of rewards, a princess' kiss!" Mettaton moved closer to you, and you grabbed him and gave him a kiss. "I will always love you Mettaton!" Frisk said after the kiss. The crowd cheered, and the curtains drew. The play was over, but you still felt warm from the kiss....
