Chapter 18

The following week, my mom came to take me. I had PTSD, social anxiety, and suicidal thoughts after having one too many nightmares about Nate. It was just too much for me as I came out of the hospital doors, Mom rubbing my back and soothing me.

When I arrived 'home', I barely recognized my dad and sisters and hid behind Mom, whimpering and shivering. "Angie!!" Edith yelled with joy and ran towards me, Gali right behind her. I flinched as they tackle-hugged me. Dad came over and hugged me after telling them to get off me.

"What happened on your arms?" Edith asked. I looked away and began to sob.

"¿Què pasa?" Dad asked.

"Está traumatizada. Alguien abusó de ella," Mom responded back , glancing at me as I sat down, trembling on the couch. 

"Angie..." Edith reached out for me. Flinching I scooted away from her and expected to be thrown to the floor.

He had taken everything from me.

My innocence.

My best friends.

My family...

I was traumatized by Nate. I had lost hope in myself and the abusive beats he gave me flashed in my mind. I teared up and started clutching my head, begging him to stop.

Gali asked who I was talking to.

"Didn't you hear Mom? Angie's traumatized..." Edith glared at her.

Later that night, I kept on tossing and turning, whimpering in my sleep. "Please, no...I beg of you, please, Nate, no no no no. NO!!!" I woke up, startled, scared, and sweating.

I looked at my door, half-expecting him to be there.

He wasn't.

You're mine, Anna...  He said in my mind, loud and clear.

"No I'm not!!" I screamed, clutching my head.

You think you can get away from me? I will find you!!

"You're not real!!"

Oh, he let out a small but chilling chuckle, What if I did this?

I felt his hand bash against my cheek and screamed in pain.

Now do you believe me? He asked, a satisfied smile on his lips.

I felt his cold hands touch me as I shivered under the covers, terrified and panicking.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" I screamed, jumping out of my bed. My dad came in, asking me why was I up.

I looked at him, fear in my eyes.

"Ve a la cuarto de tu madre," He said, nodding.

Still trembling, I went.

"Què paso, Angie?" Mom asked, yawning.

She saw the same terrified look and told me to come to her.

I went and sat next to her as she began to hug me.

"Ese hombre se ha ido. Ya no te preocupes. He's're safe, okay? I have been praying for you. We all have.." Mom grabbed my hand, sniffling. "Estaba my preocupada por ti, Angie."

I said nothing as she pulled me close, telling me that things will be better.

Since I was still traumatized by the kidnapping, I stayed home, scared and got up.

Mom was at the table, drinking coffee and looking at her phone.

"How are you?" She asked, looking up. "Bien," I said, nodding and sat down on the couch, watching the T.V.

After Mom finished, she told me to get ready because we were going out.


I forced myself to smile and went to my real room.

Hey... He whispered in my ear, chills running down my back as he touched my shoulders.

My eyes widened and I froze.

"Leave me alone, please!! Just leave me ALONE!!!" I yelled as he faded, laughing psychotically. 
