
The next few days were awesome. Lia introduced us to her YouTube fans and Sasha and I also got channels. We recorded every day and posted every day. We soon got over 1,000 subs since we were the kids of a famous YouTuber.

But in the week that followed, life was complete mayhem. 

We were out for a walk with Lia one day when I stopped in my tracks. I had designer jeans on and a white hoodie. "What's wro- oh shit." Sasha looked where I was looking and saw him. Our father. Sasha and I looked at Lia with tears in our eyes. "Mom... he's our abusive father." I whispered. "Hey!" He yelled. "You girls! You look like my daughters! Come here you sluts! Get home right now!" He yelled. "You must be mistaken sir, these are my daughters." Lia said. "I'd know if they weren't mine." "Liar!" Dad yelled, and ran across the park towards us.

Lia, Sasha, and I ran. We ran and ran and ran. I knew we couldn't outrun a former track racer. I eventually just gave up and fell into a sobbing heap on the ground. Not soon after, Dad caught up to me. He grabbed me by the collar and said, "You bitch. You'll pay for running away. Terrible things will happen to you." He said. He picked me up and I started kicking. That didn't stop him though. "HELP! THIS MAN IS KIDNAPPING ME! HELP!" I screamed. I kicked more. Then, I heard a man yell. "Stop right there! Stay away from Lia's daughter!" He yelled. Through tears and by hair covering my eyes, I could see a man barreling towards us. He held a gun in one hand and his phone in the other. My jeans had ripped, my legs were sore. I fell to the ground with a thump. Dad had dropped me. 
