another chapter

After Justin awoke he told his family his side of the story. Everyone cried. He went through so much shit because of her.

The rest of the day the kids played while the adults talked and watched Netflix. "Do you have any tattoos?" Jaxon asked me suddenly. "No. I don't really want one because I think people would think differently of me if I had one. I'm fine with others having tattoos if they can get the job done," I explained.  Jaxon nodded. "Justin has tattoos!" Jazzy exclaimed. "I know. Justin has beautiful tattoos," I chuckled. "Is Justin a good worker?" Allie asked and I nodded. "Of course! He's my favorite, but don't tell anyone," I said putting my finger over my mouth. The kids giggled, but only the adults knew about our relationship.

A few hours went by and the kids were getting hungry. "There's a Mexican place close by if you all like that," I offered. We got to the restaurant and ate while making small talk. Once we finished the bill came. "Jason are you sure you want to pay? We can do it," Justin's step mum said. "No, it's fine. You're my guests." I paid and we went back to my house.

The kids played for a while then went to bed. It was silent besides my typing on my computer and the show that Justin's parents put on the television. "Thank you so much for everything Jason," Justin's dad whispered. I looked over and saw Justin sleeping peacefully. "It's no problem at all. I love Justin a lot," I said closing my computer.

"We were thinking about finding a place and moving out here to be closer to Justin. The kids miss him a lot. I was even thinking about finding a business to start here." I gasped. "Oh my God! That would make Justin so happy. He was thinking about starting his own business you know? Maybe you could do something together?" Justin's dad nodded. "That would be amazing! I've been wanting to spend more time with him." In the corner of my eyes, I saw Justin smile.

That faker! I smiled and looked back at Justin's dad. "I think he would like that a lot."
