11... Choice taken...

Chapter 11

I feel when he gets off me and stands on the floor. I hear when he unzips his jeans and drops them on the ground. He crawls back on the bed, to unbutton, unzip and pull my jeans off along with my underwear. I tighten my legs together and fight him, I tug harder on the rope around my wrists, I buck and kick trying to get him off me.

Nothing works, he slaps me hard on my cheek momentarily shocking me into compliance. I can't believe he just hit me, I feel the cold air touch my once covered skin and I fight harder. He caresses my calves trying to relax me but only gaining for me to tighten my legs together. I don't want this, my sobs come harder momentarily leaving me without air. I feel helpless, incapable of taking care of myself, I feel his lips on my calves, licking, nipping, kissing and biting his way up my body.

I can hear his groans of pleasure and his whispers, but I can't make out what he's saying. He digs his fingers into my thighs painfully prying my legs open making way for his head and making me whimper in pain. I tug harder on the rope, making it dig into my skin and draw blood. I start begging the dang thing to come lose. My heart is beating a mile a minute and its making it harder for me to breathe. I close my eyes tightly as I feel my panic skyrocket when I feel him open my legs wider to fit his body.

I cry harder, he's going to take something from me that doesn't belong to him. Something that is supposed to be my choice to whom I give it to, when and if I even want to. I cry for my innocence that will soon be ripped away from me. I tighten my eyes shut and breathe in deeply when I feel him settle between my legs. He holds his weight with his arms that he wraps around my back, lifting me a little off the bed so he can crush me to his chest as he kisses down my jaw and neck once more.

I greatly regret coming here to get my belongings. I should have just gone straight to the orphanage with the social worker as planned but I needed the evidence I had safely put away against my parents. He gently pulls the tape covering my mouth off, I open my eyes and stare at him. Why did he take it off for? My tears make my vision a little blurry, but I can still see the guilt in his eyes, I know that men like him won't stop. Nothing I say or do will change his mind.

They're the type of men that when things escalate with a woman and she backs out at the last minute, they don't take no for an answer. Not even tears can make them stop something they know is wrong. "You ready?" he asks, I turn my face away. "Please, Stephen..." I whisper defeated, I feel something in me fighting to come out. Its roaring in anger making my head feel as if it's going to explode from the inside. It bulldozes its way through my brain roaring and growling in anger.

My sight turns red, I feel it course through my veins. My fear is quickly turning to anger as if someone is flipping a switch. I feel it ripping, scratching and biting its way to the surface. I can feel it wants to protect me, soothing my mind and letting me know it wouldn't let anyone else hurt me. I feel it tug at my feelings urging me to accept it, letting me feel its love for me and will always be on my side. The anger overpowers my fear, burning from the inside of me.

I feel it push through my mind as if swimming against the current. My fear keeps it subdued, it begs me to accept it, to let it do what it's supposed to, which is protect me. Its pushes and roars are making the pain radiate around my whole body. I succumb... I reach for it like a thirsty person seeking for water in the desert. I'm thirsty... Thirsty for revenge... for justice... I inhale deeply and let go. I close my eyes and embrace it; I accept it whole heartedly as it does me.

I can feel when it integrates with my DNA, how it wraps itself around my heart and mind. Accepting me and all my baggage, it sooths away my pain and fears. I scream in pain, scaring Stephen... He quickly gets off me and runs to the tape he took off me. He tapes my mouth shut as I wither in pain. I feel my body heat up, as if I was thrown into a cranked high furnace. I feel as if my skin is peeling off, I can't control my body much less its movements.

My screams are muffled by the tape, I feel when Stephen gets on me once more and it roars loudly in my mind. It wants out and it wants it now. "Stay still Analiah or I'm going to have to hurt you." He says as he roughly pulls my knees up making room for himself. He kisses my tears away but ignores the spasms of my body. The fire cranks higher making my vision turn dark. I feel him gently bite my right clavicle and align himself to enter me. I feel my chest tighten in panic; I close my eyes tightly making me see dark colors to distract me from what is going to happen.

It felt when he was starting to push in and it had enough, it knew it couldn't go slow, it bulldozed through me and took full control of my body in a heartbeat. I scream in pain and it turned to an animal war cry, all I feel is pain, searing, crippling pain that cranked higher and higher until everything went black.


Let me know what you think!!! Enjoy!!!

Don't forget to...



