Later that night, they did actually order pizza. When Sam and Dean were talking about heading out to get it, you interjected in. You were not entirely sure how much the pizza was, but the least you could do for them letting you eat their food and stay in their home was contribute in some way. Since you were a business woman, the only thing you really had to contribute was money. Though they protested, a great deal, you handed Sam a $100 bill and told him that they have to keep the change. They did not want to actually take anything from you, but as you continued to insist, they felt by this point they would have been rude not to. You were not incredibly good at showing that you were grateful for something, so this was the closest to thanking them you were able to do at the current moment regardless. Once you handed them the money, Dean slips in their conversation that they will also be picking up a pie, which Sam rolled his eyes about.

Apparently you were feeding a pie addiction, but you could not help but laugh. The boys were growing on you already, and that scared you a little bit, but you tried to keep quiet about that. It had not even been a full day around them, but they were kind. The Winchesters made you feel incredibly welcomed, and there was a familiarity about them that you could not entirely decipher, but knew better not to ask.

Castiel had gone off to take care of some business elsewhere, not really giving the boys, or you, any real details. He did plan on being back that night, though, which you were silently happy about. After your incredibly awkward meeting, you could not stop thinking about the man. Part of you knew that he was not actually a man, but a being, and that being had been plaguing your thoughts for the remainder of the day. He was not around very long, and did not even actually tell you his name. It was the Winchester boys that had told you his name after he had left to take care of his business.

Since the boys would be gone for a little bit, you had turned on your phone to play some music while they were all gone. Now that you knew you were completely alone, it was best for you to occupy yourself with something. The last thing you needed was your sadness taking over you and the boys coming in to see it. Though they were growing on you, your trust issues were still incredibly prominent.

You put on the song Antidote by Faith Marie and sang to yourself to occupy your time. The song flowed from your mouth beautifully, and was a little hidden talent that you didn't wish for anyone to find out. It was one of those little vulnerable moments that you would enjoy to yourself, and you played the song all the way through, closing your eyes as you sang. Your fingers danced around, as if they were playing the piano with the song. You were unable to play piano personally, but you did greatly enjoy listening to it as well as the thought of learning. With your life, there was no way that you would have the time to do such a silly endeavor, though.

Opening your eyes, your heart stopped for a moment, and a trail of blush flourished on your pale cheeks. You were face to face with Castiel, whom had apparently gotten back a little early. He was not expected until the boys got back at least, but regardless, the more time with him, the better. It was a very conflicting thought, since he had just seen one of your only secrets, and his face was nothing but astonishment. You brought a hand up to cover your now cherry pink cheeks and you glanced downward. Letting out an awkward laugh, you said, "Please tell me you just got back a second ago."

"I just got back a second ago," he said in that same way that he said that he did not know if you were crazy. He strode closer to you, and brushed your hand aside, just causing more blush to smear across your face. "But in actuality, I have been here for about 3 or 4 minutes now, and you have a beautiful voice." You were staring up at his eyes and for a moment you did not even notice the close proximity your faces actually were to one another.

"T-thank you," you stuttered out, still unable to hide the blush on your face. He took a strand of hair that strayed in front of your face and tucked it behind your ear. "I didn't know you would be back early."

"Do you believe those words?" he asks, his head tilted slightly as he studies your features. "From the song, I mean."

You broke eye contact for a moment and looked down, a little embarrassed, but a sadness pouring over you as you nodded. "My parents abandoned me, because they didn't love me," you admitted, instantly regretting mentioning it, because a light tear in your eyes threatened to drop, but he was just so easy to talk to. There was a level of trust that you already possessed with him, and you had no idea why.

As the tear began to brim, he gently grabbed your chin and directed you to look up at him. His finger trailed against your cheekbone and you wished to just crawl into his arms and never leave, but refrained. His piercing blue eyes filled with worry and a hint of sadness. "No, they didn't, Y/N," he says softly, "They didn't leave because they didn't love you." His eyes were so comforting - so sweet, and you felt warmth in your heart simply from staring into them. Castiel lifted his other arm and wrapped it around you, nearly closing the gap between the two of you.

Your eyes begged for him. You begged to be close to him, to hold him, to feel the comfort of his sweet arms. "You barely know me," you whispered, giving him a light smile, "Why do you know how to make me feel so safe?"

"I know a lot more than you think I do, Y/N," he whispered, and as you two were leaning in, nearly brushing your lips together...

"Pizza time!" Dean shouts in his cocky attitude, smiling, with Sam trailing behind him. "Who wants a beer?"
