abandoned? *5*

~~~~~~~Snape's P.O.V.~~~~~~~

I have patrol duty in the dungeons this week since it's the first week. I really don't see why Lupin had to take the Potter twins, they were in the middle of a detention for goodness sake! I thought bitterly as I was walking though the corridors making sure all the Slytherins were obeying curfew. I was walking by the corridor that led to the entrance hall It was the only hall in the dungeons that had a window. I head soft singing, from the sound of it I'm prety sure It was a girl and more in likely one of my Slytherins. I went to tell them to get into the common room before I gave them detention but the singing stopped abrutly and when I got there I only saw a cat. It started heading towards the slytherin commor room. It must of been on of the Slytherin's cat. There was no one around where the singing came from. I frowned in confusion and went back to my chambers for the night.


The next night I hear the singing again and I stopped short to hear the words, maybe they could give me a clue to who it was who kept breaking curfew.

"All they ever say

Is that I should act like them

Others tell me to just be myself

If I only knew who the hell that was

I've been different all my life

And even now when I'm here

In this place made for people like me

I still stand out

Made a fool of and

Hung out to dry

For all my flaws

I've made my mistakes

I've watched as they

Gone about tearing me apart

I don't even know what I did wrong

But even here I feel like an outsider" they sang quietly before whispering "I guess that's all I'll ever be..." They sounded quiet sad. I went to go see who it was and once again the only thing I saw was the same cat from the night before. Once again I was confused If it was a Slytherin I would have surely seen them pass me when they went back to the common room. Once again I went back to my chambers after making the rest of my rounds.


Tonight I made half my rounds before going back to the spot where I've heard the singing the past two nights, determined to find the curfew breaker tonight. When I got there a was girl sitting on the window seal looking out the window singing.

"Just becsuse my family's in history

Doesn't mean you know me

Instead of judging me

For what my parents did

you should start digging your grave

'Cuz it will be a bitter sweet momment

When you realize

That the whole time

You were wrong about me

And just so you know

I didn't know them anyways

So shut the hell up

Before you end up in the ground

Just like they did." I heard her singing very softly I stood behind her waiting for her to somehow escape once agin like she had the last two nights.

I could tell she was a Slytherin from her robes but I haven't seen any of my charges with that color of hair. Then I remembered that one of my charges is a metamorhagus. Jessica Potter. "Potter." I said sounding quiet frustated. I saw her start and turn around to face me, still sitting on the ledge. "Care to tell me why you're out past curfew?" I asked her stepping forwards, I saw her flinch at the movement then saw her shake her head, 'no'. "Then do you care to tell me how you have happened to slip by me the last two nights?" I asked her. She shook her head again and I saw fresh tear tracks glint on her face as the moon light caught them. "Jessica." I said softly "What's wrong?"

"N-nothing, Sir." She said quickly whipping her tears away. "I'm guessing I get dettention for breaking curfew?" she said with her usual cheek sliding back into place.

"Yes. Tomorrow night at seven, sharp. Don't be late, and get up to you dorm, now." I said and watched her get up off the window seal and head towards the Slytherin common room. I finished my rounds before heading back to my chambers. 'There was obviously something wrong with the child.' I though to myself. 'I'm her head of house. Surely she would feel safe enough to come to me if something was happening?'.


Thanks for reading! The lyrics writen in this chapter are mine. please let me know what you think! review and vote! <3 you Kittens! ~Samie-Kat~
