Sketch dump

Hey I feel bad for dying bc I couldn't make any art that I really liked so have random pages from my notebook until I can come up with something actually good :))

What a good big sister :)


Jamie's room

I got bored during a Spelling Bee and drew bugs as people
Cockroach is my favorite
Also they're all friends now

Yes giving them accents was completely necessary

Jamie and their twin sis Doll

Charlie, Jamie's room mate/basically sibling except for the whole being actually related part
There's also Joey but I couldn't find a good, vaguely recent drawing of him so ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ

Mrs. is the best ghost gorl

Two Roman's from different AUs made by me and my friend
We made the shy, nervous boyo together
I made the Dark Fantasies one
Yes I know I messed up on his hair curls shut up

A joke Red Pearl OC that I got way too attached to

Just your classic angsty vent ๐Ÿ‘Œ

I'll try to make actually colored art soon
I might just color some of these
