Chp 1 :Electric Love

There is some abusive don't continue if you don't want to read that

update at bottom

"Stop it Lucas!" Max yelled as he once again, ticked the crook of her neck.

"But your laughs are so cute!" He laughed, tickling her once more.

"Nooo!" She whined, squirming off his lap. He caught her before she could fall to his bedroom floor. She erupted in giggles as he pulled her back into his lap .

"What happened to us doing homework?" Lucas said, wrapping his hands around her waist.

"You're the one who apparently needs to tickle me!" Max said back.

"Well you decided to sit on my lap!" Lucas shot back playfully.

"How am I supposed to kiss you if I'm not on your lap?" Max said, turning around to kiss him. He smiled as her lips gently brushed his.

"You should be getting home, want me to walk you?" Lucas asked.

Every time Max came over Lucas walked her home and they made sure to take the longest route possible.

"It's not that late ,I think I could get away with at least thirty more minutes?" She said, cuddling into his chest.

"No way, do you remember what Neil was like when you got back at 9pm instead of 8pm?!" He said.

Last time Max was late Neil had locked her in her room and only let her leave for school.

"Fine let's go." Max said with a pout.

She climbed off his lap and grabbed her backpack from the floor. They walked out of his bedroom and down the stairs to the front of Lucas' house. They were almost out when Mr.Sinclair saw them.

"Where are you two off to?" Mr. Sinclair asked,peering over the book he was reading.

"Just walking Max home, like I do every time she comes over." Lucas said, slightly annoyed.

Since the fire at Starcourt Max spent a lot of time with Lucas. They were more in tune with each other's feelings and saw each other nearly every day.

"Remember be home by 10, at the latest !" Mrs. Sinclair cried from the kitchen.

"And no funny business." Erica mumbled walking up the stairs.

Lucas rolled his eyes as Max smiled at his family's comments.

"Can we go now?" Lucas asked, tapping his foot impatiently.

Mr. Sinclair nodded and Lucas pulled Max straight out the door. They were immediately hit with the cool breeze of autumn air and the smell of decomposing leaves.

"What was that about?" Max teased playfully.

"My family is so annoying sometimes!" Lucas said with a sigh.

"I think it's cute how much they care." Max said swinging her backpack over her shoulder.

She latched her arm to Lucas' as they started walking down the road. The cold October air kept blowing in her face, making shivers run down her spine.

"Do you want my sweatshirt? You already have the other two." He said with a chuckle.

"No, I'll just stay close to you." She said through chattering teeth.
Lucas sighed, pulling his sweatshirt off. He knew she desperately wanted his sweatshirt and was just trying to be nice, even though it hurt him to see her suffering. He took her backpack and slipped his sweatshirt over her head.

"Thanks babe." Max said, muffled through the sweatshirt.
The sweatshirt was many sizes too big on her but she loved it. It smelled like his and was warm from his body heat. She looked over at her boyfriend who was now shivering. He was only wearing a dark green tank top and khakis.

"Lucas are you cold?" Max asked with a smirk.

"No!" He said, shivering. She looked at him and he sighed. "Yes but I won't take my sweatshirt back."

"Baby I'm ok, I have a light sweater. You don't." Max said, pulling off the sweatshirt.

"I'm fine, I have muscle." Lucas said with a smirk.

"No you're cold, take it." She said, pushing the sweatshirt into his hands.

"No, you're more important." He said , pushing it back.

"Lucas Sinclair if you don't take your sweatshirt back right now.."

"Fine." He said, taking the sweatshirt. They headed towards the woods as thunder rumbled in the distance.

The wind picked up as Max and Lucas walked along the train tracks. Max twirling and skipping, things she rarely does, to keep warm.

"Remember when you first moved here and I told you about the demogorgon and El?" Lucas asked, watching her skip.

"How could I forget? You came to my house after I told you not to and I escaped out my bedroom window." Max said, slowing her skipping.

"Yeah and then we came to the junkyard and helped Dustin and Steve fight the demogorgons." He said with a chuckle.

"Oh god I remember how terrified I was!" She said in disbelief.

"You screamed at the top of your lungs when that demodog came through the roof of the bus!" Lucas said, reenacting the scene.

They laughed as they remembered the day, unaware of the thunder that rumbled closer by the minute. They walked until they came to the junkyard, where they stopped to take a break.

"It's weird to think that two weeks ago El and Will were right here in Hawkins. But now.." her voice trailed off.

"Well at least they're ok."Lucas said, trying to comfort her. Before she could respond it started pouring rain.

"We should probably get going." Lucas said standing up.

"I'm going to enjoy the rain." Max said, running to the middle of junkyard.
She spun around and splashed in mud puddles. Lucas looked at her and couldn't help but think, "God I love this girl!" When it was just the two of them she was giggly, kind, and happy. But when they were with other people she was sarcastic, stubborn, and uncaring. Most people weren't lucky enough to see the real Max.

"Come on Stalker!" Max yelled after he'd been staring at her for a while.
He was walking over to her when thunder rumbled and lightning hit the ground feet from Max. She stood there stunned as Lucas ran to her.

"Holy shit! Max are you ok?" He yelled over the rain.
"Max? Max!" He yelled at her.

"I'm ok." She said hugging Lucas. "But I'm ready to go home."

"Are you kidding? We can't walk in this weather, you almost got struck by lightning! We're going in the bus." Lucas cried as he headed towards the bus.

"That doesn't make any sense, a bus is a large metal vehicle!" Max yelled standing her ground.

"No, the metallic body of the bus will prevent us from getting electrocuted. Come on!" He yelled from the bus door.

"You really are a nerd."She sighed, following him into the rusty vehicle.
He closed the ceiling hatch as she closed the old door. They sat on one of the musty seats and waited in silence.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Lucas asked, softer this time.

"Yes, I'm fine Lucas." Max said sharply.

"Why are you mad!"

"I'm not."

"Yes you are." He said. "I can feel it."

"Well maybe it's because I almost died or because I'm sopping wet and freezing cold or because I'm going to be grounded for coming home late again." She said sarcastically.

"You know that time we were scouting for demodogs on the roof of this bus? That's when I knew I loved you." Lucas said.

"That was almost a year ago." Max said.

"And I still feel the same way." Lucas said, turning to look into her ocean eyes.

She sighed, "You know your romantic right?"

"I know." He said with a smirk. They cuddled close together as the rain poured and the thunder boomed.

"I love you, baby." Max said, leaning into his chest.

"Love you too angel." Lucas replied, kissing her deeply.

Hours passed by as the rained poured on but eventually it stopped and the sky was clear.

"I am officially screwed." Max said after checking her watch.

The time read 10pm, Neil wouldn't be looking for her but her mother was probably worried.

"Well since you're already late why don't we take our time?" Lucas said, opening the ceiling hatch.
She smiled as she followed him up the hatch. Droplets of water gathered together on the smooth surface as they gazed up at the sky. A cool wind blew shivers down their spines as they laid in silence. Max turned on her side to look at Lucas, she could see the stars reflecting in his chocolate eyes.

"Which constellation is your favorite?" He asked, not looking away from the sky.

"I don't know the constellations." She said looking back at the sky. He turned to look at her, "Seriously?"

"When would I have time to learn the constellations?" She said, looking at him.

He was smiling at her, a goofy lovesick puppy smile. She turned to look at the sky as heat filled her cheeks.

"Well those three over there are Orion's Belt and that small one that looks like an upside down cap is the Little Dipper. The bigger version of it, over there, is the Big Dipper." Lucas said pointing at different stars.

"I fell in love with you too, that day we were scouting for demodogs. You were just so kind to me even after I had been a shithead!" Max said, turning once again on her side.

"Well how could I not be kind to you? You were and are beautiful." Lucas said, turning on his side to face her.

"Wow that was so cheesy!" She giggled.

"Oh shut up." He said with a laugh.

"Make me!" She teased. They wrestled playfully with their hands until she gave in and kissed him.

"I could stay up here all night with you but Neil would kill me and you." She said sitting up.

"Since when do you care about Neil?" He asked, pulling her closer.

"I don't. I just like spending time with you and Neil loves to prevent that so I have to stay on his good side." She said scooching towards the hatch.

"Fine let's go." Lucas sighed.

They headed down the hatch and out into the middle of the junkyard. They walked slower now, hand in hand. They soaked up the silence and serenity as they walked. When they finally came to Max's house they stopped at the start of the street.

"Are you ready to do this?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah I kind of have to." Max said, walking slowly down the street.

"Good luck." He said kissing her slow and deep.
"Thanks." She said, pulling away.

They trudged down the street to her house and rang the bell. Neil opened the door, his face was beet red. He had a beer in his hand and the whole place smelled like cigarettes.

"Get in here you little bitch!" He yelled.

Max waved to Lucas before stepping into the house. Neil slammed the door in Lucas' face before turning to yell at his stepdaughter.

"Do you know how worried your mother is?" Neil said through gritted teeth.
"Do you know how ungrateful you are after all I've done for you?" Neil yelled, spitting in her face.

People deal with grief in many ways , some people go to therapy or talk. Neil had taken to drinking and smoking, and instead of abusing Billy he had taken that anger out on Max.

"I'm sorry it started raining and.." Max started.

"I don't want your excuses, to you room now. You're grounded for a month!" Neil said pointing towards her room.

"A month? What!" Max exclaimed.

"Go to your room now!" Neil said slapping her across the face.

Without looking up Max grabbed her backpack, walked to her room and slammed the door. She fell to her knees and curled into a ball, crying herself to sleep.

UPDATE: i wrote this over a year ago, yea the writing kinda sucks, yea it's very unrealistic, but it gets better I promise so please keep reading

thanks for reading besties have a great morning/afternoon/evening
