Chapter 2

The day of the fight came and the whole academy was talking about it. Ivan went to the academy's training room and used anything for practice. Weights, punching bags, wing Chun, etc.

He would strike the punching bag with quick jabs and fierce combos before adding kicks into the equation. He spent a total of 2 hours in there before catching his breath and wiping the sweat off his face.

He grabbed his water bottle and walked towards the nearest water fountain and filled his water bottle up. When the girls would see him, they would whisper to each other about his fight tonight. They all agreed on one thing: That he wouldn't win against the nobility.

A commoner has never won against a person with noble status in history.

As the girls walked by, they would muffle their laughter and Ivan still managed to hear it as he just brushed it off. It's not something he hasn't heard before.

After taking his break and drinking water, Ivan went straight back to training for another hour. After his training, he went back to his room and took a nice cold shower, and rested for the rest of the day.

Nightfall came and the academy went wild. Posters of Cardin and Ivan were hung up everywhere the eye can see.

Ivan was in the changing room taking off his clothes and changing into his red MMA shorts. He also put on ankle wraps and knee pads on both knees.

He was about to put his hand wraps on, but Lisa walked in.

Lisa: The entire academy's going wild. Are you sure you're ready for this?

Ivan: I was sent to this school. If getting accepted means I have beat some noble boy into the ground, then so be it.

Lisa: I see. here, let me help with your hand wraps.

Lisa grabbed the hand wraps and started rolling around his wrist before going to his hands. It took a while, but the hand wraps were finally on with one last tie.

Lisa: How does it feel?

Ivan: Tight. Like it should be.

Lisa: Good. Do you have gloves?

Ivan: Yeah, right here.

Lisa: Good. Get a shirt on and a team will walk you out. See you at the fight.

She walks out and leaves Ivan alone in the locker room. he goes to his bag and puts his shirt on before opening his bag.

In the arena, however, people were going crazy. The stadium was radiating with energy. The arena went dark before it lit up with many colors and Cardin walked out of his side of the octagon and with his team behind him. He took off his shirt and shoes before getting the petroleum jelly added onto his face and the rest of his body checked before stepping foot into the octagon and walking around.

On the other side, Ivan walked out with his team that Lisa had accompanied for him. They booed but were also surprised by what he wore. He wore a big wooly hat on his head and covered himself with the flag of his home.

He took off his shirt and shoes before handing his hat and flag to his team and letting the checker put the petroleum jelly on and check him. He was cleared and he stepped foot into the octagon and paced around.

Sasha: I will say, I've never seen a fight be more hyped. the crowd is loving it. Two fighters enter one fighter leaves.

???: Don't forget, Sasha, this fight is special. A commoner and a noble are facing off. This is the first time in history we've seen this.

Sasha: Point there, Ling. Now, onto the match. With our announcer, Ruby Williams.

Ruby: Ladies and gentlemen, this is!! The main event of the evening! Iiiiiiiiiit's tiiiime! When the action begins, our referee in charge of the octagon will be Nicole Pieret. Fighting out of the blue corner, this man is mix martial artist with a record of 11 wins and 2 losses. He stands 5 feet 8 inches tall weighing 140lbs. Fighting out of Acebo, Ranexia, the former featherweight champion of Dragstonian Academy, Cardin "The Tiger" Belvolin.

The crowd cheered as Cardin held his hand up and smiled.

Ruby: And now, introducing his opponent. This man is a mix martial artists and wrestler with a record of 8 wins and zero losses. He stands 5 feet 9 inches tall weighing 139.5lbs. Fighting out of Chornya Cholmi, Ranexia, the undefeated champion of his hometown, the challenger, the commoner, Ivan Volko!

The crowd booed, but Ivan still smiled as he clapped and held his hand up. They both put in their mouthpieces shortly after and walked to the center of the octagon.

Ruby: Alright, gentlemen. We've been over the rules. Protect yourself at all times, follow my instructions. We're going to keep it clean. Touch gloves and go back to your corners.

They both smirked as they both touched gloves which shocked a few people.

Sasha: And they touch gloves. I know people can be shocked by what they saw, but Cardin has huge respect for the sport and its tradition. He'll touch gloves even if he's fighting a commoner.

Ruby: Are you ready?

Cardin nods.

Ruby: Are you ready?

Ivan nods.

Ruby: Fight!

Sasha: And they're off. Red shorts for Ivan and black shorts for Cardin.

Both move to the middle and circle each other. Cardin does a spin kick which Ivan blocks with his arm. Cardin jumps and does a knee, but Ivan moves left and catches his knee before tackling him to the ground.

Ivan tries to go for punches and elbows, but Cardin catches one of Ivan's elbows and pulls him closer before kicking him off.

Cardin stands up again before they start circling each other again. Cardin does a few jabs, but Ivan was able to dodge them. He jumps and kicks Cardin in his left rib and goes for the right, but Cardin catches and locks it in. He sweeps Ivan's leg, but Ivan used that to kick Cardin's side and send him back.

Ivan kickups on his feet and does a series of mock lunges. They both assess each other and figure out a strategy. Both Cardin and Ivan go for it and exchange minor blows and doge or block the major ones.

Ivan throws a punch, but Cardin catches it and punches Ivan in the face before flipping over on the ground and throwing elbows.

Sasha: Nasty elbows were thrown by Cardin. Ivan's in trouble now.

Ivan managed to block many more elbows before pulling one of Cardin's arms close to his chest and wrapping his legs around Cardin's neck.

They stayed there for a few seconds before the buzzer rang and the referee pulled them apart.

Sasha: The first round comes to an end. Ivan may be a commoner, but he's no slouch. 

Ling: Cardin wasted a lot of energy and time in those takedowns. Ivan's a wrestler. Once Ivan figures him out, Cardin won't be able to do other takedowns.

Cardin and Ivan go back to their corners and they get cleaned up. Ivan had a big cut near his eyelid from Cardin's elbow strike. After the minute passed, they got up again as their crew exited the octagon.

Ruby: Fight!

Sasha: Now for round two.

Cardin rushes in and does a fury of both punches and kicks at Ivan. He punches Ivan in the face to stun him and manages to get behind Ivan and wrap his arms around him. Ivan elbows him before flipping and throwing Cardin to the ground with his legs.

He knees Cardin in his chest before he gets kicked back. Ivan leps in the air and does a left kick followed by a right knee and punch. Cardin walks back a bit before Ivan flips and kicks at Cardin. he dodges, but Ivan used his right foot to kick Cardin in the face.

He gets back up and Cardin runs at him. He jumps onto Ivan before flipping and taking Ivan to the ground. He knees him in the side a couple of times before wrapping his arm around Ivan's neck and does a guillotine choke.

Cardin stands up as he's still holding Ivan in a choke with his arm and screams into the crowd.

Ivan tried escaping, but he couldn't do much. His started to go blank, but then he remembers. Flashes of his childhood and his father training him filled his mind.

He lifted his arm and grabbed Cardin's head before pulling down. He uses all the force in his body to flip Cardin over before they both stand back up while holding each other and Cardin knees Ivan's chest again.

Iva grunted as he took the knees and flipped Cardin over again. He crawled on top of Cardin and punched his face a few times. Cardin caught a fist and rolled out and went back to Ivan.

Ivan threw a left hook before taking a breath and doing a right hook. He took another breath before delivering another left hook and then a right spinning kick to Cardin's jaw. Cardin fell to the ground as blood flew out of his mouth.

Ivan rushed over and kneeled down before punching Cardin who was barely covering his face nonstop.

After a while of punching, Ruby, the referee stopped the fight.

Sasha: Unbelievable! Ivan Volko, a commoner, beats Cardin Balvolin. A commoner has beaten a noble.

The crowd went silent before they cheered for Ivan as he threw his mouthpiece out and hopped onto the fence before grabbing his hometown flag and wrapping it around his body.

As the crowd continued cheering, Ivan lifted his flag up and screamed into the air.

History has just been made. This is the first time a commoner has beaten a noble. How will the rest of the world react and what will Ivan have in his future?
