
 I love Hoodie Allen 

Warnings: (talk of bras for a little bit, lotsa boys)


Since I'm the family's only daughter, they want me to be as girly as can be, but hell, I have four brothers. 

I go to Spring Hill Junior High, where I have a normal amount of friends, but they're probably aware of how fake I am. My mom and dad force me to pretend to be a 'Girly Girl', and make a bunch of girly friends, who I don't fit in with at all. 

Since I have four brothers, I'm not girly. Like, in the slightest. Whenever my dad makes me wear dresses, I always make it a need to wear shorts underneath. (They stick out a bit). My bra size is also pretty little, so my mom tries to buy push-up bras...but NO WAy aM I weARinG thAT SHit. I prefer sports bras.

My four brothers are, Charlie The Cutie, Jess The Flirt, Olly The Geek, and Sarcastic Sage. Then there's me, Negative Nina. Yes, we gave each other nicknames, It's a long story. I'm the youngest of all of us. I love all of them dearly, and I fit in with them perfect.

The group I fell into dosen't understand this though, but there is one girl, not in my group. She's super cool and out of my league, her hair is dyed purple, and she hangs out with the boys. I guess you could say...I have a..small crush. I've been watching her from afar for a while now. I don't know much about her, except for her name. Arielle..It's frenc- I mean, I didn't look that up! It's like Ariel The Mermaid, but spelled differently. Ok, that was obvious. MOVING ON.

Right now I'm sitting at lunch with my so called, 'friends'. Trying very hard, really, to drink my soda. I just kept missing the straw, okay!? It's all because Arielle is hanging out with the guys again, and she just pointed at a motorcycle. That leaves me thinking if it's hers. Can't help but fantasize what we would be like, riding on that motorcycle to her place, or the movies- WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT I NEED TO SHUT UP NOW.

Before I know it, the bell has rung. I haven't finished my food or my soda! I have to throw away the food, but I sneak out my Coca-Cola, with success. I whisper a small 'yes!' to myself before heading towards the gym. I'm wearing a Galaxy sweatshirt and black short shorts, because today was 'Laundry Day' and I didn't have anything overly pink or sparkly to enjoy. (the sarcasm is real). So I pick one of my favorite shirts and random shorts, and HERE I AM.

While I'm about to walk into my Gym class-my favorite class- I hear someone call my name behind me. "Nina! Hey, you're Nina right?" Asks mystery woman. I finally turn around to see a very close Arielle. Her purple hair all up in my face. Now that I see her up close, her eyes are the most amazing caramel I've ever seen. "Hello?" She waves a hand in front of my face, I hadn't even realized I was staring..

"Hi! Hello, Hey! What do you need, or can I help you?" I mumble something about me being stupid under my breath. Which I'm really hoping she didn't hear. 

"I was just coming over to, ask you, something," She pauses and looks behind her, and I'm really, really hoping she asks me out. She turned back to me with a sort of annoyed face. "my friend want to know if you're free after school tomorrow." My smile drops just a little. I was so hopeful, damn.

"Um, can you tell him I'm sorry, I have plans, with someone else that day.." It wasn't a complete lie, I wanted to go see a new movie. The person I'm going with is undecided. But there are candidates, known as Charlie, Jess, Olly, and Sage... So It's not like a date or anything, I'm not a freak that dates her brothers. We'll probably all end up going to the movie together.

"Oh, that's too bad! Bye now!" After saying that, she ran back to her group of guys. She seemed a lot more pleased after I said No, but I didn't pay much attention. Today is Thursday, and I need to go to Gym, then go home after.

''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''after gym

I'm waiting outside of the high school next door to the junior high, for some reason my school has 9th grade as 'Junior high'. I should be a Freshman! Anyways, eventually Charlie, Olly, and Sage walk out. But where's Jess? "Sup Guys! Where's Jess? Is he skipping again?!" Olly is the first to answer for once.

"Yeah, he left near 6th period I think. Dunno where he's of to." Then he goes back to his phone.

"Tch. He's always skipping, try stopping him next time you see him, will ya'?" I lecture. Wow, I'm becoming Mom. Ugh. Charlie suddenly lights up.

"We should tell Mom and Dad! Ooh, they're gonna kick his butt!" Charlie then giggles then strolls off towards out home. Sage looks intrigued but obviously thinking on how to improve this.

These are normal days for me. I want them to last forever.

