Chapter 40: Who does Liu Qingzhi like more?

As soon as he finished speaking, Huo Lin walked in.

Liu Qingzhi withdrew his hand, raised his eyes, glanced past Huo Zheng in front of him, and looked at Huo Lin who was approaching this side.

Seeing that Liu Qingzhi's attention was instantly taken away, Huo Zheng pursed his thin lips. He stepped back and sat on the sofa. Before Liu Qingzhi could answer, he asked Huo Lin: "What do you think we are doing?"

His tone sounded like a very ordinary rhetorical question, but his voice seemed to contain some other more hidden meanings.

Not obvious, but impossible to ignore.

It just happens to be stuck at the lowest critical point that will cause people to have some kind of association.

And these were also the first words he had said since Huo Lin got in the car.

Huo Lin lowered his eyes slightly, and looked at Huo Zheng who was sitting on the sofa with his gray pupils.

Huo Zheng also turned his head to meet his gaze.

At this moment, a tense atmosphere suddenly filled the air, with a faint sense of tension.

Huo Lin didn't say anything. He moved his eyes slightly and looked at the wound on Huo Zheng's neck for a second, then looked at the black ring on the table, and finally fixed his eyes on Liu Qingzhi's fingertips which had traces of blood on them.

Liu Qingzhi's skin was too white, and the slight powder on her nails was clear and distinct. At this moment, the scarlet blood fell on it, like a smudge of red paint. When Huo Lin thought about who it came from, he felt it was very annoying.

At this moment, Huo Zheng's gaze also rested on Liu Qingzhi's fingertips.

But his emotions were completely different from Huo Lin's.

It was obvious that when the other person just touched his wound with his fingertips, there was nothing charming or ambiguous about it; it was just a warning.

But now, looking at the blood that belonged to him on Liu Qingzhi's fingertips, Huo Zheng felt a burning sensation in his heart as if he was gently scalded by something.

This feeling is very subtle, and there is a very secret kind of comfort.

Especially after seeing Huo Lin's increasingly cold and dark eyes, when he looked at Liu Qingzhi again, he felt an indescribable excitement in his heart. There was even a moment when he wanted to walk over directly, hold up Liu Qingzhi's hand, bend down and kiss Liu Qingzhi's fingertips with his lips.

However, this lingering thought only flashed through my mind, and in the blink of an eye it was deeply buried in an unreachable corner.

After all, he was not so irrational as to take the risk of doing something that would displease Liu Qingzhi at this time.

Thinking of this, Huo Zheng suddenly felt as if his blood was frozen for a moment.

Then it quickly disappeared.

It was the central fluid that entered his veins.

He recalled what Liu Qingzhi had said.

At that time, after the initial surprise, instead of worrying about the possibility of a whale explosion in his body, he was more excited about establishing a special connection with Liu Qingzhi.

Thinking of this, the corners of Huo Zheng's lips rose slightly, forming an extremely subtle arc.

Huo Lin glanced at him, walked to Liu Qingzhi, and lifted up Liu Qingzhi's wrist very naturally: "It's dirty."

He was talking about the blood, and also about Huo Zheng himself.

Liu Qingzhi looked at her fingers and replied nonchalantly, "Just wash it."

After he finished speaking, he used his water-based ability to clear his eyes. In the blink of an eye, the fingertips that were originally stained with blood were clean.

Only a few bright and translucent drops of water remained on it.

Huo Lin held Liu Qingzhi's wrist with his fingers and looked at it carefully. After confirming that there were no remaining traces, he picked up the weapon that had been cleaned by the slime and restored to a ring, and put the black ring back on Liu Qingzhi's finger.

After doing all this, Huo Lin glanced at Huo Zheng again and said, "You should leave."

Huo Zheng didn't say anything or move, but looked at Liu Qingzhi.

As for Liu Qingzhi, his attention was now focused on the ingredients that Huo Lin brought back.

"What flavor are you going to make for dinner tonight?"

Huo Lin said, "Do what you mentioned yesterday."

Seeing the two of them talking to each other as if no one was around, Huo Zheng did not stay any longer this time and stood up and walked towards the door.

He had no interest in causing trouble for himself.

What's more, his goal today has been achieved.

However, when he was about to leave the room, Huo Zheng turned back and glanced at Liu Qingzhi.

At this glance, he saw that Liu Qingzhi's face showed anticipation for the food made by Huo Lin. When he looked away, he also had some thoughts in his mind.

On the way back, he ran into Jiang Yu, Xiao Xiangyang, Wei Ziming and Wei Wen who were supposed to have dinner in the restaurant.

Huo Zheng was not surprised to see the four people standing there with different expressions. The Awakener who saw him looking for Liu Qingzhi was obviously not the type to keep a secret.

Otherwise, according to his estimated time, Huo Lin would not have returned so quickly.

After imagining what he saw, he told others about it.

Jiang Yu stood at the front, his arrogant brows slightly frowned, and he looked directly at Huo Zheng with complicated eyes: "You went to find Liu Qingzhi alone." There was a very inexplicable meaning in his tone.

"Yes." Huo Zheng felt that there was nothing to deny.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Yu looked at Huo Zheng deeply, asked nothing, and turned and left.

Xiao Xiangyang looked at Jiang Yu, then at Huo Zheng, and said with a dry laugh: "Brother Huo, are you also..." He did not say anything else.

Before today, Xiao Xiangyang always thought that Huo Zheng was the one among the five of them who had the weakest feelings towards Liu Qingzhi.

Because Huo Zheng's attitude has always been relatively calm, without any obvious ups and downs, whether he was facing Liu Qingzhi or when they mentioned Liu Qingzhi.

Naturally, he thought that Huo Zheng was the least affected among them.

Secondly, it's Wei Ziming.

It now appears that this is not entirely true.

Xiao Xiangyang felt very uncomfortable.

It was not only because of the fact that Huo Zheng went to see Liu Qingzhi alone, but also because he suddenly realized that he actually didn't understand Huo Zheng at all.

He didn't know what the other person was really thinking.

Huo Zheng would not reveal anything on his own initiative.

It was like I never really trusted him.

Thinking of this, Xiao Xiangyang's mouth twitched, revealing a smile that was uglier than crying.

Wei Ziming, who was standing on the right side of Xiao Xiangyang, looked at Wei Wen and then turned his gaze to the wound on Huo Zheng's neck.

The physical fitness of a psychic is stronger than that of an awakened person, and their recovery ability is also faster. At this moment, there is only a small trace left of the wound on the side of Huo Zheng's neck. At first glance, it looks like a red mark scratched by a fingernail.

Huo Zheng had neat short hair, and without any hair to cover it, the mark was easily visible.

Wei Ziming's eyes flickered slightly, "Huo Zheng, you deliberately went to find Liu Qingzhi at a different time from us. Can I assume that you are hiding a secret from us?"

Huo Zheng knew what Wei Ziming cared about most, and also knew what Xiao Xiangyang was struggling with, so he explained bluntly: "It's just a private matter. It has nothing to do with the team, and it won't affect the team."

After hearing what Huo Zheng said, Wei Ziming did not ask any more questions.

Wei Wen said: "I hope our team can stick to it."

the other side.

After Huo Lin placed the prepared food in front of Liu Qingzhi, like the previous times, he sat opposite Liu Qingzhi and watched her eat quietly.

He didn't ask much, or to be more precise, he hadn't mentioned any topic related to Huo Zheng since he left.

It was as if it was just a trivial episode, not worth remembering, nor worth standing between him and Liu Qingzhi.

Liu Qingzhi quite likes this state of getting along with Huo Lin.

I also like Huo Lin's character of not asking too many questions and being emotionally stable.

Getting along with such a Huo Lin would make him feel very comfortable and natural.

Liu Qingzhi felt that he should have developed a good impression of Huo Lin.

"Host, admit it, you just covet his cooking skills."

"Then why don't I like other cooks?"

After all, ever since he defeated Wang Jun in the rotation match that day, as a water-based mutant, he has received a lot of flattery, both overt and covert, and some of them are good cooks.

All it can be said is that everything Huo Lin showed in front of him was neither more nor less, and it was exactly at the "just right" level.

In addition to the marriage relationship between Huo Lin and his original body before the end of the world, all kinds of reasons came together. Under the influence and extension of these multiple factors, as they spent these days together, Huo Lin naturally became an existence that no one could replace for Liu Qingzhi.

Liu Qingzhi looked at Huo Lin across from him and said, "I want something spicy for my next meal."

Huo Lin nodded slightly and agreed to Liu Qingzhi's request.

However, Liu Qingzhi did not get the meal he wished for.

Because on the next morning, the train, which was supposed to be moving smoothly, suddenly stopped.

The rotation match was supposed to be held every five days, but the NR train was suspended for the first time since it was jointly developed by the four major base cities.

As for the cause of the incident, it dates back to half an hour ago.

At ten ten, urgent information about a road section inspection suddenly came from the four major bases.

The conclusion and speculation given are that more than 6,000 meters ahead, the widened and reinforced railway tracks have been severely damaged, the entire road surface is completely cracked, and it is sunken in the middle, and it is suspected that a cliff 100 meters wide has been formed.

In front of us is Huiqi City, and on the right is the sea.

It is a must-pass place for trains.

However, there seems to be a strong magnetic field interference near the cliff, so that the base city cannot find more accurate information.

"Above, someone needs to go and inquire about more specific road conditions."

Mechanical electronic sounds came from the broadcasting in each floor of the carriage.

Liu Qingzhi stood at the front of the third-floor carriage. He picked up the telescope and looked forward through the large glass at the front.

Through the telescope, all I could see was a dark, foggy sky ahead, as turbid as a sandstorm.

Behind Liu Qingzhi stood Zhao Jiayan.

Huo Lin stood on the right side of Liu Qingzhi.

In this carriage, besides the three of them, the psychics and high-level awakeners from the third floor were also gathered here.

As the supervisor of the West City Base, Alvin was the first to say, "The best solution at the moment is to send a small team to scout the road conditions."

Wei Ziming looked at him and asked: "Are there any preferential treatments for those who go there?"

Duan Xi smiled and said, "Of course, those who apply to join the team can obtain permanent residency in the base city and a high-level identity card."

Wei Ziming and Wei Wen looked at each other, and then looked at Huo Zheng together: "Are we going?" They are now superpowers, and as long as they arrive at the base city, they will obtain permanent residency.

It is easy to get permanent residency, but it is difficult to obtain a high-level identity card.

This time, there is no doubt that it is a good opportunity.

Although there are unknown risks, high risks are often accompanied by high returns.

You can take a gamble.

Obviously Huo Zheng had also thought of this. He looked at Jiang Yu and Xiao Xiangyang who had not yet expressed their opinions and asked: "Do you want to join us?"

Such words undoubtedly indicate that he will join.

Jiang Yu and Xiao Xiangyang nodded at the same time: "Go."

At this time, Liu Qingzhi also put down the telescope and said to Zhao Jiayan beside him: "Let's go too."

After hearing Liu Qingzhi say he wanted to go after they said they were going, Huo Zheng and the others all looked at Liu Qingzhi.

Xiao Xiangyang's lips moved, and he suddenly became a little excited, as if he had something to say. Fortunately, Wei Ziming patted his sleeves from behind, so Xiao Xiangyang didn't say anything inappropriate.

Liu Qingzhi had no idea what Xiao Xiangyang was thinking about.

At this moment, he was recalling the plot in the book.

If he remembered correctly, the city in front was a large coastal city, the city with the most remaining resources in the original book. Of course, it was also the city where the most zombie monsters appeared in the later part of the plot.

Liu Qingzhi was very interested in a mutated monster described in the later part of the book.

The mutated monster is a relatively rare plant type. It has a shimmering film on its surface that can interfere with the surrounding magnetic field to a certain extent.

The place where this mutant monster was originally born was the Huiqi City in front.

In fact, if there had been no deviation in the plot, he would not have decided to get off the train so quickly.

But now the plot has obviously deviated from the description in the original book. At least Liu Qingzhi remembered that in the original book, there was no track breaking plot.

Judging from the current speed of zombie evolution, this train is obviously no longer a mobile residence suitable for him to lie down comfortably.

Not to mention that in this train where a large number of survivors gather, once someone is bitten by a zombie, how quickly the disease will spread and become contagious on the train.

The broken train tracks are just the first step. As time goes by, there will definitely be more and more unexpected situations along the way.

The train, which originally could pass through the four major base cities in more than two months, may not reach its destination in three to four months, or even five to six months.

Instead of wasting time on the train, he might as well make plans in advance. The original train mobile home was no longer suitable, so he naturally had to find a more suitable mobile home.

The plant monster in the original book that can interfere with various magnetic field signals is currently the most suitable alternative to the train.

The slime standing on Liu Qingzhi's shoulder instantly understood what Liu Qingzhi meant: "Host, you don't want to...

Liu Qingzhi: "Well, it's what you think.

This time he got off the car, ready to plunder the mutant monster's plant-based abilities and then turn it into a mobile residence.

The author has something to say

A new chapter, it's time to show your strength
