"You're too hunched over."

The cool wind from the air conditioner made the baby hairs on the back of Sooyoungs neck stand at attention. She knew she should've brought a jacket to training today, but opted for her usual workout attire instead. She took a quick one over of the large room, noticing plenty of different scenarios taking place.

"If you stand like that you'll never be able to stay on your feet, your attacker will easily be able to drop you."

Everyone was scattered around the large gym provided by the company. It had designated areas for weights and machines on the far left, while the other side had a pristine shooting range. It fit the twenty two individuals easily as they were all occupied with their own tasks.

When they initially arrived, each boy was given a workout regimen, determined by their physicals the previous day. They were all on different levels, seeing as some boys were more active than others. They also had a certain time where they would go in and practice controlling their powers in a confined space.

"Excuse me?" The boy positioned on the mat whipped his head up, eyeing the other male critiquing him.

"You're too hunched over, you should fix your posture. Also, your legs are too close, stand with them shoulder width apart."

The latter huffed, "and who are you to waltz up here and act like you know everything."

"Look man I didn't mean to come off rude, all I'm saying is you might need to work on technique, it took me months to find my perfect posture in practice."

The boy on the mat straightened his back making himself a little taller, though it didn't matter because the other male was much larger than first anticipated.

"Who are you?" The boy has been wanting to know this information since the minute he walked in.

"Lucas... I wrestle for the school...so I thought I could help you out... maybe give you some pointers?" It sounded as though he was asking instead of telling.

"Well Lucas I appreciate the thought but I think I can figure this out."

With that, jungwoo readjusted himself in front of the dummy he was 'sparring' against. He wasn't the most active individual because he was an already very busy one. He had his school work, the coffee shop, and an important roll on the schools Student Council.

"Okay, sorry to bother you," with that, Lucas turned his back to leave. He made his way towards an adjacent mat where he saw his younger teammate already squaring up to an opponent. At first he didn't think anyone would want to fight hand to hand, but most of the boys liked the idea. Something about "getting a taste of some real fighting."

"Hey cap, hows it going?" Jaemin stood to attention as he saw Lucas making his way towards him.

"Its going alright Nana, and you don't have to call me that when we're not at practice." The older male smiled at his energetic teammate. "And whose this?"

The new boy stood up as well before bowing slightly with respect. "I'm Jeno, nice to meet you."

Lucas smiled, "pleasures all mine, do you guys mind if I watch the you two?"

"Not at all." Both boys nodded as Lucas backed off the mat, allowing the others to have the maximum amount of room to spar. The two boys turned to face one another, sizing each other up before taking their stances.

"You ready lee?"

The latter scoffed, "I've been ready."

With that, both males lunged forward, fists and swift kicks colliding with one another. Though it was different from what he was used to, Jaemin did his best to keep up with the different style of fighting. The boy was a wrestler, not a martial artist. He wasn't used to kicks and punches being flung all over, but he was good with defensive moves. He could also feel the eyes of the older boy, his idol and teacher, analyzing his every move. He really wanted Lucas here so he could ask what his thoughts were. Maybe some improvements as well.

Jaemin was brought back down to earth when a particularly hard jab was sent into his rib cage, successfully knocking the wind out of him.

"Oof." The boy took a tumble, gasping for air as he did his best to regain his balance. It didn't do him any good though, as Jeno used this to his advantage. He quickly gripped the younger boys arm and maneuvered him onto his stomach. If Jaemin wasn't already in an excruciating amount of pain, the twisting of his arm and reoccurring pressure on his chest (the same spot Jeno already struck) he sure as hell was now.

"Okay, Okay," the boy did his best to tap out and make a noise, seeing as he was struggling to keep his air supply.

Jeno immediately hopped of the latter as Lucas quickly ran up to the youngest of the three.

"Hey, Na... you Okay?" Lucas went into leader mode: seeing one of his boys hurt made him anxious.

"My god... I'm so sorry Jaemin, I shouldn't have been so rough..." Jeno dropped to his knees, trying to assist the younger into a sitting position.

The only thing Jaemin could do was shake his head and gasp quietly.

"I'm going to go get him some water, I'll be right back." Lucas jogged over to the water fountain, grabbing a small plastic cup along the way.

Back on the mat, Jaemin still struggled to catch his breath, face hot. He wasn't actually hot, more embarrassed. Not only did he get dropped in front of Lucas, he got dropped by a boy who had probably never fought before in his life.

"Yah, you're not going to pass out on me are you?"

Jaemin only turned redder. Today just wasn't his day. He did his best to muster up a witty comeback, only to have it come out as a wheeze when he opened his mouth. Thankfully Lucas returned with some water, saving him from embarrassing himself further.

"Here buddy, just take a minute."
Jaemin drank the water with a shaky hand as Lucas rubbed his back. It wasn't the first time he had to help the younger boy pace himself, and he definitely knew it wouldn't be the last.

"I feel so bad."

"Don't overthink it kid, he'll be alright. He's a tough cookie." Lucas knew how the latter felt. You'd think one would be happy, proud that he just won his match, but that wasn't the reality. He knew Jeno felt bad for hurting the other, especially since it was an intentional, friendly fight.

Once Jaemin had his breathing back under control and finished the last few drops of his drink, he made his move to get up.

"I'm going to take a seat, excuse me," his voice was raspy as he took off, leaving a worried Lucas and a guilty Jeno.

Jeno went to follow after him, but was cut off by Lucas grabbing his shoulder. "Let him sulk. Trust me, I know Jaemin. The thing that is bruised most is his pride."

The younger nodded. "Do you think I was too rough?"

Lucas shook his head, "not at all. You have to understand something. Jaemin and I are wrestlers. We're not used to such quick and punctuated hand to hand combat. But you seem pretty aquatinted with it."

Jeno shook his head. "Not really, It just felt right you know? You ever feel like you know what you're doing... even if you've never done it before."

"Well, if you don't mind, do you think you could help me with a few things?"

A small smile graced Jenos lips, "sure thing."

"Fuck" the sound of skin hitting mat resinated throughout the gym.

"Damn Sooyoung, that's the third person you've beaten. It's only been fifteen minutes, you should probably pace yourself, don't you think?"

The girl smiled smugly as she tightened her ponytail. "I don't like to waste time."

A boy on the side of the mat scoffed, "yeah, ain't that the truth."

"You're just salty she dropped your ass the quickest Jaehyun."

The boy under fire leaned back on his arms, "don't act all high and mighty mark, she beat you just as quickly as she did me."

Mark made an annoyed face before turning his attention back to the mat. If there was one thing he would take away from today: don't fuck with Sooyoung. She could kick some major ass.

The next boy up was one of the biggest in the group. Sooyoung lines herself up with Johnny, her final match for the day.

"You ready?"

The boy nodded his head slowly, trying his best not to show weakness. He got into his stance, doing his best to mirror the girl in front of him.

"Okay you two, keep it clean. I'm looking at you lee."

It was Yuta mediating her matches, seeing as he already knew most of Sooyoungs fighting tricks.

At that, the girl scoffed, throwing a sly wink in her opponents direction. Her flirty action caused the boys littered around her mat to get rowdy. Whistles and 'ohs' echoed as the fight began.

Sooyoung was quick to size up Johnny. There was a very distinct height difference between the two, the top of Sooyoungs head barley reaching Johnny's shoulder. But that didn't stop the girl from using her smaller size to her advantage.

Due to Johnny's larger size, his movements weren't as quick as Sooyoungs. She easily maneuvered around the male, making him disoriented and unbalanced. Johnny threw a quick punch, only to have it blocked and counteracted by the female. Grasping his fist in her own, Sooyoung mustered up her strength to pin Johnny's right arm behind his back.

"Argh!" A painful cry left the boys lips. The boy knew his arm did not bend that way. With his mind preoccupied, it was easy for the girl to dead-leg him, sending the boy onto his knees.

"Holy shit"

Sooyoung quickly let the boy go and went to offer him a hand. Johnny lifted his eyes to the girl before accepting her gesture.

"Wow... you ever thought of playing football?" The others laughed as Sooyoung shook her head, a small grin on her face. It was weird for there to be so many people in the gym with her, but it wasn't all that bad. In reality, it was kind of nice to show off for once.

"Yeah, I'm sure she could take on a few linemen."

"I appreciate the thought, but I have this to worry about. I don't have time for a sport." Sooyoung went to grab her bottled water and take a swig. She was done sparring for the day, she didn't want to over work herself.

"Well, If you're ever in the market for an extra-circular, we could use someone like you on the team."

It was weird for there to be so much attention on Sooyoung, and she didn't quite know how to feel about it. Most of the boys weren't that bad, but she couldn't really see herself socializing with them outside of the company. Sooyoung figured they were just being nice, maybe because the fact her parents basically had all the boys under their 'employment'. It made the pit in her stomach grow, but she covered it up with a small smile.

She knew this wouldn't be an everyday occurrence. At least that's what she thought.


Another one.
