
"Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it."

Taylor She/Her Female


This relationship was in eighth grade, I was fourteen years old. It managed to last two weeks. If you want a interesting fact, this gay odd ball was my first kiss, and yes we are still friends. Why else would I call her a gay odd ball? Weird.


I became friends with Taylor around the beginning of eighth grade due to how many mutual friends we had. Although the first time we ever met was in our sixth grade choir class. We ended up getting real close, we were just like best friends. That's when everything started.

When I first figured out that Taylor had a crush on me, I believe we and some others were playing truth or dare, or something like that. I think she told one of our friends and then I figured out from that friend because they couldn't keep their trap shut.

It was another day and we were playing truth or dare again, thats when I told someone I had a crush on Taylor. I have no clue if that person couldn't keep their trap shut either or not but its whatever, I'd get over it. One day she messaged me and told me she liked me, to her surprise I told her I already knew.

She then proceeded to ask if I "felt the same," or something like that. I was like "yeah, obviously." We then we were talking about dating and everything. She asked if we were "ya know" or not. I acted oblivious to the situation until she properly asked me, and I said "yes."

We started dating and fun fact, before we started dating we were already telling each other we loved each other over and over. Always fighting to see who could say it more, or over who loved who more. Anyway, it was my second ever actual in person relationship. Crazy, right? Definity not like I've rejected every person down bad as hell for me in school.

Back on topic, one day we planned a sleep over at my house and she spent the night. Obviously that was the night I lost my first kiss. Mate took an hour trying to get the guts to do so, was making her a flustered bottom having her take that first step in the relationship instead of me doing so. Was pretty funny, if I'm being honest.

We cuddled to sleep that night, and that was about all. Next day we woke up and then she ended up leaving. Fell asleep so early though, it was only ten thirty pm, odd.

That was a week into our relationship, when she stayed the night and everything that is, then we dated for another week and Christmas break rolled around. I had a special thing on the last day of school before break, and I only made it to class for the last fifteen minutes but she wasn't there. I asked a friend and they said they were in the gym. That was just great.

I planned on breaking up with her, I had lost feelings and realized I saw the little brat more in a sister way perhaps. I wanted to break up with her in person, at the end of the school day, but I couldn't. I was being picked up and so I got to leave early but she still wasn't there, so I didn't get to break up with her the way I planned too.

I ended up sending her a long paragraph on snapchat, but ironically her phone had just been taken away after the end of the school day so she never received it. Gosh diddly dang that was a shocker to me when a whole five days later I realized she didn't know me and her were over. Sooner or later she messaged me on her school Gmail and I said I had something to say, and I sent it on snapchat but she couldn't view it, obviously.

I asked if she was okay with me sending it over Gmail, since it was the school email addresses we were talking on. She said it was okay and so I sent it. I sent it and she read it, like any other message, how else would she read it? Like the Grinch? 

She said she understood, and would definitely love to be friends still. I agreed with that, and well look at us. A amazing friendship still blossoming into a flower bigger than your forehead. I am a rude joker, don't take it seriously, love you mate.


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