
Chapter 781: The Declaration on Stage
Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Xia Ling was calm and collected while being berated with questions from all around.

The bustle around her slowly quietened down as everyone waited for her response.

She raised the microphone and said, “These are private matters that I cannot reveal in totality. However, I would like you to know that from the moment I was pregnant, Pei Ziheng was aware that the child was not his.”

She wasn’t lying. When Pei Ziheng had found out the truth then, he went out of the way to make her abort the child.

If she hadn’t knelt in front of him and begged for her child’s life, the child would have long been dead. As she recalled this dreadful experience, she felt as if she had just downed a glass of the bitterest wine. Before announcing Shaohui’s real identity, she was concerned about the judgment from the netizens and had considered fabricating a story around little Shaohui being a child born through surrogate means, which would explain the confusion around the pregnancy period. With this backstory, no one would realize that this child and “Pei Shaohui” was the same person, and “Pei Shaohui” wasn’t Pei Ziheng’s biological child.

But Pei Ziheng was too cruel.

He had come up with the scheme with Old Master Li to send Shaohui to the horrid Blissful Paradise.

He didn’t deserve to be Shaohui’s father, even if it was just on paper.

Xia Ling raised her head high and said, “Shaohui is the name that I gave my child. It means for him to inherit the aura. More accurately, it’s to inherit the aura of his biological father—Li Lei—who is my eternal sun.” Pei Ziheng had forced her to pull down the veil completely. She had told him that they were over and she meant it. She didn’t want there to be any more speculation about the drama of her love life. She just wanted to live openly and honestly with the man she loved and their child.

She felt a tight squeeze around her shoulders. Li Lei was hugging her lightly. “You’ve suffered greatly.”

Su Tang was glaring at Li Lei’s hand on Xia Ling’s shoulder, almost as if she was boring a hole through it. This bitch… she was really pulling out all her tricks to get herself married into the Li Family! What inheriting the aura? What a beautiful way of putting it! She was just saying that to make Li Lei happy… and he was buying it!

Su Tang grew more jealous by the minute, and her heart felt as if it was being stabbed by thousands of knives.

The clamoring from the audience started up again. Some clapped and cheered for Xia Ling, whereas others questioned if she was telling the truth. Did Pei Ziheng truly know about Shaohui’s identity? Everyone had their own interpretation of Xia Ling’s words.

Li Lei beckoned to his staff to bring a glass of wine onstage and proposed a toast. “I’ve invited everyone here tonight so that we could get your blessing and congratulatory words. Please congratulate me for finding my biological son and that the woman I love reciprocates my love for her!” As he spoke, he raised his glass.

“Congratulations!” Bai Murong was the first to shout out and raise his glass in return.

Feng Kun, Wei Shaoyin, and many other guests followed.

The entire room had their glasses raised soon after.

Regardless of what they truly felt about the situation, this event was organized by Second Young Master Li and it was important that they gave him face. No one was keen on offending him. Many were waiting to see what Pei Ziheng’s reaction to this announcement would be, but given that Pei Ziheng was not present, they could only wait for tabloid reports to come. Such a pity!

Everyone smiled and clinked their glasses.

“There is something else I wish to announce…” Li Lei raised his voice over the bustling crowd.

Everyone looked towards him wondering what else Second Young Master Li wanted to say.

Li Lei snapped his fingers and a female staff came over holding an exquisite tray at his signal. There was a beautiful diamond-lined platinum tiara resting on a chiffon bed, surrounded by tulips and roses. This was a tiara that was every girl’s childhood fantasy.

Li Lei picked up the tiara and placed it on Xia Ling’s head.

The tiara immediately transformed her into a goddess with her long flowy dress, and many stared awestruck at her beauty.

“Tsk tsk.” Wei Shaoyin sipped his wine while throwing Xia Ling a look of disdain. “I said that that girl has the worst taste. She was just complaining that her long dress couldn’t compare with Su Tang’s get-up. Just look now, with that tiara she has instantly transformed into a goddess. How can Su Tang even compare?”

Feng Kun laughed at Wei Shaoyin’s words. Yes, he was right, that tiara made her simple long dress look elegant. She was petite and slender, which made her look all the more regal. Su Tang, on the other hand, was dressed to the nines in an outfit intended to look grand, but now appeared paunchy and stout beside Xia Ling’s. It was a fashion disaster.

Wei Shaoyin lamented some more about how that idiotic girl was so lucky to have someone choose her outfit for her and how unappreciative she was.

On stage, Xia Ling finally understood why Li Lei chose this dress for her.

Clearly, he knew what the effect of the tiara would be.

Her unhappiness of having been overshadowed by Su Tang earlier disappeared. It wasn’t that she had the same appreciation of her outfit like Wei Shaoyin, but rather that she was simply fascinated with the tiara atop her head. Who cared about Su Tang with her gold, grand outfit? Did she have a tiara? No one could look better than her if she had a tiara on her head!

Her logic was that crude and simple!

She glanced over at Su Tang with a sweet smile on her face.

It was as if she was showing off to Su Tang.

Su Tang’s face darkened, and she couldn’t resist turning away and stalking off stage, quite unlike her usual calm self. She left the light fragrance of Dior perfume in her wake.

Old Master Li saw the victorious smile on Xia Ling’s face and Su Tang turning away.

Anger boiled within him. This jinx of a girl… it was one thing to steal his grandson away, but why was she openly taunting his granddaughter-in-law?! Why was it this irritating girl that had borne the Li Family a great-grandson?! If only she could switch sons with Su Tang! As these thoughts ran through his mind, animosity filled his eyes as he looked towards Xia Ling.

Xia Ling had mentally prepared herself to be at loggerheads with the Old Master Li her entire life. Seeing Old Master Li stare at her with a cold expression, she stared right back at him before turning away and sweetly gazing at Li Lei.

Li Lei was also looking down at her gently as he raised the microphone to his lips again. His deep attractive voice filled the room. “Xiao Ling, I’ll never be able to pay you back for all that you’ve suffered for me. I, Li Lei, promise to be true and devoted to you. Regardless of the storms that we may face in life, I’ll do my all to protect you.”

His declaration of love was like a sudden punch to her, and she was almost winded in surprise.

She looked up at him stunned. “So all this while… you weren’t giving your all?”

There was a moment of silence in the room before everyone started to laugh. This idiotic girl… what was she saying? The romantic atmosphere was completely destroyed by her!

Bai Murong and Lu Tao almost doubled over in laughter.

Xia Ling was mildly embarrassed. “Why are you all laughing?!”

“Okay, okay, we won’t laugh… hahahaha…” Lu Tao wiped at the tears forming around his eyes.

Xia Ling was speechless.

Li Lei chucked as well. He gave her a peck as he embraced her from behind. “Xiao Ling, thank you for choosing me.”

Chapter 782: Who Said I Want to Marry You
Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

The melodious sound of a violin rang out, breaking through the laughter.

The string orchestra started to play softly in the background. The light of the chandeliers in the room shone on the guests’ smiling faces, and the waiters weaved through the crowds with exquisite trays in hand as the party continued on.

Li Lei helped Xia Ling offstage.

Little Shaohui ran over on his stubby legs and complained, “Bad daddy! You only want mummy and not me.” He was following behind them in his little white tuxedo.

Old Master Li bent over wanting to hold onto Shaohui’s hand.

Little Shaohui avoided him. Raising his head, he took a close look at Old Master Li’s face before running away.

Old Master Li frowned.

As the cocktail party continued, Li Lei brought Xia Ling to a quiet room to take a rest, asking for some flower tea and snacks. “Have something to eat.” He said. “Grandfather is going to come over and look for us for sure. That’s not going to be an easy conversation.” He wasn’t going to naively think that the Old Master Li would relent on account of his great-grandson.

As expected, Old Master Li followed Shaohui into the room a while later.

Su Tang was by his side.

Li Lei spoke up first. “Su Tang, I think you shouldn’t be here.”

Old Master Li’s face darkened. “What do you mean she shouldn’t be here? Su Tang is part of the Li Family!”

Li Lei knew that the Old Master Li considered Su Tang to be his granddaughter-in-law. Given that Su Tang had saved his life and was assaulted in the process, he couldn’t bring himself to say that she was an outsider.

Xia Ling piped up nonchalantly. “She can stay. It’s better we all be present to make things clear.”

She wanted to see what other stunts the Old Master would try to pull.

Li Lei kept quiet after Xia Ling spoke up. He was completely compliant to whatever his wife… oh no… future wife said.

He picked little Shaohui up and sat him down on his lap, peeling hazelnuts for Shaohui to munch on.

Su Tang watched the father-son pair, a sad look settling on her face.

Old Master Li asked, “Su Tang, what’s wrong?”

Su Tang snapped back to her senses and forced a smile. “Grandfather, I’m fine.” After saving Li Lei from the forest, she earned the right to call the Old Master “Grandfather.” She said, “Seeing the both of them act so intimately makes me think of Xiao Rui. He never had the chance to…”

She couldn’t bring herself to continue.

Old Master Li recalled that Li Lei had never treated Li Rui the way he was treating Shaohui. Even though Li Rui wasn’t his biological son, he was still the son of Li Lei’s life savior. Li Lei was being too much! The Old Master was just about to chide Li Lei, but when he caught sight of his cute great-grandson, his anger dissipated in an instant.

Little Shaohui was completely focused on eating the hazelnuts, his cheeks puffing out as he chewed. He looked adorable.

Old Master Li’s voice became gentle. “Good boy, if you like eating hazelnuts, great-grandfather will make sure to prepare lots of them for you.”

Little Shaohui lifted his head to look at the Old Master furtively and hugged himself closer to Li Lei.

Li Lei patted him on the head and told the Old Master. “Shaohui has always only been with Xiao Ling. He needs to get used to seeing so many family members. Things will get better after I marry Xiao Ling.”

“What?!” Old Master Li blew up. He was happy to accept this great-grandson, but that didn’t mean he would accept Xia Ling as his granddaughter-in-law!

“What?” Xia Ling also looked up from her cup of tea with a stunned expression.

“I said that we should get married.” Li Lei said smilingly, ignoring her shocked expression. “Xiao Ling, you’re getting older. It’s about time you get married, isn’t it? Grandfather…”

“You’re the old one!” Xia Ling glared angrily at Li Lei. What was he saying?! Was he adding up her years all the way from her past life? In any case, she wasn’t going to admit that she was getting old!

“Fine, fine, I’m getting old.” Li Lei corrected. “I should get married.”

The Old Master’s face was ashen from trying to hold in his temper. He slammed a hand onto the table. “I don’t agree to this marriage! Li Lei, I’ve told you that you can never marry this jinx of a woman!”

“She’s the mother of my child.” Li Lei returned the Old Master Li’s glare, unfazed.

“If you’re going to marry her, she might even jinx the child!” Old Master Li retorted angrily. He turned and said to Xia Ling, “Miss Ye, why do you have to cling onto Li Lei and marry into a family that doesn’t welcome you? The Li Family can accept your son into the family and give him all the benefits that come with it. If you think that we will accept you as well just because you’re his mother, you’re being way too naive!”

Upset by the Old Master’s words, Xia Ling redirected her anger at Li Lei. “Did you hear what the Old Master said?! I’m not marrying you!” Who was the one that was trying to be clingy? She was the Xia Family phoenix! Anybody that married her was the most fortunate person ever!

Li Lei tried to appease her. “But we’ve discussed this…”

“There was no agreement made!” Xia Ling maintained.

Li Lei felt wronged. “You said you’ll marry me in the ward on the ship…”

Xia Ling was taken aback but recalled that she had indeed said those words.

Li Lei carefully added. “Shaohui can be my witness.”

Little Shaohui nodded while eating the hazelnuts that his dad had peeled for him.

Xia Ling was bashing herself for having proactively said that she would marry Li Lei before. Her gaze moved from the Old Master Li over to Su Tang, realizing that they were both looking at her with disdain. Clearly, they both thought that she had been scheming to marry Li Lei all along.

“Drop the act, Miss Ye.” The Old Master said coldly. “The Li Family won’t accept you.”

Xia Ling shouted at Li Lei again. “I’m not marrying you!”

Li Lei said, “You said you will marry me!”

Little Shaohui merely lowered his head and continued to munch at the hazelnuts…

The room was a mess.

Su Tang piped up, feeling that her position was being threatened. “How are we going to come to a conclusion with all this bickering? Old Master, I think the matter of greatest urgency is to bring Shaohui to meet the family. Everything else can wait.”

She said these words in a sweet and elegant voice, causing the bickering to immediately quieten down.

Old Master Li nodded. Yes, the most important thing was to get Shaohui to call him great-grandfather. He looked down gently at the child, saying, “Little Shaohui, were you frightened by our arguing? Come with great-grandfather and daddy back to the Li Family, okay? Great-grandfather will prepare a big, big house for you to live in.”

Little Shaohui finally spoke up. “No, I don’t want to be locked up.”

Old Master Li was stunned. This child was holding a grudge from the incident at Blissful Paradise!

But who was the one that told the child the truth? The Blissful Paradise kidnap was carried out by the Old Master’s subordinates. If no one told the child who the mastermind was, why would the child be able to draw the link?!

As he contemplated this, the Old Master looked towards Xia Ling with hatred. It must have been that woman!

Xia Ling gave a cold laugh. “Someone has a guilty conscience. Do you really think my child is clueless? Stop trying to cajole him!” She refrained from saying nastier things for Li Lei’s sake.

That Old man had kidnapped her child to Blissful Paradise, and now he was trying to tear them apart!

Chapter 783: Reckless
Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

The two stared angrily at each other, neither intending to back off.

Li Lei felt a headache coming. Grandfather was stubborn and had the worst temper, and Xiao Ling was not any better. She resembled him more than him! He put little Shaohui down, hoping to prevent them from fighting in front of the child. “You…”

Before he could finish his sentence, Su Tang smilingly said to Shaohui, “Little Shaohui, why would great-grandfather lock you up? You’re his beloved great-grandson and he can’t wait to shower you with love! You look exactly like…” Her voice caught a little and she paused before continuing, “Your face shape is exactly like the Li Family’s.”

Fortunately or unfortunately, little Shaohui resembled his mother more and there was little resemblance to Li Lei.

Old Master Li looked towards Shaohui hearing Su Tang’s words and found that while the child had similar mannerisms to Li Lei when he was young, his features were more effeminate and less sculpted and defined than Li Lei’s.

Su Tang nonchalantly said, “Thankfully, there is the DNA test to check for parental relationships… It’s great that the three of you can reunite.”

The listener understood the meaning.

Old Master Li thought to himself, Is Shaohui truly my great-grandson? If Ye Xingling can lie to the Pei Family about her pregnancy, why wouldn’t she be lying to the Li Family as well?

He said, “Let’s do another DNA test.”

Li Lei frowned. “Grandfather, you don’t believe me?”

Old Master Li’s gaze was cold. “This matter affects the bloodline of the Li Family. There can’t be any mistake.”

Xia Ling said, “We’re not doing it.”

Old Master Li turned his cold gaze to her. “Miss Ye, are you feeling guilty? Are you afraid that the DNA test will expose your lies?” Seeing Xia Ling reject the test so quickly, Old Master Li was even more suspicious of Shaohui’s identity.

Perhaps that was why the child didn’t like him. They didn’t share the same blood.

Xia Ling smiled, but her tone was full of disdain. “Old Master, do you think everybody worships the Li Family? Do you think everyone wants to marry into the Li Family? I’m sorry, from my perspective, the Li Family is not worth the effort of scheming so much to marry into. If not for Li Lei, I wouldn’t want to be associated with the Li Family in this life, or the next life, or any life after that!”

“Xiao Ling…” Li Lei rubbed his temples. Was she about to start a rampage at the Old Master now?

Xia Ling glared at Li Lei. “Did I say anything wrong?!”

“Okay, okay, you’re right. You didn’t say anything wrong…” Li Lei was close to tears. He was aware that she was the Xia Family’s Phoenix and that anyone that married her was the fortunate one. Everything that she said was her true feelings and she was not being hypocritical. But the Old Master wouldn’t be happy hearing that… how was he going to maintain the harmony in the family like this?

He was tempted to bring this question to online forums for netizens to help give him some pointers.

On the other end, the Old Master lost his temper as Li Lei expected. He banged his dragon-head walking stick on the ground hard. “I’m going to make sure you do that DNA test! If you don’t do it, don’t blame me for not accepting this great-grandson!”

Xia Ling responded, “Who wants you to accept him?” This child had both parents, a doting uncle, and a maternal grandfather to care for him. What importance was there in having another great-grandfather? She was determined not to do the DNA test as she felt that it was an insult to her and her child. The Li Family was not showing her basic respect and trust… how were they going to become a family?

Li Lei said, “Fine, we won’t do it if you don’t want to. Grandfather, Shaohui is really my biological son!”

“Rubbish!” The Old Master didn’t believe him. This grandson was prepared to do anything for this girl, and accepting a random kid as his biological son was perfectly within reason!

Xia Ling bent over and took little Shaohui’s hand in hers. “You guys can argue all you want. I’m going to bring my child home now.” Little Shaohui had finished all the hazelnuts and was rubbing his eyes sleepily. It was time for his nap.

“Don’t go…” Li Lei was at wits’ end. How was he going to salvage the situation?

Suddenly, the room door opened and another little boy crashed in. “Where is Ye Shaohui?” The child shouted out angrily. “Why are you stealing my father from me?!”

“Xiao Rui!” Su Tang called out.

The boy that had crashed in was Li Rui.

Li Rui was bored in the party earlier amidst all the adults and had snuck out to the little garden out front to have some snacks. He had just heard that his father had announced the presence of another son and felt extremely threatened. As such, he ran over to look for Shaohui.

Little Shaohui was walking down the steps from the tatami cushions.

Li Rui ran over and pushed him. “Who are you?! Why are you stealing my father?!”

“Aiya!” Little Shaohui was taken by surprise and slipped, falling on the hard wooden floor. His head hit the edge of the tatami stairs and blood started to flow.

“Shaohui!” Xia Ling anxiously ran over and carried the child in her arms.

“Let me take a look!” Li Lei grew anxious as well, running over to check on the injury. Thankfully, it was just a small cut in the corner of Shaohui’s forehead, and while it was starting to swell, it didn’t look too serious.

“It’s painful…” Little Shaohui whined.

Li Lei’s face darkened and said to Li Rui coldly, “Where are your manners? Is this how you treat your older brother?!”

“He’s not my older brother!” Li Rui screamed.

Li Lei turned and said to Su Tang, “Su Tang, I’ve never truly disciplined this child too much because I thought you would have your own way of educating your child into a fine gentleman. But now? How is he any different from a wild child?”

Su Tang’s face turned pale at Li Lei’s statement and lowered her head.

Li Lei had never truly cared about Li Rui’s education and discipline. Even if Li Rui went as far as burning a house down, he would merely ask, “Is Li Rui alright?” However, Li Rui had just given Shaohui a shove, causing Li Lei to become overcome with anger!

That b*tch Ye Xingling’s child was truly different to him!

Su Tang’s heart was filled with hatred.

Old Master Li scolded Li Lei. “Why are you scolding Xiao Rui?! He’s your son!”

The Old Master treasured family relationships, and since he had accepted Li Rui, he truly saw Li Rui as part of the family. He was prepared to shower Li Rui with all the worldly riches and dote on him… how could Li Lei scold him like that?

Li Lei didn’t relent. “No one can touch Shaohui.”

Old Master Li was furious. “Who knows if Shaohui is truly part of the Li Family?!” The Old Master Li was sure that the child had no relation to them given Xia Ling’s vehemence when it came to the DNA test.

Li Lei wanted to say something but heard a voice pipe up.

“Wow, what a commotion. What’s going on? Someone doesn’t want to accept his great-grandson?”

Everyone turned to look towards the door, where they saw a young man dressed in an Italian-style white shirt and a full suit, regarding them with a calm expression.

All the adults quietened down in the room.

“Preceptor… Xia!” Old Master Li was the first to snap back to his senses and acknowledge Xia Moyan respectfully.

Xia Moyan strolled over slowly like a silent wind from far out.

Xia Ling snapped at him. “What are you doing here?!” She didn’t recall sending her brother an invite to today’s event. Why was he suddenly interested in parties? If he were going to come, he should’ve arrived earlier! That would save her from having to argue with the Old Master Li for so long. He should’ve come to help her earlier!

Seeing the way Xia Ling was speaking to Xia Moyan, the Old Master was close to hysterics. Given all the fluster of activity today, he seemed to have forgotten that Xia Ling treated Xia Moyan in a similar fashion on the ship the last time they met.

“How rude!” The Old Master chided. “How can you treat the reverent Preceptor Xia so discourteously?”

Chapter 784: Compatible Backgrounds
Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Before Xia Ling could say anything else, a small shadow pranced towards Xia Moyan. “Uncle, uncle!”

Everyone looked down and saw little Shaohui hugging onto The Preceptor’s right leg, looking up at him smilingly.

Old Master Li was in shock. “What… what did you call The Preceptor?!”

“Uncle…” Little Shaohui answered matter-of-factly. He raised his hands up towards Xia Moyan. “Carry me, uncle.”

The Preceptor bent over and picked him up.

Old Master Li’s face turned into various shades of red. He didn’t realize that this problematic child was Xia Moyan’s nephew! Moving down the same line of logic… if this child was Xia Moyan’s nephew, then the child’s mother was…

“The Preceptor is your brother?” Old Master Li asked Xia Ling with a look of disbelief.

He suddenly understood why Xia Ling dared treat The Preceptor with so much disrespect, and why the distant Preceptor Xia was so close to her. No wonder she was so brazen!

Xia Ling smiled coldly and ignored Old Master Li.

The Preceptor glanced at Old Master Li and replied on her behalf. “Xiao Ling is my sister, but I don’t want this matter to be publicized.” Xia Ling’s destiny was slowly stabilizing. Hence, her true identity could be revealed within a small group but not be widely publicized.

As such, Xia Moyan decided to tell Old Master Li the truth but ask for him to keep the secret.

Cold sweat started to form on Old Master Li’s brows. What?! Did he hear Preceptor Xia wrong? How could this girl be The Preceptor’s sister? But The Preceptor was the one that confirmed her identity!

He looked from Xia Moyan to Xia Ling as if he was dreaming.

Xia Moyan continued lightly, “Also… I don’t like people shouting at Xiao Ling.” When he had entered the room earlier, he had heard Old Master Li berating Xia Ling. As a daughter of the Xia Family, Xiao Ling was to be respected, not scolded. If not for Li Lei, that old man would be dead by now.

Xia Moyan was not happy.

Old Master Li sensed his unhappiness and his face turned pale. “Yes, yes… I’m sorry, I was in the wrong.”

He looked at Xia Ling who was still wearing the lotus-colored chiffon dress, standing quietly by Li Lei’s side. The crystal chandelier’s light reflected off her face and she looked resplendent like cherry blossom trees. She was still the same person, but Old Master Li suddenly saw her in a new light. His animosity disappeared immediately. Who said that she couldn’t match up to his grandson?! They were a perfect match! Fully compatible!

His gaze was now kindly.

Su Tang was still in shock. Having grown up in the Li Family, she knew all the rumors about Preceptor Xia and knew what fortune it was to be associated with the Xia Family. Tons of people bragged about having spoken to The Preceptor before. And Ye Xingling? She was The Preceptor’s sister?!

How was that possible?!


No way…

Something was amiss here…

Su Tang piped up with her suspicions. “Miss Ye, isn’t your family name Ye? I remember that Miss Ye’s biological parents are normal citizens… how is it…”

She was subtle in revealing her suspicions.

At her words, the Old Master Li grew suspicious as well. He looked back at The Preceptor, waiting for an answer.

Xia Moyan couldn’t care less about explaining the details to these commoners. He asked Shaohui, “How did you get injured? I told you to take care of yourself when you left the mountains. Your mum is so silly, so you can’t depend on her. Have you forgotten what I said?”

Xia Ling shouted at Xia Moyan. “Who are you calling silly?!”

Little Shaohui glanced meekly at his mother, deciding that he shouldn’t be embroiled in this argument. He turned to Old Master Li and said, “I was raised by my uncle in the mountains before coming down to look for mummy.”

The Old Master Li drew his own conclusions from Shaohui’s explanation. When Ye Xingling lost Shaohui, he somehow was adopted by Preceptor Xia and was later returned to Ye Xingling. For the child, they must have decided to become sworn siblings. Ye Xingling was truly a lucky one! How unfortunate that they weren’t biological siblings…

How long would their relationship last?

He respectfully said to Xia Moyan, “Preceptor Xia, I’ve been looking for you for many years intending to get your help in altering Miss Ye’s fortune so that she won’t jinx my grandson, and so that they can be together happily.”

Before Xia Moyan could respond.

Xia Ling gave a cold huff. “Old Master, didn’t you say that I didn’t deserve to be with Li Lei?”

“He said that about you?” Xia Moyan piped up. “Then why do you still want to marry into the Li Family?”

“I…” Xia Ling was at a loss for words. In her bid to get back at the Old Master, she had forgotten her brother’s animosity towards the Li Family. Wouldn’t he be even more upset at them now? She turned towards Li Lei, silently asking for help.

Li Lei saw her helplessness through her eyes and took a step forward. “I’ll definitely marry Xiao Ling.”

“It’s none of your business.” Uncle Xia was truly upset. He carried little Shaohui and swept his gaze across the room, settling on Su Tang for a few seconds.

“You are Su Tang?” He asked.

“Yes.” Su Tang responded in trepidation. Was The Preceptor going to punish her for being at loggerheads with Xia Ling? She subconsciously clenched her fist.

Xia Moyan stared at her for a long time, and just as she was starting to tremble from the pressure, he looked away. He turned to regard Old Master Li, saying, “You like her as your granddaughter-in-law? Keep her then. Manage your grandson so he doesn’t cling onto my sister. I’m taking Shaohui away. He will never appear in front of you again.”

Before anyone could react, he carried Shaohui out of the room.

“Brother!” Xia Ling ran out to chase after him. Li Lei followed suit, but The Preceptor was too fast for them and disappeared from their sight.

Old Master Li, Su Tang, and Li Rui came out of the room as well.

Li Rui came back to his senses and started to cry from the tenseness in the room earlier. “I don’t like him! I don’t like him!”

As he cried, he stamped his foot on the ground.

Old Master Li said sternly to Su Tang, “Get someone to take Li Rui home! This child needs to be disciplined! How can he just injure another person like that?!” He had injured the child that Preceptor Xia had raised. If The Preceptor were to pin the blame on the Li Family, they would be in trouble!

Old Master Li added as an afterthought, “Lock him up for a few days to reflect on his actions!”

Su Tang was upset but could not defy the Old Master.

Chapter 785: Don’t Have to Do a DNA Test
Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Xia Ling was unhappy for having lost her brother.

She took out her unhappiness on Li Lei, hitting him several times on the chest with her clenched fist. “It’s all your fault!”

Li Lei nodded. “Yes, yes, yes. It’s all my fault.”

“What is your fault?” Xia Ling wouldn’t let the matter rest.

Li Lei was taken aback. “My fault for…” How would he know why was it his fault?! He was just trying to placate his wife when he accepted the blame. He felt really wronged!

Xia Ling started to hit him again. “You’re just humoring me!”

Li Lei said, “Yes, yes, I was humoring… Oh no… why would I be humoring you?!”

Xia Ling snapped. “You’re humoring me again!”

Li Lei was close to tears.

Just as he was contemplating what exactly he had to shoulder the blame for, he heard Old Master Li clear his throat. “Miss Ye, I was in the wrong earlier. Please forgive an old man for being ignorant.”

Li Lei frowned. “Grandfather, we’re family. You can cut the nonsense and just be sure to treat Xiao Ling like she’s your granddaughter. We can resolve all the differences.”

Xia Ling wanted to say something but caught herself on account of Li Lei.

She disliked this old man, but he was still Li Lei’s grandfather. She didn’t want Li Lei to be caught in the middle.

The Old Master said to her, “Next time, your problems are all the Li Family’s problems.” Since The Preceptor regarded her as his sister, then Old Master Li thought that accepting her as his granddaughter-in-law was the right thing to do, regardless of whether they were biological siblings.

How many wealthy families wanted to have a relationship with the Xia Family? This was a fortune that would keep him smiling in his dreams.

With regards to Xia Ling being a jinx? Since The Preceptor had accepted her as his sister, there must be a way to alter her fortune. There was no reason for him to continue to object to the marriage that his grandson wanted so much for.

Seeing his change in attitude, Xia Ling was well aware of what the Old Master’s considerations were.

Unfortunately… “Since you dislike Shaohui so much, even if I wanted to marry Li Lei, I still wouldn’t.” She sighed in mock resignation. She lashed out at Li Lei again. “It’s all your fault! Why did you go anger my brother?! If he doesn’t like you, why would he agree to our marriage?!”

Li Lei tried to placate her. “I’ll go look for brother and apologize.”

“Who’s your brother?!” Xia Ling shouted at him. “Return my son to me!” Boohoohoo, her brother had taken little Shaohui away in his anger. She didn’t know when she would be able to see Shaohui again. She was already missing him.

Li Lei was also missing Shaohui as he weakly responded, “We’ll get Shaohui back.”

Xia Ling was not convinced. Did he think that he could beat her brother in a fight, or that he would be able to verbally convince her brother to return Shaohui? Boohoohoo, her brother was a tyrant… the big boss villain in computer games. She thought about it for a moment before taking out her mobile and ringing Xia Moyan. “Xia Moyan, return my son to me!” She screamed into the phone.

Xia Moyan said something on the other end of the line.

Xia Ling hung up, her face ashen.

“What did brother say?” Li Lei nervously asked.

“Who’s your brother?!” Xia Ling shouted at Li Lei again, before saying in an unhappy tone, “My brother said that since we don’t want little Shaohui, he will keep him. He’ll care for Shaohui in the Xia Family and won’t ever let the Old Master see him.”

Li Lei felt depressed.

He knew that his brother-in-law was a man of his word.

Xia Ling was upset as well. “Isn’t he horrible? Even if he doesn’t want to let the Old Master see Shaohui, he can just send the Old Master out of the country! Why did he have to take Shaohui back home? Now, even I can’t see Shaohui!”

Old Master Li was speechless. Hey… I’m not dead yet.

As Su Tang glanced over at the Old Master’s dark expression, her heart dropping a little. After realizing Xia Ling’s identity, the Old Master’s attitude towards her had had a 180-degree shift. He was so nice to her that it was too much. Look here now, Xia Ling had said something so disrespectful to him and he wasn’t even going to chide her about it.

Su Tang felt that things were getting out of hand and piped up softly. “The Xia Family is a powerful family indeed, but they can’t just treat us like that. They are taking Shaohui away just because we’ve suggested a DNA test? We don’t know if he’s truly part of the Li Family bloodline yet. We can’t take this matter lightly.”

While Xia Ling was prepared to put up with Old Master Li for Li Lei’s sake, that didn’t mean that she was going to put up with Su Tang. She glared at Su Tang and gave a cold laugh. “Yes, we can’t take matters of the child’s bloodline lightly. Miss Su, didn’t you think about that as well when you chose to have Li Rui?”

Her words were like a needle piercing Su Tang’s heart.

Su Tang knew that Li Lei would tell Xia Ling the truth, but hearing Xia Ling say it still hurt her. Originally, she had thought that Xia Ling was like her in that Shaohui was not Li Lei’s biological son, but now it appeared that Xia Ling’s child was indeed Li Lei’s. Wasn’t that just putting Su Tang in a bad position?

Su Tang lowered her head with a face pale.

The Old Master Li said in Su Tang’s defense, “Miss Ye, Su Tang is Xiao Lei’s savior. The acceptance of that child is repayment for what she did for the Li Family. Be magnanimous and don’t take it to heart!” He was still fond of Su Tang and wouldn’t leave her in the lurch. Xia Ling might be The Preceptor’s sister, but what had she done for Li Lei and the Li family?! All she did was to create a lot of problems for them these few years!

Even though he was going to accept Xia Ling into the family, deep down he was still more fond of Su Tang.

Su Tang’s predicament was such a pity… it was such a pity that she couldn’t compare to Xia Ling in terms of family background.

The heavens were playing a joke on him. After all that happened these years, his grandson was still going to be together with that girl.

Seeing the Old Master take Su Tang’s side, Xia Ling couldn’t resist but say, “Old Master, Miss Su here clearly doesn’t believe that Shaohui is the biological child of Li Lei and myself. It’s alright, regardless of whether you guys believe it or not, Shaohui’s identity is not going to change. It’s fine even if I can’t marry into the Li family my whole life!”

Li Lei said, “Grandfather, Shaohui is really my son. There’s no mistake whatsoever. I’m not going to let Xiao Ling and the child do another DNA test. I believe them. Even if the whole Li family doesn’t accept it, Shaohui is still my biological son. He’s going to be my only bloodline in this life.”

Xiao Ling could no longer conceive, and he wasn’t going to get together with anybody else.

Shaohui was his only precious son.

Su Tang’s face was pale. “I’m sorry, Li Lei, Miss Ye. I’m sorry for making you angry… I… I was just thinking for the Li Family.”

Li Lei looked at her sternly. “Don’t even talk about the DNA test ever again.”

Su Tang bit her lip and nodded.

Old Master Li said, “Fine, don’t do the DNA test. I believe that Shaohui is of the Li Family bloodline.” He had initially thought that Xia Ling was lying about Shaohui’s identity to marry into the Li Family. But The Preceptor’s appearance had overturned the Old Master’s hypothesis. If she had the Xia Family backing her, why would she need to bother about lying about the identity of her child?

Shaohui had to be Li Lei’s son.

With that thought, his urgency to see his great-grandson emerged again. “Where did The Preceptor bring the child to? I was too disrespectful earlier… let me go look for him to apologize and bring the child back.”

Chapter 786: Unreasonable and Inhumane
Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Xia Ling also wanted to take her child, but her brother refused.

She lightly shook her head. “When Shaohui comes back is up to my brother’s emotions.”

The night’s banquet came to a close in a somewhat dampened mood. The guests left. Li Lei said goodbye to Old Master Li and Su Tang and drove his modified off-road car to send Xia Ling home.

In the middle of the night, the breeze was cool and the sky was full of stars.

The off-road car stopped in front of the gate of Xia Ling’s villa and the two of them got off the car.

Xia Ling opened the low fence and walked into the fragrant small garden in the front yard. Li Lei gently hugged her from the other side of the fence. “Xiao Ling, don’t worry.” He said, “The child will come back.”

She smiled bitterly. “Yes.”

She didn’t know when her brother’s anger would subside and agree to let her have her child back. With a heavy heart, she walked down the hallway and opened the main door. The elderly maid stood at the doorway and greeted her with a warm yellow light. “Welcome home, miss. Where is young master?”

“He won’t come back for the time being.” Xia Ling lightly said.

Looking over the maid’s shoulder, she realized that the large living room was cold and empty. Without her child’s laughter, even the toy gun on the table seemed lonely.

She also remembered that the toy gun was a gift to Shaohui from Li Lei.

As if she were possessed, she stopped in her footsteps. She turned around at the doorway to look at the man behind her. He continued to stand outside the fence and stared at her quietly.

The bleak evening wind blew his formal evening suit, but his expression was warm.

Suddenly, she asked, “Do you want to come in for a cup of tea?”

The man was slightly startled, but his eyes lit up.

Ever since she came back to China, Xiao Ling stopped inviting him over for tea. She was hurt too badly and was always in a dilemma about whether she should accept his feelings. Recently, thanks to Shaohui, she realized her inner feelings.

He smiled and said, “Sure.” Before she helped him open the gate, he already walked past the fully scented garden and stood firmly in front of her elegantly.

Xia Ling laughed. This man was so old yet still acted like a child.

Two of them entered the living room and sure enough, she asked a servant to brew tea for him. However, he said, “How about I make a cocktail for you? I haven’t made a cocktail for you in so long.”

Xia Ling said, “I just drank so much just now during the banquet.”

“But those weren’t made by me.”

Xia Ling accommodated him.

In high spirits, he went to her wine cabinet, selected a few kinds of alcohol she liked and skillfully mixed them together in a slender goblet. With the scent of blooming flowers in the eye, it was a charming sight.

She took the cocktail and tasted it.

“It has a very special taste. I’ve never tried it before.”

“I invented it for you.” Li Lei smiled. “I’ve given it a name: The Beautiful Woman.”

She swayed and was a little tipsy. “Please.”

He smiled. “In my heart, you’re a beautiful woman.” After that, he reached out and took her into his arms. Resting his chin on her soft hair, he said, “Xiao Ling, I’m really happy today. Do you know how happy I am that we can announce that Shaohui is our son to the world?”

She was a little tired, so she assumed a comfortable position in his arms. “That’s not strange. Men are always very happy when they find out that they have a son.”

“That’s because he’s our son.” He lowered his head and gently kissed her.

“Don’t try to appease me.” She did not believe him.

He did not answer and planted a row of kisses on her. Like a feather, he brushed his lips across her eyebrows and ended it with a deep kiss on her lips. He kissed her until she was out of breath. “Li Lei…”

“How long have I not touched you?” His voice became hoarse and he wrapped his hands around her waist.

She protested. “You…” However, her mind seemed to lag behind. She did not know if it was because of the alcohol, but she was a little muddle-headed. How long exactly had he not touched her? Four or five years?

Even when they went to Blissful Paradise and did many master and slave activities, he knew that she was not in the mood so he did not touch her.

So many years had passed…

Thinking about the last time things got heated, her face turned red and her heart soared.

“Can’t you remember?” He mumbled and kissed her earlobe. “How about we do it again tonight?”

“No… How about no…” Her breathing was unsteady and she was a little embarrassed. It was really strange. She already had a child with him, but every time he came close, she always became helpless.

Li Lei laughed lowly. He really liked seeing her face turn red.

He reached out to take off her dress and his movements were very gentle.

Xia Ling went completely soft under his domineering touch and glared at him weakly. “You… You stop it…”

Not stopping, he placed a finger on her cherry blossom lips. “Young lady, do you know the consequences of inviting a man into your home to drink tea in the middle of the night?”

She rebuked. “You jerk…”

“Yes, I am a big jerk.” He cackled delightedly and leaned over to continue what he had started.

They had a romantic night indeed.

The next day, Xia Ling woke up with a backache and only felt as if her bones were about to fall apart.

She resisted her splitting headache from her hangover and got out of bed. Wait, get out of bed? Didn’t she sleep on the sofa in the living room downstairs last night? Last night… What exactly happened last night?

The memories flooded back to her bit by bit. She remembered that glass of unscrupulous alcohol, Big Boss’ body head and…

Suddenly, her face turned hot and she covered her face in embarrassment. Oh god, how could she sleep with him so easily? This was absurd and he was inhumane! She sighed and got out of bed. She promised to restrain herself and stand up for her and Shaohui after Big Boss ditched them. She promised herself that she would make Big Boss wait in agony as he chased after her. Oh, Xia Ling. How could you forget all your grievances just because someone made a cocktail for you! Are you an idiot?

She secretly cursed at herself and then cursed Big Boss Li. It really hurt. Li Lei, you… You have never been so harsh before! Are you a dog or a human?!

With tears in her eyes, she groaned as she took a shower and changed her clothes.

Filled with resentment, she went downstairs. She heard some noise from the kitchen and a servant greeted her. “Miss, Mr. Li is in the kitchen preparing your breakfast. He said that you love fresh cabbage and, to preserve its original taste, he specially prepared a morning salad dressing for you that you can’t buy outside.”

Xia Ling’s legs went soft. Who cared about some salad dressing?

“Quickly make that jerk leave.” She whispered. “I don’t want to see him.”

“I heard that… you are trying to chase me away?” Behind her, that jerk’s playful yet somewhat dangerous voice was heard.

Chapter 787: Going Out to Buy Candies
Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Xia Ling was taken aback and spun around.

She saw that Li Lei was wearing a robe and his muscular chest was slightly revealed. He was holding a spatula in his hand, be the way he held it looked like he was holding a scepter. In the morning light, he smiled and faintly said, “After last night, you have to be responsible for me.”

Her face turned redder and she glanced subtly at the maid.

Why was this man such a loud talker? The servant was still there!

The elderly maid closed her mouth slightly and silently smiled. How good it was to be young. They could even engage in outrageous activities like roleplaying as master and slave. They were as sweet as honey. Knowing that it was a delicate situation, she said, “Miss Ye and Mr. Li, I will go to the backyard to water the plants. Please carry on with your conversation.” After that, she left.

Li Lei walked up and hugged Xia Ling.

“Did you sleep well?” He asked.

Once he mentioned it, she realized that her body was aching and even her bones felt like they were about to break. She glared at him angrily. “Why don’t you try it for yourself?”

Without good intentions, he smiled. “Sure, we can try it again tonight.”

Only then did she realize that she said something wrong and hit him in her anger. However, as she did not use enough strength, he barely felt anything.

Li Lei said rather lovingly, “After breakfast, I remember that you have to work today?”

When she opened her schedule and read it, she was thoroughly unwell. Today, she had to go to the studio to film a music video—a very physically taxing activity. Considering her body’s current situation, it was hard to stand straight, not to mention changing costumes and moving around with props… Xia Ling felt that her entire world turned grey.

“It’s all your fault!” She was very unhappy and couldn’t even eat her breakfast. “Changling Studio’s schedule is always very tight. If we don’t film this today, I don’t know when we will be able to get the venue again.” She lightly bit her cherry red lips until there was some blood. “I have no choice but to go today.”

Li Lei was very satisfied with the results of last night. He wanted to drain all of her energy so that she would not run away with another man. However, he only thought it to himself silently. If he said that out, Xia Ling would definitely fall out with him. He coughed and tried to appease her. “That’s simple. I’ll get the driver to send us there. I’ll accompany you and massage you on the way.”

Xia Ling thought about it and felt that this was the only way, so she nodded dejectedly.

Big Boss was elated. He could be close and touch Xiao Ling again. Truth be told, her skin felt really nice to touch, and he was impatient for night time to come again.

He attentively served Xia Ling breakfast. After that, the two of them got on the car.

The backseat of the modified off-road car was very spacious. Xia Ling softly laid on the backseat and Big Boss touched her using the excuse of massaging her. However, it was really quite comfortable…


Xia Ling fell into the enemy’s hands.

In this half-asleep state, she reached the filming studio. Big Boss helped her get off the car.

Today, they were shooting a music video in cooperation with Feng Kun. She was acquainted with everyone, including the producers and directors. On the way, they greeted Xia Ling and nodded at Li Lei. They all heard about yesterday’s sensational news. It turned out that Xia Ling’s son who was born many years ago was Li Lei’s. It was very difficult for the family of three to reunite.

Some people congratulated them.

Even the director Jin Yifei came over to visit. Once he came in, he shouted, “Sister-in-law, congratulations! You’re finally officially with Brother Li. Where is my nephew? Quickly let me see him.”

Xia Ling laughed. “Who is your sister-in-law?”

Jin Yifei cheekily said, “Li Lei is my brother, so of course you’re my sister-in-law. Why didn’t you bring your son over to the studio to play? Quickly give us the wedding candies. After announcing such huge news, you should give us some candies.”

Xia Ling laughed. Jin Yifei was really skillful at this. No matter the occasion, he could always make things lively. At the venue, many people started cheering with him. “Give us the candy, Sister Xia Ling!”

She was now a Diva. Although she was young, even people who were of higher positions had to call her “sister.”

She smiled, took out a nameless credit card from her bag, and threw it to the small clerk nearby. “Go and buy some candies.”

The small clerk acknowledged and quickly left.

The assistant directed her to the dressing room. After her makeup was done, she changed into her costume for the shoot and found out that the small clerk was not back yet. “Why is he so slow? Quickly look for someone to chase him.” She said.

Just as she spoke, the curtains that were temporarily set up were torn apart. A tall figure walked over.

The whole scene fell silent.

She looked up and saw Pei Ziheng against the light. He was wearing a suit and had a bag of candies in his hand.

Beside him, the clerk looked like he was about to cry and apologized. “Sister Xia Ling, I didn’t mean to do this…” Pei Ziheng was too overbearing and snatched his candies away without warning.

Xia Ling put down the makeup bag in her hand.

Li Lei stood up from the resting chair and stood in front of her protectively.

“Get lost.” Pei Ziheng was as cold as the depths of hell. His gaze was fixed on Xia Ling’s body.

Li Lei sneered. “Pei Ziheng, did you wander to the wrong place?”

Only then did Pei Ziheng divert his gaze to him. He lifted the bag of candies and dropped it on the floor. Immediately, the colorful candies spilled out. “Are you very happy about your son’s identity being revealed?” His low voice made people shudder.

Only then did everyone realize that when Xia Ling revealed the child’s identity, she also revealed that “Pei Shaohui” was not Pei Ziheng’s biological son. To a man, this was an enormous insult, and even ordinary men would go crazy in this situation, let alone Pei Ziheng.

Li Lei refused to give in. “At the start, you used a despicable way to steal Xiao Ling from me. You’re very happy about that too, right? Pei Ziheng, don’t forget. This child was never yours, to begin with.”

The crowd paid close attention and understood what Big Boss Li meant. There was more to the story? They all looked curiously as the intense situation unfolded. Jin Yifei, especially, wished that something violent would happen.

Unfortunately, Pei Ziheng did not answer.

His eyes were like an abyss as he looked at Xia Ling. “That year, you begged me to keep your child and now you’re treating me like this?” She did not know how much pressure he withstood from his family because of her. He did not care about any of that. Now, he only cared about her betrayal.

In the eyes of the public, Xia Ling did not retreat. “Pei Ziheng, I gave you a chance.” She did not say anything else. If it weren’t for the Blissful Paradise incident, why would things turn so ugly?

Initially, this matter could be solved using another way.

Chapter 788: I Will Give You An Explanation
Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Pei Ziheng looked at her for a long time.

He spat out one sentence. “You still owe me.”

Xia Ling felt as if a thorn was lodged in her heart. She remembered that when she was younger, he held her hand and brought her out of the orphanage. He promised her a happy life. Who would’ve thought that this would happen?

In the end, they gradually grew distant.

She took a few steps forward, stood beside her beloved man, and looked up at Pei Ziheng. “We were already done a long time ago.” After that, she held Li Lei firmly and decisively.

Pei Ziheng’s gaze fell on their interlocked hands. With a mysterious expression, he left.

Everyone knew that this was not the end. Pei Ziheng was not the type of person to let go of people easily. Perhaps his anger just now was enough to eliminate everyone.

Many staff members were brought over by Feng Kun and they all belonged to Imperial Entertainment. At this time, as they looked at their chairman walk out in a depressed mood, they couldn’t help but ask Feng Kun worriedly, “Producer Feng, are we still going to continue the shoot?”

“Of course! Why would we stop it?” His voice was calm and stable.

He knew their concerns. The Pei Family was notorious for seeking revenge for the smallest grievance. Especially Pei Ziheng, who ensured that those who offended him suffered. However, Xia Ling was different. She was the only one who could challenge his authority and continue to live a good life. She was special.

Feng Kun clapped his hands. “Everyone, disperse to do your jobs.”

The crowd then left in all directors like wild animals and returned back to their jobs.

The venue props were prepared. Xia Ling arrived at the venue wearing a gorgeous dress. She faced the camera and the shoot began. Perhaps it was the small squabble she had just now, but she just couldn’t calm down. She was very irritated and could not get into the state for shooting. After the director shouted for the fourth time, she said, “I’m sorry. I need to take a break.”

Phoenix Down Corporation was hers, and she was also the investor.

If the person who was paying them wanted to rest, who would dare to defy her?

The director cooperated and paused the shooting for a while. He even thoughtfully asked someone to give her mineral water.

Xia Ling took it and went to rest in a quiet, unoccupied corner. Her mind was in a mess. This was incredulous to her because she usually could transition into a serious state for shooting.

She took a sip of water.

“Xiao Ling.” A man walked towards her and knelt down.

She turned around and saw Li Lei’s face close to hers. “I’m in a bad mood.” Before she could think, she blurted this out, and even she was shocked.

Li Lei’s voice was very gentle. “Because of Pei Ziheng?”

She lowered her eyes and stared at the small label on the mineral water for a long time before saying, “Shaohui suffered too much in Blissful Paradise. Your grandpa, Pei Ziheng… This was the cause of two conspirators, and they did not receive any punishment.”

Li Lei’s eyes darkened. Was that why Xiao Ling was upset?

“Actually…” He hesitated for a while before saying, “Didn’t you notice that Pei Ziheng was walking a little strangely? I hired people to beat him up, and he’s not fully recovered yet from the broken bones.” After finding out that Pei Ziheng colluded with Old Master Li to harm Shaohui, Li Lei did not hesitate. He wanted to look for Pei Ziheng personally and beat him up himself.

However, he was worried that Xia Ling would be worried, so he did not tell her about it.

Even though he was speaking now, he did not tell her that he was the one who did it and pushed the responsibility on his subordinates.

He was very harsh and Pei Ziheng did not hold back either. Although he broke Pei Ziheng’s bones, he suffered some serious injuries and was still in a little pain.

Xia Ling was surprised. “You hired people to beat him up?”

Li Lei was a little embarrassed. “I initially wanted to dislocate one of his hands, but I was worried that you would feel sorry for him.”

Xia Ling replied, “You should’ve done it!”

Li Lei nodded. “Then I will fight with him again. This time, I won’t make any concessions.”

Xia Ling sighed. “Forget it. I’m not being serious.” Although she hated Pei Ziheng, she couldn’t bear to break his hand or leg when it came to seeking revenge. She still felt indebted to him because he adopted her and was her life savior for a long time. Hate and love were too entangled in this situation.

Unconsciously, she tightened her grip around the mineral water bottle. “So what if you just remove one of his hands? Pei Ziheng never cared about something like that.” He was cruel towards others but worse to himself. He was a cruel devil-like man that could not be defeated by a few injuries.

Li Lei said, “I thought so too.”

She fell silent. Her heart was empty and she was filled with resentment that she did not know how to vent.

Li Lei looked at her warmly. “Xiao Ling, you have to be happy. Your happiness is the best revenge.”

Xia Ling was startled. Wasn’t that true? If she could be happy after leaving that demon and not even look at him again, it was probably that man’s worst nightmare…

She would be happy.

And get the best revenge possible.

However, she was in low spirits. She understood why she was uneasy. For a long time, she and Shaohui endured hardship and made compromises while the people who pushed her to this extent lived peacefully. Every one of them was rich and healthy.

She turned around and asked Li Lei, “What about your grandpa? After harming Shaohui, do you think he can be let off?”

Li Lei remembered those days when they were on the cruise. Shaohui couldn’t sleep well at night. He did not let others turn the light off and stuck to him in fear… Such a small child had so many nightmares and endured so much pain.

“I will give you an explanation for this.” Li Lei said.

“What explanation?” Xia Ling said with flagging interest. “Make him apologize? Do you think an understatement of an apology can make up for the danger and scars? Li Lei, he’s your grandpa. I don’t believe you can break his limbs.”

Li Lei replied, “It won’t just be an apology.”

She lifted her head and looked at him.

However, he did not answer her doubts. He only touched her soft hair. “Just wait and see.”

Somewhat unwillingly, she nodded. However, her heart was still empty. She started to think of her child again. She missed that small figure. Was he doing alright living with his uncle? When exactly could she take her child home from his uncle’s home?

With a head full of thoughts, her next shoots were not very smooth. However, with the experience that she accumulated over the years, she completed the job at a high level.

When it was time to wrap up, Feng Kun said to her, “Xiao Ling, you need to rest well.”

She replied, “I know.”

She got on Li Lei’s car and he drove her back to her villa.

Seeing that she was in a bad mood, he stayed in the villa to accompany her. They ate dinner together and went to bed. This time, nothing happened except for the fact that she slept peacefully in his arms. With her head on his chest, she listened to his strong yet calm heartbeat and drifted off to sleep.

When she woke up the next day, the servant was knocking on the door. “Miss Ye and Mr. Li, Old Master Li is here.”

Chapter 789: The Li Family Changed
Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Old Master Li? Why was he here?

Xia Ling was filled with questions and raised her head from Li Lei’s naked chest. “I don’t want to see him.”

Li Lei reached out and stroked her soft hair. His black hair shined in the morning light with a fascinating luster. He warmly said, “I will see him. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to appear.”

She nodded and watched as he got up, wore a robe, and went downstairs.

She tossed and turned on the bed for some time. Initially, she wanted to go back to sleep, but no matter what, her mind was just occupied by what was going on downstairs. After hesitating for some time, she sighed and gave up. She got up, took a shower, applied makeup, and made herself look flawless before she walked downstairs wearing the latest dress of the season.

Li Lei and Old Master Li were in the tea room together.

The Japanese styled paneled door was slightly ajar.

She heard Old Master Li’s voice. “That’s our ancestral purple jade bracelet. Only the mistress of the Li Family is worthy of wearing it. I’ve brought it here. Give it to her and tell her that the Li Family is willing to accept her.”

Li Lei’s voice was low and deep. “It’s too late, grandpa. If you took the bracelet out before we boarded the Blissful Paradise cruise, Xiao Ling would be really happy. She is a soft-hearted girl, and you don’t know how happy she would’ve been if you treated her well then… However, she’s also a very fragile girl. Once she’s hurt, it’s very difficult for her to get over it. She won’t accept this bracelet.”

Xia Ling stopped in her footsteps. She stood at the doorway and listened to their conversation quietly.

Old Master Li’s voice was somewhat hoarse. “You know that I never cared about her status. When I was choosing your wife, I only cared about her personality. Based on this, Ye Xingling can never match up to Su Tang. If she isn’t willing to marry into the Li Family, it’s fine. She’s the one unwilling, so Preceptor Xia can’t blame us. You would be happy after getting Shaohui back and marrying that girl as your wife.”

Old Master really did not care about family status.

After learning about their relationship and The Preceptor, he was overjoyed and thought of the enormous benefits that would come if the Li Family and the Xia Family were united by marriage. However, after calming down, he was afraid. He was on bad terms with Xia Ling, and that girl did not look nice to mess with. In the future, she could ask her family to destroy the Li Family with just a word.

That sort of possibility was too terrifying.

Now that Old Master was willing to let Xia Ling marry into the family, he had to worry more about the revenge of the Xia Family than ever.

If Xia Ling was unwilling to marry into his family, the Xia Family could not find any fault with him. Wasn’t that something to be happy about?

Outside, Xia Ling understood Old Master’s intentions. Years passed by coldly. She did not expect that after seeing close friends and family stab each other in the back, she would have to witness it again.

She did not hear the rest of the conversation. She silently walked away.

When Li Lei sent Old Master Li away, he saw her on the swing in the yard.

Wearing a light pink dress, she was drenched in sunlight. Holding the ivy-covered handrails with her white fingers, she swayed like a butterfly and looked lost in her thoughts.

Li Lei called her. “Xiao Ling.”

As if she suddenly returned to reality from her deep thoughts, she turned around and looked at them.

Old Master Li took a few steps forward and spoke in a genial tone. “Miss Ye, I’m very sorry for coming over and disturbing you early in the morning. I brought over a gift. Xiao Lei will hand it to you later.”

Xia Ling did not want to talk to him. Faintly, she responded. “I’m a little tired.”

After being in charge of the Li Family for so many years, he never experienced the cold-shoulder before. He almost shot her a murderous look. However, Li Lei was sharp and noticed it, so he quickly went up to separate them. He smiled as if nothing happened and said, “Grandpa, be careful on your way back. I will find some time to visit you.”

Old Master look at his grandson deeply. Slowly, the unkind expression on his face faded.

After living for so long, he knew when it was time to endure. He took a deep breath and his kind tone was restored. He urged his grandson. “Take care of Miss Ye.”

Li Lei acknowledged him and watched as Old Master Li walked out the fence door of the villa.

Xia Ling continued to sit on the swing unhappily.

Li Lei reached out and helped her push the swing lightly. “Xiao Ling, you’ve suffered a grievance. Grandpa is the head of the family and has to consider how the marriage of his grandson will affect the family. He did not target you on purpose.”

Only then did she raise her head and slowly said, “You knew that I was outside?”

He chuckled. “If I didn’t cover it up, grandpa would have known. Xiao Ling, don’t do something so dangerous in the future. In the eyes of a veteran in battle, the way you tried to eavesdrop was child’s play.”

She glared at him. “This is my home.”

“Yes, this is your home.” He pushed her swing gently again. “In the future, the entire Li Family will become your home.”

She looked at the tree a short distance away. The green leaves sparkled in the golden sunlight. Out of spite, she said, “I won’t marry into the Li Family.” She was not willing to degrade herself to that extent by marrying into a family who looked at her with disdain. That would be lowering herself and it would bring shame to her family.

However, Li Lei said, “There’s no rush. I will wait until the day you are willing.”

Unexpectedly, the day she was willing came very soon.

After Old Master Li visited the villa, Xia Ling recorded music and finished her jobs as usual. When she was bored, she called her brother and asked to bring Shaohui over. After being ruthlessly denied, she took her anger out on Li Lei. Hitting Li Lei when she was eating or sleeping became a common occurrence.

Li Lei gladly endured the hardship and smiled as she took advantage of him.

It was to the extent that she even forgot that he was a big boss who could make people shudder with his authority. She did not ask what he was busy with because she was also very busy. In order to rush for a job or a concert, she would disappear for ten days.

Suddenly, on one day when she participated in a commercial shoot, she overheard the staff discussing something. “Big news! Big news! The internal structure of the Li Family has changed. Old Master Li Shanhe stepped down and gave his position to his grandson Li Lei! This is revolutionary!”

In shock, she pulled the staff over and asked, “What’s going on?!”

The staff looked at her and was more shocked than her. He stuttered. “Miss… Ye… You don’t know about this? The news said that Old Master Li and Second Young Master Li had a ceremonial ritual at the headquarters yesterday. Since then, Old Master Li is no longer the head of the Li Family. The true head of the family is now Second Young Master Li Lei!”

Chapter 790: Picking You Up in a Helicopter
Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

The news was too sudden, making her dumbfounded.

After not seeing him for a few days, how did Li Lei win the authority of the Li Family and become its new head? She went to the island where the headquarters was and knew what kind of terrifying weapons and heavily armed guards were employed there. Despite this, Li Lei seized the power of the headquarters in such a short amount of time?!

Her heartbeat was a little irregular. What kind of man was the person she was in love with?

Just as she was lost in her thoughts, a staff member suddenly ran towards her. Holding his knees and gasping for air, he said, “Miss… Ye… Something big has happened. Quickly go out and take a look!”

She did not know what was going on, so she left with the staff member and arrived at the high steps of the performance hall. Immediately, they were dazzled by the scene outside. On the large square, a beautiful white helicopter was parked. The propellers made a roaring sound. A handsome man, who was as good looking as the world’s top model, stood beside the helicopter holding a large bouquet of roses and was flashing her a vibrant smile.

He was followed by several bodyguards which were all tall and muscular.

Further away, the area was cordoned off. There were many journalists and fans gathered outside. They raised their cameras and mobile phones and crazily took photos of them.

“Li Lei.” She smiled and whispered.

The man holding the roses climbed up the white marble steps and stood in front of her.

She looked at him. The sunlight fell on him, giving his body a warm golden tint.

Li Lei placed the flowers in her hand and gently kissed her forehead. In a magnetic voice, he said, “I’m here to bring you home.”

Her eyelashes fluttered like a butterfly’s wings. “Home?”

He stopped talking, held her hand, and walked down the steps. Behind the cordoned area, the sounds of cameras clicking and screams became crazier. Not only did they not disperse, but the fans also started cheering for them hysterically. “Ye Xingling! Li Lei! Ye Xingling! Li Lei!”

She and he were in the center of the crowd just like a prince and princess in a fairytale.

A teenage girl said to her friend with a dreamy expression, “It’s really a helicopter. Ye Xingling is so lucky. Her beloved man flew a helicopter to pick her up. If only I could have a boyfriend like him.”

Her friend was also very envious. “Unfortunately, meeting someone like Second Young Master Li requires luck. He’s already the most powerful Chinese leader of the triad and comes from the Italian mafia. How many men are like him? Only a woman like Xiao Ling is worthy of him.”

The two girls sighed. Like the other fans, they watched as they got on the helicopter.

The helicopter slowly took off and headed towards the sky.

Xia Ling sat in the helicopter but did not forget to wave to the crowd from the glass window. Her smile was as sweet as the blooming of the first flower and her crystal beaded dress that she did not have time to change made her beauty stand out even more. At this moment, many girls envied her. If they could live such a happy life and have such a devoted boyfriend, they would die without regrets.

The helicopter finally vanished into the sky.

Only then did Xia Ling stop waving from the window. She took off her high heels in an unladylike manner and walked barefoot on the soft, thick wool carpet in the helicopter.

“I’m deadbeat.” She complained. “Why didn’t you call before coming? I haven’t even changed yet.”

“What you’re wearing is great.” Li Lei, the pilot, smiled. “I wanted to give you a surprise.”

She rubbed her feet. When she looked down, she saw a trace of blood. Her heel was hurt by the high heels. These shoes were meant for the performance and were not comfortable. When she was on stage, she already felt her feet hurting. Initially, she wanted to change them for the next round of performances, but unexpectedly, she was sent 30,000 feet above the ground by him.

She found a tissue in her bag and wiped the blood away.

She did not tell him that her feet were hurt. At this time, she had to satisfy her curiosity first. “I don’t know if I like it, but I sure am shocked. How did you manage to suddenly take over the whole family?”

Li Lei skillfully maneuvered the helicopter. “I said before that I would give you an explanation.”

She was startled again and finally remembered that in the past few days, she was depressed and grievously asked why the people who hurt Shaohui were not punished… It turned out that he always remembered to get even for them.

This was his explanation.

Li Lei did not turn around and continued to say, “Now, I am in control of the Li Family. They will listen to my orders and no longer hurt you. I will take you back to the headquarters to let everyone know that you are my most beloved woman.”

She was silent.

He flew the plane for a while and noticed something wrong. “What is it?” He asked.

Finally, she said, “It’s nothing. I am… very happy.” She would be lying if she said she was unhappy. This man was willing to do so much for her to ensure that she and their son would be safe in the future. This was really something to be happy about. However, she had a bad experience on the island of the headquarters before…

The last time she went there, they all rejected her vehemently. Would they accept her this time?

As if he saw her concerns, Li Lei said, “You are my woman and the mistress of the island.”

Mistress of the island? She forced a smile but was still nervous.

The helicopter landed on the familiar yet foreign island.

Just like the previous time, it was surrounded by green trees. Sea breeze blew against the castle, which was mysterious and majestic.

The only difference was,

She became even more anxious.

When Li Lei landed the helicopter, the subordinates had already lined up on the tarmac.

Li Lei did not open the door of the helicopter but said to her, “Xiao Ling, don’t be afraid. This time the security is very tight because I just took over as head of the family. It will be better in a few days.”

She nodded.

Only then did he open the rear hatch. He went out first and turned around to help her.

She was a little unsteady as she tried to stand on the wool carpet and her bruises were exposed in front of him. He slightly frowned and decided to carry her instead. He carefully lifted her light body and carried her out of the helicopter.

Under the subordinate’s gazes, her face suddenly became red.

“Let me down.” She whispered and did not dare to look around.

From the apron to some distance away, a group of people stood in rows. They were all dressed in formal attire. There were men and women of all ages, and their faces seemed to have similar characteristics. It looked like the whole family had gathered to welcome the return of their new leader and her…

Their young leader’s woman.
