Chapter 4: How About a Nice Story?

"So how do you like my little home?" Rex said. It wasn't very 'little' though. It was about the size of a small baseball field, almost a perfect circle. There were corridors all along the walls, some were big enough to walk through and some were barely big enough to fit half of your body in. There was also a large fire pit in the middle of the room. It was twice as big as Rin when he stood next to it. His nervousness was finally starting to fade away a little bit. He knew that the dragon wasn't going to hurt him, but he felt as though there was still something wrong. "Come on over here, make yourself comfortable" Rex said as he pointed his sharply horned tail at a large log that had some sort of padding on it. Upon closer inspection, he came to the conclusion that it was moss, surprising comfortable to sit on.

"So how did you end up in my cave in the first place?" the dragon asked as he made himself comfortable on the floor. "I'll light a fire for us, it is a bit chilly in here." he raised his head high as his chest protruded outward and started to glow orange. Then, without warning, he opened his mouth and let out a roar along with a torrent of fire towards the already placed logs on the fire pit. Rin could feel the instant heat reaching him, as he wasn't very far away from the end of the blaze. "Much better. Now tell me how you got here." Rex said with a slight smile. Yes, dragons can smile, though it looks a bit awkward.

"Well, I was taking my usual walking path that I take almost every day to get away from everything for a little while, it's quite relaxing to be honest. Today, though, I guess I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere because the last thing I remember is walking on my usual trail and then suddenly I was somewhere where I had never been before."

"Hmm, that's very interesting. I have no idea what could have caused that. Maybe you just zoned out, who knows." but he did know. Maybe, just maybe, this did not happen by accident. He wanted to think about it further but decided not to dwell on it. "Very well, since you told me a story, why don't I tell you a story as well?"

"If you want to... I guess. I mean, you don't have to, though. That's fine." Rin said apprehensively.

"Ha-ha, I see that you are still nervous. Well, I'll tell you why I dislike humans so much. Except you, you are very interesting and... well... different from the rest of them." Rex said looking at him intriguingly. "The story starts about two thousand years ago. There was a war between the humans and the dragons. The mages were the middle party, they never wanted anything to do with the war. It had gone on for about two hundred years and a lot of innocent dragons and humans died in that time. Only a few remained. The mages eventually sealed us away from the humans so they would not be able to hurt us anymore. Though they still hurt each other no matter what the mages did, so they just left them alone. They wanted our land and our food. They tried taking us over, and ultimately, they won. There were only about five hundred of us remaining out of the four hundred thousand there had been before the war started." he pointed to a scar above his front leg beside the joint of his wing. "See this? I got this about two years after the war started. I wasn't very good at fighting at the time, so I could have easily died then. Thankfully, the only things that can hurt a dragon's scaled armor is either another dragon or the sword called 'Espada'. There was only one sword to begin with, but eventually the humans forced the mages to craft more of the swords. They were called 'Spadas'".

"That doesn't sound very creative." Rin remarked as he ponder why they would name them so generically. "So what gave you that scar?"

"I'm getting to that part, just be patient. There was a man—his name has left me—who was the leader of the human side of the war. He was also the original wielder of Espada. One day, I was walking down a mountain pass when I came into a large field. The first thing I saw was fire on the other side and five of my brothers standing in front of me in a row, blocking the view of whatever was in front of them. They were all being shot with arrows that bounced off of them, and men all around them cutting them down by their legs. There was a strange one with them, I didn't realize it was the general until much later, he wore a heavy suit of armor and his sword was longer and glowed brighter than all of the others. With just a swing of his sword he killed all five of the dragons in front of him. He then set his eyes on me. I started backing up but I hit the rock wall. I started to fly, but just before I could get off of the ground he swung the sword again and cut me right here." he pointed at the scar again. "I was very terrified at that moment and fled into the mountains where I hoped no one would find me."
