Skyquake's return Part 5

Ratchet starts using the comm-link to talk to Optimus to make sure that they really got out of the shadow zone.

"Optimus, do you read me?" Ratchet asked to be sure as Optimus answered.

"I do, old friend. Thanks for bringing us back. Send out another ground bridge to bring us back to base." Optimus said before Skyquake stopped him from doing so.

"I'm afraid, Optimus, that you won't ever go back to your fellow Autobots." Skyquake told him before he ran to him and punched Optimus on the face plate.

The Autobot leader falls down and drops Emily by accident on the ground as she lets out a small yelp as her phone broke by accident in the fall.

Back at the base, everyone got worried when they heard something metal hitting against metal as Ratchet tried to contact Emily.

"Emily? Emily, do you hear me?" Ratchet tried but they only heard a bunch of static and it was not a good sign.

"I don't like the sound of that." Cliffjumper said as Arcee was glancing at the computers to see if Emily or Optimus would call back.

"Something's going on. I can't locate them." Ratchet told them as they all looked at each other worriedly. What's going on back there?

Back at the canyon, Optimus was still stunned and confused after the hit as it was hard for him to get back up as Skyquake approached.

"You dared to make a fool out of me at Technar." Skyquake growled as he started to punch Optimus who tried his best to avoid them but he was sent back down on the ground as he let out a soft groan.

"You killed me and then you brought me back. This will be the last mistake you'll ever make. Consider us even. Farewell, Optimus Prime." Skyquake sneered as he was about to kill Optimus who was down.

Emily was watching the whole thing and won't be able to lose her dear friend to someone that was brought back to life so she decides to do something.

"STOP!" She yelled at the top of her lungs as Skyquake stopped his attack and turned to her.

"He didn't bring you back. I did and I won't let you kill him." Emily glared at him as Skyquake scoffed at him.

"Really? How do you plan on stopping me? You're nothing but a weak human. I can easily kill you and make Optimus watch you suffer." Emily stayed silent at this as Optimus narrowed his optics at Skyquake. He would rather die than let Emily get more hurt.

"No... please... kill me if that's what you want but spare her." Optimus told him as Skyquake sneered at him

"Trust me, Optimus. Both of you will suffer for what you did to me." Skyquake said as Optimus glared at him weakly.

"Leave her... out of this... I'm responsible for your death, not her..." Optimus said as he struggled to get back up.

"All the more reason to make those you care for them most suffer. Starting with this puny human." Skyquake started to approach Emily menacingly as she hardened her gaze at him.

"Bring it." Emily gritted her teeth angrily as she stood back up and ignored the complaint of her wounded leg.

"Do you really think you can defeat me? You're wounded and you can't do anything to stop me." Skyquake said as Emily glared at him.

"I might be puny, small and weak. But that won't stop me. Not now, not ever." Emily said before switching her hands to her plasma cannons and started shooting at Skyquake but missed.

"Is that all you got? Allow me to teach you how to shoot." Skyquake taunted her as he took out his cannon and started shooting at Emily.

The shots only pushed her away as she tried to get up but her wound was hurting a lot and causing it to bleed slightly and made her wince.

"Stay down on the ground and perhaps I might spare you." Skyquake said but Emily knew he won't spare her life or Optimus.

Emily then remembers the words Wheeljack told her. Cons will never play fair and she would do the same and give Skyquake a taste of his own medicine.

"Haha. It's funny, a friend of mine told me that cons like you never play fair. And I shouldn't either." Emily chuckled lightly before aiming and shot Skyquake and hit him square on the chest plates and caused him to stagger back in surprise.

"Why you!" He growled as he got angered by this and charged at her before throwing a punch but she stopped his fist with one hand and started to push him back and pushed hard him down on the ground as he groaned from the impact.

"You speak of great honor but in the end they're just words. I'd thought if you had an ounce of honor, you wouldn't attack a wounded enemy. I could end this right here and now." Emily told him coldly as she pointed her plasma cannon at him as Skyquake was down on the ground as he looked at her in surprise and shock.

"But I know the meaning of honor. I'm giving you one last chance. Leave now, before I change my mind." Emily told him as she put her plasma cannon away and Skyquake saw that she wouldn't kill him.

"Very well then." He said as he got back up.

"Know that I haven't killed both of you yet it's because you were very lucky that I didn't lose my temper. Next time you won't be so lucky." Skyquake warned them both before he transformed and took to the skies, possibly back to the Nemesis as Optimus finally got up and walked to Emily who sat down on the ground to catch her breath.

"Good work, Emily." Optimus said as he smiled down at her proudly as she smiled back.

"Thanks. Let's go home." She said as he lowered his servo down as she got on it slowly as the ground bridge appeared and they went through it and made it back home.

After the situation was over, Optimus and Emily were finally back at the base and were instantly getting treated and get their injuries patched up. Ratchet was attending to Optimus while Jack was healing Emily's wound on her leg as she winced slightly with hydrogen peroxide on a small cotton ball.

"Ouch, that hurts." Emily hissed as she gripped the arm of the couch as Bolty chirped angrily as Jack dabbed the middle of her wound accidentally but she just patted his head to calm him down.

"It's okay, Bolty. It's not that bad." She said softly as Jack laughed softly before continuing to dab the cotton ball gently against her wound.

"Trust me. It could've been a lot worse." Jack said as he put some gauze covering over it gently.

"About time the kid got her first dent." Wheeljack said as he was impressed but Arcee sent him a glare. Seriously?! Emily almost got hurt and all he can say was that she got her first scar?!

"Are you serious? She's lucky she didn't have any serious wounds." She gritted her dentas at him but Cliffjumper quickly held her servo and she calmed down quickly.

"It's okay, Arcee." He said as she sighed softly.

"You're right I'm sorry. It's just that this day was a true challenge." Arcee said as Cliffjumper nodded.

"And what's worse now is that the cons have a new addition to their troops." Smokescreen said as they have bigger things to worry about as Bumblebee beeped and whirred in agreement.

"We'll figure this out later." Cliffjumper said.

"Emily, I must say that today you have taken unnecessary risks. And what's worse, you got hurt. You must never forget that every mission has a risk." Ratchet scolded her as she stayed quiet but knew that he was right as Optimus approached as his injuries were all fixed up.

"She might've taken a great risk. But today she had a lot of courage." Optimus said as he knew that even though Emily got hurt and yet she had shown a lot of courage and determination at the field earlier.

"It's okay, Optimus. Ratchet is right. I've taken unnecessary risks. And I'm sorry for that. It's just that being the daughter of a prime puts a lot of pressure on me. I fear that If I'm not good enough I'll fail again." Emily said as she flinched slightly but Jack quickly apologized and carefully added some healing cream around the gauze.

"Failure is a part of life. It allows us to learn how to get better. Today you have learned a great lesson. Always do what's right to protect those around you. You tried to convince Skyquake that the only way to survive was to work together. Despite his loyalty towards the Decepticons' cause. You've become a true Autobot." Optimus said as he looked at her proudly as she had a small blush on her cheeks but she smiled at him as he smiled back.

"Thanks, Optimus. It feels good to hear that. But we both know that it didn't work out. Skyquake turned on us." Emily said but she was still upset that Skyquake turned on them and they both got hurt in the process.

"You think you have failed but you have proven to be a great warrior. Perhaps even wiser than me. Even if Skyquake would never choose the side of good, we must not forget that even the Decepticons have the ability to change." Optimus said as Wheeljack scoffed and did not believe it.

"Yeah right." He scoffed only to earn a hard hit on his lower chest plates and caused a grunt in surprise by Arcee who gave him a look.

"Ow! I'm just saying." Wheeljack said as he raised his hands up in surrender.

"Yeah maybe you're right, Optimus. Today I've made great progress." Emily just chose to ignore Wheeljack at that as she focused on Optimus as Smokescreen was feeling a little jealous but left it be as he was just glad that both of his friends are okay.

"And here I thought I was the only hot shot around here." Smokescreen joked but Bulkhead hit his helm at that.

"Ow." He yelped as he rubbed the spot on his helm.

"I might have proven my strength today but I still have a long way to go." Emily said as Jack was finishing up on patching her leg up.

"Just do me a favor and try not to get hurt next time. Here you go. This should ease the pain." Jack said as he tied the bandage carefully.

Jack was done with wrapping Emily's leg with the bandage as she stood up slowly and started walking carefully with a limp. It still hurts but she can handle it.

"It still hurts but other than that it's not that bad." Emily said as she sat back down as Jack nodded.

Bolty jumps from Jack's head and onto Emily's shoulder and snuggles against her cheek and causes her to giggle.

"Stop that, it tickles." She giggled happily as Bolty stopped and chirped happily.

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay?" Miko asked for the fifth time.

"Yeah sure. Nothing a little rest can't fix." Emily reassures her.

"Since you cannot walk perfectly, I suggest you stay here and rest." Ratchet said to which she agreed.

"How about we all stay here? Pajama party!" Miko cheered as she wanted to spend the night at the base as Raf quickly agreed.

"Sounds good." He said as he was able to pack his pajamas and some clothes in case they have to stay in the base overnight.

"I agree. I'll call my mom and tell her to bring medicine, clothes and snacks." Jack said as he took out his phone and dialed his mother's number and went off to the side to speak with her as the others watched the kids.

"You know you were right about one thing. The kid wasn't ready." Wheeljack said to Arcee as she nodded.

"Maybe she was. Maybe I let my own worries get through my head and I didn't know how much she had grown. As a teacher, all we think we can do is train her the best we can. And hope that every time she goes out there, she'll come back alive." Arcee said as she had her servo on her hips as Bulkhead agreed with her.

"Arcee, it's okay to be worried. We all are. She's our friend. We must be there for her." Bulkhead reminded her as she nodded.

"I agree." Cliffjumper nodded in agreement as she laughed lightly.

"So do I." Smokescreen grinned cheekily as Bumblebee whirred in agreement as they watched in amusement as the kids all huddled by the couch to watch a movie that Emily brought called 'Frozen'.

"Now that Skyquake has returned, we know what's the first thing he's going to do." Ratchet said as he watched their teammates and the kids as Optimus knew what he meant.

"Return to his allies and swore allegiance to his master just like his twin brother." Optimus said as he knew that they better get ready as the Decepticon have obtained a new ally.

Back at the Nemesis, Starscream was with Dreadwing as they were in the control room with Megatron as the warlord sneered at the seeker.

"Lord Megatron, I swear upon the Allspark that we didn't find anything." Starscream cowered as he tried to explain for the sixth time that they really didn't find anything from the location.

"Spare me your excuses, Starscream. I should've known better than to send you." Megatron growled at him.

"Leave it to a fool like Starscream to fail a simple mission." Dreadwing taunted as Starscream sent him a glare.

"If you think I will let you mock me-" Starscream started but was cut off as Dreadwing drew his sword and pointed the tip straight at Starscream's face plate, causing him to become nervous.

"You should watch what you say. I don't need to remind you that I was the one who saved you." Dreadwing sneered at him angrily before putting his sword back as Starscream nodded nervously.

"Oh right... forgive me, Dreadwing... I'm... totally in your debt." Starscream said before Soundwave turned to them and they looked to him as his visor showed that he detected an unknown Cybertronian signature as it was heading to the Nemesis and that it was about to land.

"An unknown ship is heading toward us? And it's about to land on our deck? Let us take a look." Megatron grew intrigued and curious about this as they quickly went to the landing pad of the Nemesis to see what it was.

Outside the ship, the mysterious jet was getting close to the deck as Starscream along with Dreadwing went out first to check on it and to see if the ship was an enemy or ally. The jet started flying over the deck and then it transformed and much to their surprise and shock, they saw it was someone they hadn't seen in a very long time especially for Dreadwing. Standing before them in his glory is Skyquake. Both Starscream and Dreadwing could not believe it as they thought that his spark was extinguished for a long while.

"By the Allspark. It cannot be." Starscream muttered in shock and disbelief as Dreadwing approached his twin and grinned as Skyquake grinned back at him.

"My brother." Dreadwing offered his hand as Skyquake grasped it as Dreadwing punched his shoulder playfully.

"I have returned, brother." Skyquake nodded as he was glad to finally see his brother again for so many eons.

Megatron comes out with Soundwave and he was also shocked and surprised to see one of his soldiers standing right in front of him.

"Skyquake." Megatron nodded his greeting as Skyquake turned to him and bowed down to his superior.

"Lord Megatron. I'm here to serve you." Skyquake said as he stood back up.

"How is it possible that you're alive?" Megatron was still trying to wrap up on how he was alive and all arrows points to Emily and guessed that she brought Skyquake back.

"I... do not know, master... all I remember was dying and then nothing..." Skyquake explained as his memories were all blurry.

"Welcome back, brother. I vow to you that we will make the Autobots pay for what they did to you." Dreadwing stood beside his twin as Megatron nodded in agreement.

"Welcome back, Skyquake. There's much to do." They headed inside to announce the return of their ally.

Meanwhile back at the base, it was already late around 10 pm as the kids all fell at sleep while watching a movie called 'Monsters University' as Jack was sleeping on a sleeping bag as Raf was sleeping in one as well with Miko in hers as well as Emily took the couch with Bolty recharging and all snuggled up against his caretaker while Ratchet was finishing his secret project. And after a few more klik, he had finally put all the pieces together as he stood back and admired his work.

"At last. It is finally done." Ratchet put his tools down as Optimus came in and spoke quietly as to not wake the kids up.

"A secret project, old friend?" He asked quietly as Ratchet turned to him and nodded.

"You might say that. All these past events made me realize something. Emily might be a strong warrior but she's not invincible. That is why I created this. A battle armor suit to protect her." Ratchet said as he glanced at the sleeping kids before Ratchet showed Optimus the blueprints to the project that he had finally finished.

It looked like some sort of brooch but more high tech. All that was needed was to give it to Emily.

All that was needed was to give it to Emily.
