Chapter 1 - Pain

      "So are you coming today...?"


    As simple as always.Others would think Aphrodite is very romantic and lovely but no.The exact opposite.Today is Athena's birthday.She hated it.Every year something bad happens.She's tired of it.She hates it.Athena decided to celebrate it this year only because of Aphrodite.Aphrodite wouldn't stop repeating how Athena HAS to celebrate her birthday.And for the sake of their relationship she did.

    She planned everything.A nice restaurant and a big cake.She invited their mutuals.Urania ,Clio ,Thalia and Polyhymnia.She wasn't close with everybody.She invited them only so Aphrodite can be happy.

    Athena was so in love that she did everything.As intelligent and martial Athena was ,she forgets everything when it comes to Aphrodite.It was not her beauty.It was not her character.Lord her character was awful.It was just how she felt.Her mind occupied by her name, voice and appearance.

    Nobody knew what was happening to Athena.Skipping classes ,ignoring friends ,crying every night...Nobody knew that the reason was Aphrodite.Athena's heart was beating for Aphrodite and nobody else.Friends?Family?Personal life?No.Athena forgot everything.The only thing in her mind and heart is Aphrodite.

    She loves her so much that it hurts.It hurts that Athena gives everything and Aphrodite gives nothing.Excuses and more excuses.Fake promises and fake tears.Athena just wanted a little affection.Just a little tiny bit.To know that there is a chance of Aphrodite loving Athena the same way she does.

    Athena cried herself to sleep every night promising herself that she'll do everything to make Aphrodite feel like the goddess she is.She starved herself because of nerves.What if something goes wrong again?What if Aphrodite hates her?What if Aphrodite needs help now?What if Athena is not next to her when she needs help...?

    They fought every three days.It was a surprise to everyone that they lasted even one month.Even to them.As much as Athena loves Aphrodite ,she can't stand the pain when she feels like nothing.Knowing that Aphrodite is doing everything but communicating with her.Prefering everything over Athena.She knew Aphrodite would never even think of doing something symbolic that they'll both remember.The one who did all these stuff was Athena.

    Roses that symbolize Aphrodite's beauty.Even if the roses weren't beautiful like Aphrodite.A small present...but Athena thought a lot about it.She poured her whole heart into that one rose.That single rose that meant so much to her.

    The bottle caps with sweet quotes on them.Small and useless but Athena didn't really know how to show affection correctly.That's why even the bottle caps had a special meaning.

    The bracelets.Might've gone to the wrong person but Athena cried for hours because of what happened that day.Even the previous day.Athena was full of stress because she didn't know if Aphrodite will like them.

    The rings that they're both wearing now.They both promised that they'll only remove the ring if they stop loving each other.Which Athena can't promise.Athena is fierce and solid with her words and actions.She might lie at some point but she only wants Aphrodite to understand the situation.Sadly Athena is so in love that even if she removes the ring she will still love her.The removal will mean that Athena has given up on trying to make Aphrodite love her.

    It was Aphrodite who proposed.It was a hard day for both of them...But she still did it.Athena couldn't hold her smile and tears that day.She was scared.It was her first time.Her first love.She didn't know what to do.But she loved Aphrodite so much that she could go through everything for her.

     Aphrodite didn't care much.,,Communication will separate us." was what she used as an excuse for not caring.Athena didn't want to hold Aphrodite if she didn't enjoy their relationship.She tried to break it off.But Aphrodite's sweet tongue paralyzed Athena over and over again.

    There was no escape for Athena.Locked under Aphrodite's spell she couldn't even breathe normally.Every kiss they shared made Athena lose her mind more and more.Every hug made her desperate for more.Every moment they shared hurt her.Because she knew Aphrodite would never feel the same.She would never understand what Athena felt.

    It wasn't just your typical crush for a month or two.Athena was aching.It felt as if she was being stabbed over and over.Born a warrior who never loses a fight.Sadly the one controlling the battle now is Aphrodite.Who doesn't even care what's going to happen.

    Athena wanted just one moment.Just one moment where they can be honest with each other.One moment where Aphrodite would forget what's wrong and what's right and just be next to Athena when all she needs is a little love...
