Chapter 1/Part 8: A Shattered Chance

Spinel vocalized out into the sea. The calm waters suddenly became crashing waves that towered over Spinel.
She softly sang.
The water became as calm as it was before- maybe even calmer?
Spinel sweated as she placed her two fingers on her forehead.

Spinel:"I don't want this.."
She whispered. She couldn't control her weird newfound powers, and if the play/musical went on, the city could be flooded. Should she turn to Lapis for help? I mean, a Lapis gem that suddenly appeared out of thin air became raw power as it hardened her gem. Some small cracks were gone, but that didn't do much. She ran her fingers along the cracks of the bright, glowing, pink, and severely damaged gem. She thought that another Lapis gem would know what to do. She saw Lapis flying on the sky and waved. Lapis caught her attention and she flew down to the tired Spinel.

Lapis:"Hey Spinel, what's up? I saw that the ocean seemed to be a bit moody... and that's weird. Have any idea what's happening?"
Spinel chuckled nervously.

Spinel:"I think I might have known what happened."


Lapis:"Wh-Wh-Wh-What?!? You have WATER MANIPULATION POWERS because you absorbed RAW ENERGY from a LAPIS GEM THAT APPEARED IN THIN AIR??"
Lapis said a bit loudly.

Spinel:"Shshsh! I don't want to draw too much attention! I can't control them, and when I try to vocalize for the show, the ocean suddenly changes!!"
Spinel whispered loudly so only they could hear.
Lapis took a deep breath, and exhaled.

Lapis:"I think I can help you control the powers. I think you were traumatized by the rushing water, so that's all You can think of. Your mind is also messed up by some very painful, emotional, and overwhelming memories.
The tears aren't helping either. You need to relax. Think of water- as a friend of some sort, and try to be as calm as possible. When I first met Steven, I was mad-but I didn't lash out as much, and I tried to tame myself a bit. So I could control the water. After that, it's just memory to me, and now I can control water- raging or not."
Lapis explained.
Spinel took a deep breath and cleared her mind. The white part of her eyes blackened for a moment but then she blinked it off, which earned a twitch from Lapis. She extended her hand out to the ocean, not using her elasticity powers. She took a deep breath once more, and focused on the water.
Very still water.
Now bring out the emotion.
Spinel watched the pillar of water tower over her, while she swiftly moved her arm to the other direction. The towering pillar of water then rose, it floated to the air- it became a water orb. She closed her hand into a fist, while the water became smaller, and smaller. She kept her hand out as the orb floated to her hand, and it floated out once more, circling her until a clear pink liquid was placed on Spinel's back, to form the resemblance of wings.


Spinel:"This is horri-"
Lapis:"This is amazing! I've never got it on the first try before!  Wait! Check to see if you can fly-"
She stopped herself after seeing Spinel freak out.
Spinel calmed herself, and then asked Lapis something.

Spinel:"Lapis, we must keep this as secret as possible. It's unnatural for a gem to have a power they aren't supposed to have. I don't want to be like this..."
She said sadly, looking directly at the sky.
Lapis was about to frown, but even that was interrupted by a bright smile.

Spinel:"Well, I would like to learn how to fly, if that's fine with you!"
Spinel brightly said.
Lapis smiled.

Lapis:"Of course! Lets give it a shot. At least your water color is pink instead of blue, it suits you better!"
Lapis said while summoning her water wings.
Lapis thought hard.

Lapis:"Ok... just feel them as a part of you. And then... Move them so you soar in the sky."
She shortly explained.
Spinel got it.

She flew up circling Lapis as she also flew up as well.
Spinel was a bit wobbly but she got the hang of it. Then she sighed and flopped back onto the sand.
Lapis went down wondering.

Lapis:"Hm? What's wrong? You were doing great."
She interrogated a bit.

Spinel:"I'm not sure if I can keep up with this. Is there any way to release this?"
She pondered.

Lapis:"Well, I've never heard of raw gem energy being absorbed let alone releasing it.
She said quietly.
The pink water wings vanished and water puddles flopped to the floor in their regular color- a clear blue.
Spinel concentrated hard. Something other than water. Hmm... bubbles?-
Blue energy suddenly surrounded Spinel, turning slowly. She carefully, with her hands, formed the energy to a bubble orb that was the size of her hem. Whispering voices could be heard, and it floated in Spinel's hand as she smiled sadly.
Suddenly, the orb glowed and it turned into a crystal, a blue crystal. It wasn't a gem, but it was shaped as a small chubby stick with pointed ends. It floated to her hand and it dropped, glowing a mysterious blue.

Lapis:"It... crystalized?"
She said wondering.
Spinel looked at the small, beautiful crystal glowing in the sunset tainted sky.

Spinel:"Maybe make it into jewlery.. Haha..."
She joked. She got a white string and wrapped it around the top, forming a necklace. She placed it over her neck.

Lapis:"Well, congratulations. You have achived magic blue necklace."
Lapis teased. Spinel smiled.

Spinel:"Better than anything that has happened on this crazy day. Hahaha!!"
Spinel laughed. So did Lapis, as they walked to the beach house.

~Later, during the evening walk~

Lapis:"Haha! She really screwed everything, and everyone, up!"
She joked comfortably.

Spinel:"Yeah, she had quite a "Fancy diamond attitude".
She mocked slightly.
They both snickered in laughter as they finally reached the door of the beach house.

Spinel:"Well, see you next time?"
Lapis nodded as she shut the door behind her.
She sighed as she sat on the couch.
Steven went down the stairs and saw Spinel.

Steven:"Well, look who decided to show up! Where were you?"
He questioned.

Spinel:"Ah... Just hung out with someone."
She said boringly as she looked at the glowing blue necklace, then her severely cracked gem. This crystal had the power of a Lapis Lazuli, and any gem or human could seem to use the power of it by coming in very close contact. It was... very tiring to uphold. It was like all the magic just drained out of her.
But.. she shouldn't worry on that now.
She closed her eyes, and relaxed on the couch more. Suddenly, she got a thought. Her body bolted upright, which definitely got a reaction from Steven.
If more of these crystals existed around the world, then that means that if multiple of these crystals went into the wrong hands, there would be no telling what would happen. And if Hans couldn't handle the draining effect, then something bad might happen. But she might be able to stop them, she might have a chance. She might have a chance.

So, ima make this clear to public. Why did this crappy fanfiction get added to a Spinel x Steven reading list? I feel like that is the last thing that I want to happen lmao.
Sorry for the slow update- writers blocc.
