Chapter 1

Neo woke up on the concrete floor incredibly stiff from sleeping awkwardly. Just as she was about to get up, Neo heard two people enter the warehouse and immediately pretended to be asleep. Neo felt the strangers shadows go over her.
"See, I told you that there was a little girl here." One voice said. Neo mentally frowned. She may be seriously short but by no means was she a child.
"I don't know Sam, she doesn't look like a child to me." A second voice answered.
"Shut up Jerry." Sam told his friend. "Anyway, we what should we do, we can't just leave her here."
"I know! We can take her to your house and your wife can look after her until she wakes up." Jerry explained.
"That is a great idea." Sam replied happily. "I"'ll carry her, you get her parasol.

Neo tensed as she was lifted up. What was she going to do? She didn't want to scare the pair so she kept her eyes shut. When they got out of the warehouse the light made Neo's head hurt and she closed her eyes tighter. After a few minutes, which felt like years of awkwardness to Neo, the men started talking again. Unfortunately, Neo couldn't make out what they were saying because of a splitting headache, instead she started falling into the inky black world of unconsciousness and it scared her. The last thing that flooded her head were the memories of what happened the day before, nightmares being laced into her unconscious state.
