spilling the beans

Duncan's P.O.V

After our little truth or dare adventure, Klaus went upstairs to take Sunny and Bea to bed and Violet dragged Isadora up the stairs with such force I was scared to know what my sister's fate would be. (but we'll get to THAT later) And so I was left in the kitchen with my brother and the last three slices of pizza. Oh no.

After we'd both scoffed one each, (as fast as possible) it became a fight to the death, which; after much scrambling, shoving and tearing of the pizza box, I eventually came out on top and said


"Yeah, yeah, okay fine, HILARY DUFF!" He countered.

"Wha-" Quigley resorts to insults when he loses. "Yea-" That reminds me: what was with you with truth or dare? tRyiNg tO eXpOsE mE iN fRoNt oF viOlEt?'

"Yes, actually." Slick git. (thanks ron weasley for the insult)


"Just tell her!! Man...I mean- Remember what Sunny said?"

"No?" (me neither, i had to go back to read whatever the hell i'd written over the last four chapters)

"She said that she likes you too! And honestly, she's right." He suddenly looked solemn and sincere.

"How can you be so sure? I mean-"

"Because girls as pretty as her don't look at you, they look at me-"


"LETMEFINISHMYPOINT!" He held up his hand like a diva and motioned for me to shut up. "All I'm saying is, aNd yOu kNoW i'M riGhT!!" I did. He was the triplet that always got the looks from the girls and I just got used to being referred to as 'Quigley's older brother'. (please lmk who you think is the oldest bc one site says duncan and one says quigley) "I'm saying that I think she likes you. A lot. Like, A LOT, a lot. Trust me, I understand girls pretty well." I scoffed.

"Yeah, right, the last girl you asked out said she'd rather date a mushroom!"

"I'll have you know that I talked to her again and I'm seeing her on Saturday!"


"I- yeah..." Wait. Was he embarrassed?

"Oh my gosh no way, Quigley Quagmire has finally fallen in love."


"How about this," This bargain was bound to end in my favour because this girl doesn't seem to be too enthusiastic, unlike all the others. "If you score a second date with this girl, I will tell Violet." He stared in delighted disbelief.

"No way. That's a fool's bargain! No lady can resist my charm!"

"Well, this mushroom girl seems pretty content on trying!-"

"She'd probably prefer the term mycologist." I gaped.

"You bothered to remember that? Wow, you've got it worse than I do." Without flinching he replied while sarcastically patting my shoulder:

"No one's got it worse than you do, dear brother." And with that, he jogged up the stairs.

"nO oNe'S gOt iT wOrSe tHaN yOu dO! Oh, shut up..."

Isadora's P.O.V (back to where she was dragged viciously up the stairs by Violet)

I'd barely stood up before Violet GRABBED my arm and DRAGGED me viCiOuSlY up the stairs. She went straight to my room and pulled me in before shutting the door behind her, swinging around to face me and giving me a look that demanded answers. Play dumb?

"WhY aRe yOu giViNg mE tHaT lOoK?"

"Yeah like you don't know!" Of course, she was too smart for that. "I wanna know why you and mY bRoThEr came downstairs looking the way you did!" Like she doesn't know...

"Ah. That."

"Yeah Juliet, that."

"Well..er, it- um..." Shit. "We uhh,-" She looked incredibly amused. Until I had an idea. "You're sure you actually want to know all the details of what happened?" I feigned confidence when in reality I was terrified of her telling me off for kissing him.


"And I'd like to remind you that we did in fact kiss so if I were you I wouldn't want to know all the details of who my brother kisses-"

"FINE OKAY!" Aha! "Ew. But please do spill because you too were so unbelievably oblivious and in love and it ate me alive for the entirety of being around the two of you."

"Oh, really. Wow okay. I-"

"Your blushing already, Izzie."

"Oops. He just...I don't know, said something really awkward and cheesy after I confessed-"

"YOU said it first? He's such a chicken..."

"Aha yeah..." I didn't want to repeat what happened next."

"What. No, your face tells me something interesting happened."

"I- well...You know...in the movies, someone always gets kissed by the other person grabbing their collar or...tie" She stared at me and she leant forward and rested her chin on her hands.

"No..." Her grin turned full Cheshire Cat.

"Yes. I-I went and got a tie...It was so fucking dumb-"

"Are you kidding??? Do you know how much of a nerd Klaus is? He probably had to stop himself from fainting!!!" We burst out laughing at that thought.

"So, that's me done...Your turn." I wasn't leaving there till I got some juicy information too.

"W-what about me..." I raised my eyebrows.

"No...I haven't told him...yEt!"

"Awww c'mon Viiiii! I mean, it's not easy admitting something like that but it's gonna be fine because he's just as useless in love as you are!"

"I-" She got flustered and smushed her face into a pillow.

We eventually ended up staying in my room all night chatting and mucking around. It was really nice to have a friend other than my brothers, to say the least. I'm still a bit worried about telling them about Klaus but, we'll burn that bridge when we get to it.


yay guess who updated! ME! i hope you like it and i promise the next chapter will be more exciting.

stay safe wherever you are and have a great day!


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