Chapter One

  Hermione was furious. How dare Voldemort say girls weren't worth his time? She tried to concentrate, but her mind just kept going back to the fateful day when it all began. 

 "Harry Potter is dead." Voldemort proclaimed, with a huge, smug smile plastered on his sallow face. Behind him, Bellatrix cackled, black curls covering half her face. "The day has finally come when I take my place as your rightful Lord. Kneel before me, and pledge your allegiance, all of you!" Voldemort stood in the center of the ruins, his army of followers behind him, the Hogwarts populace in front. 

    "I'd like to say something." Neville Longbottom made his way to the front row amidst gasps. 

Voldemort smirked. "Very well, Lengthybutt. Speak."

Neville was unfazed. " Harry may be dead, but he lives. He lives in all of us. He is with us, and he will always continue to be." Students and teachers cheered behind him. 

   The Dark Lord's expression changed from glee to one of rage. "And for that-" He breathed. "You will die." A stream of green light emanated from his wand, knocking Neville over. On the ground, Neville's eyes were glassy and Hermione knew he would never see light again. 

  That was when the Hogwarts massacre began. Death Eaters screamed killing curses, aiming at civilians, who tried in vain to fight back. Body after body collapsed, littering the once resplendent hall. The corpses piled up, until only a few people remained. The women and children. 

"Girls," scoffed Voldemort, "I won't fight them." 

"You sexist little-" Hermione started, rushing towards him, only to find her wand broken in two. 

"I need not fight you," purred Voldemort, "For now you shall have no magic. You are subordinates after all."

 "What did you call us?" Hermione exclaimed, "Subordinates?"

"Why, yes." The Dark Lord smarted, "Subordinates to Harry Potter, to your fathers, your husbands, your male friends, your brothers- all of you are mere subordinates. You lie beneath us, and you know it."

"I can fight you." Hermione challenged. "And I can win."

Voldemort sneered. "I'd like to see that happen. Don't waste my time, girl." And with that, the Dark Lord Disapparated, his cloak billowing.  The Death Eaters followed, and within seconds, the ruins showed no signs of their attackers. 

   And now Hermione was here, in the Headmistress' Study, with Ginny and Headmistress McGonagall as they tried to come up with something. 

"We have no wands." McGonagall said.

"And no wands equals no magic." Ginny added. 

Hermione  only smirked as a plan began to unfold in her mind. "We don't need wandmagic. Just a little something called a Time Turner. I believe you are familiar with it, Headmistress."

"You aren't going to?" Minerva McGonagall's voice quivered with hope.

"No, I'm not going to bring Harry back." Hermione said, amidst groans of disappointment. "I'm just going to show You-Know-Who who actually runs this world."

Hermione watched as slow smiles spread across her female friends' faces. 

This was going to be good.
