📖 R U L E S 📖

Please read and follow these rules before joining and during the roleplay →

1) Respect others. Do not bully, tease, or hate on the other players. Everyone is here just to have fun. Remember, a character's actions do not reflect their player's views. It's the old adage: hate the character, not the player.

2) Let's keep this PG. Any swearing should be censored, intimate activities between characters should be taken to PM or timeskipped. Romance, kissing, and hugging is alright.

3) You can break the hotel rules for plot purposes! But make sure you still try to respect them.

4) SEMILITERATE roleplayers only. Each reply must be at least 3 sentences long. You don't need a paragraph, but enough for others to go off of.

5) The first password is your preference: chains or tags. The original was done with tags, but this will count be a vote.

6) Remember to balance your characters, especially OCs. While I will allow use of canon characters, that will require a special form and permission from myself.

7) There will be a plot to complete. I'll need your help to move it along!

8) You can have up to three characters, no more than two canon characters.

9) OCs CAN be from fandom universes! If they are yours and do not appear in the source material, they count as OCs

10) Have fun!
