
Damon took Azalea back to his house, where once they arrived Elena rushed to her friend and pulled her into a hug.

"You ok? I am so sorry that you got run off the road trying to –"

"Elena, really I'm fine," the redhead pulled back to look at Elena's face. "It was a vampire, and it was better me then someone who didn't have vampire friends to rescue them."

"Are you saying we are friends?" Damon said smirking at her.

"When you behave yourself," Azalea amended. Damon pulled his lips down and nodded before grabbing a bottle of bourbon from the shelf.

"I'm glad you're ok," Stefan said, pulling Azalea into a hug too. She laughed giving him a squeeze.

"Oh yeah, I can tell that we haven't been friends for long. Don't worry you will get used to trouble finding me. I'm like a magnet for it." she said looking between the two of them. Then she remembered why Elena had called her in a panic. "So, what was wrong? Why did you need me to come and get you?"

Both of their expressions grew anxious, and embarrassed. Elena handed Azalea Katherine's photo. This resulted in the redhead swearing, and dropping the picture.

"Wait, Katherine was Katherine Peirce aka Katarina Patrova," she said looking between the two Salvatore brothers. They nodded, looking at the redhead in shock.

"You know her?" Elena gasped.

"Sure, the sun and the moon curse doppelganger... oh bloody hell." Azalea whispered rubbing her face and sitting in the chair behind her. The vampire brothers looked between the two girls in concern.

"What Lea, what is it?" Damon was almost afraid for the answer to his question. He knew from the way the redhead was reacting that is wasn't a good thing.

"Elena is the doppelganger. If anyone finds out she is here, then Klaus will come looking for her."

"Wait," Damon scoffed. "The myth? The oldest –"

"It's real, Damon," she cut him off. "We study him in History of Magic, and in Magical society studies – a subject not shown in the books – oh Damon knows Stefan." She clarified as Stefan's eyes widened, and he opened his mouth. "Someone told him in Georgia," she explained before he could speak.

"So, does this mean I am related to her?" Elena said, bringing the topic back.

"Probably, but it's not 100%. You see doppelgangers started with Silas and Amara, but you guys don't need to know about that. Normally, with channel magic blood is important. We don't study that much to do with channel magic to be honest. I reckon Bonnie's Grams would know more."

"So, just because I'm adopted doesn't mean that I am related to Katherine, but it is likely."

"You're adopted," the redhead gasped. Stefan and Elena went through what Stefan had told the brunette while she and Damon had been in Georgia.

"So, if we believe you and Klaus is real –"

"Honestly, I don't know a lot about them, History of Magic isn't known for being interesting with Binns even if the topics are fun. I can find my old book to get some more information on them."

"Can't you just call Hermione," Damon said, wanting to get the information quickly. The redhead closed her eyes as they began to burn, trying to prevent the tears. She pressed her lips together as she inhaled.

"Hermione died," she said quietly.

"What?" Elena gasped, coming closer to Azalea placing a hand on her arm.

"They all did," she said, the burning in her eyes got stronger, as her vision blurred, she cleared her throat. If she croaked it was game over. She looked up at the ceiling and continued to breathe through her nose.

"All as in..." Damon who also moved forward in an effort to comfort the basically crying girl.

"Uh, Kingsley, Percy and Draco – long story –" she clarified as all three frowned slightly. "That's it,"

Elena rubbed her arm and lead her to the chair, making the redhead sit.

"I'm so sorry," Elena said, her own eyes brimming with tears. She would have been upset if the character she had grown to love had died, but finding out that she was actually a person, a living breathing person. She couldn't cry. She had to comfort her friend, she pulled her into a hug.

That broke the redhead, her mouth crumbed as hot water poured down her cheeks. Pushing her face into Elena's neck she began to sob. She felt two more sets of hands gently holding and rubbing her back and arms. After a while one set left, she didn't know how long she cried for before she pulled away from Elena and began to wipe her face, taking deep breaths as though blowing out of a straw. Calm down, she scolded herself, as her vision became less blurry, she noticed Stefan walk through the door with a mug.

"Here," he said, handing her the tea. She smiled in thanks, taking a shallow breath before taking a sip.

"Right," she said after her third sip. She placed the mug down and wiped her eyes, double checking that they were now dry. "I reckon I should go get my wand and – bollocks I hope no one had nicked anything."

"When you said what happened, I took your valuables out." Stefan said, gesturing to the box in the corner of the room. "I doubted anyone would, but just in case."

"Thank you, Stefan," she smiled at him, walking over to the box, she pulled out her wand. Closing her eyes at the warmth flowing from it.

The group continued to talk about a way to help Elena. They knew Klaus would come for her if someone found out who she was. To their knowledge no one knew that Elena was here, or that she looked anything like Katherine, so for right now she should be safe.

"We could start a rumour, that the doppelganger is in another country or state. Sent them on a chase somewhere else." Azalea suggested as she finished the last of her tea.

"Smart, we could get Lexi to start a false rumour." Stefan said, grabbing his phone out of his pocket.

"It won't work from my community we don't really interact with this part of the magical world. Channel witches may be a better shot. I could disguise myself go to a known –"

"I don't want you to take any risks," Elena said. "You focus on feeling better, and just getting used to life again. Don't get sucked into this drama."

"Elena, it's fine really."

"No," Damon said. "It makes more sense for the rumours to come from vampires. If it's the sun and moon curse from what you explained, it will be werewolves and vampires who are searching."

"I'll call Lexi," Stefan said putting his phone to his ear and walking out of the room.

The three of them waiting for Stefan to return in silence processing all the information they had received and given over the last hour. Then Stefan walked back in.

"She's going to give the rumour of Boston area. That was if anyone discovers you are in the US, they can think that our trail is a closer find." He said, he looked at the two girls. They were both showing signs of exhaustion. "Come on, I'll take you both home." Stefan gestured to the door, but Azalea turned to Damon.

"Damon, I want you to leave Caroline, alone. If we are going to be friends you can't use people or kill them. Got it?"

Damon looked at her, she was willing to actually be friends with him. He knew that he could be a literal monster sometimes, his impulsive nature made him do things he later regretted. He hadn't had friends in a long time... other than Stefan, but that was complicated.

"You got it, I'll try and keep my... urges in check."

She smiled at him, offering her pinkie, he laughed but took it.

"It's sacred you know," she said raising an eyebrow.

"I am very aware," he said just as seriously.

Elena put a gentle hand on her arm.

"Let's go home," she said, Azalea waved at Damon as the three of them made their way to Stefan's car. While the group were in the car Azalea messaged Alaric letting him know she was almost home. When they arrived at the house they could see him watching the road from the porch, as it stopped, he made his way over. Azalea got out of the car.

"I'm fine –"

The history teacher pulled her into a hug.

"Azalea, thank God," Alaric said in relief, after a moment he let her go and looked into the car.

"Thanks for bringing her back, Stefan." He said crouching down to look into the window. Stefan nodded.

"Of course,"

They group said there goodbyes and the two made there way into the house.

The redhead flopped onto the sofa before her eyes widened.


"What?" Alaric said in alarm, coming closer to her.

"My bloody car, argh we have to... actually I'll just apparate." She said forcing herself to stand again. "I'll not be long." She told him, pulling out her wand she disappeared with a loud crack.


"Thank you. God it'll go with like everything. What's the occasion?"

"No occasion. Just a little friend gift."

"Lesbian-friend necklace because we're freaky like that." She winked Azalea laughed.

"Your friendship is important to me." Elena said softly.

"Why are you so mushy?" Caroline said smiling.

"Because you've been avoiding me, and I won't you to know that whatever is going on with you and Matt, it's ok."

"I'll leave you guys to it. Oh Caroline, she gave me one to and almost ripped my head off when I didn't have it on me, wear it even to bed," Azalea said grinning at her, Elena pretended to swat her, the redhead dodged and they all laughed. The bell rang and the group made their way into class. They made their way to homeroom, when Azalea grabbed a sketch she had been working on out and began to add to it. She wanted to be able to paint it by the weekend, she gently began to add detail to the brick work, if she finished the building by –

"Wow that's amazing, Lea!"

At the sound of Caroline's voice the redhead jumped, her heart thumping. The pen had flown from her hand.

"Sorry!" she squeaked, picking up the pencil, then giving the redhead a hug. "Guys have you seen this? She's got the Grill perfect." Caroline gestured for the others to look over her shoulder. Other teens who were not part of the friend group began to peer over too, making the redhead's cheeks warm a little.

"That's amazing, Lea," Bonnie said.

"I'm planning to add us here," she mumbled pointing at the empty area outside where the sitting area would be.

"You'll have to show us when it's done, it's really good." Elena smiled. "You and Jere should draw together."

"We have a little, right now it's been hard to find the time to do anything relaxing." She said rubbing her face.

"We should do something fun all together, relieve some of the stress," Bonnie said.

"Sounds prefect." Elena said.


Azalea told Alaric that she wanted to walk home today and get some fresh air, so the history teacher left without her. Rummaging through her bags she searched for her headphones, a walk home could do her the world of good. As she looked into the bag, she saw her phone brighten and Unknown written on her screen, frowning she swiped and held it to her ear.


"Hello Azalea,"

"Who is this?" she asked.

"You hit me with your car, bet that's a new one. You got away from me. You won't next time."

She grabbed her wand and apparated to the boarding house.

She whirled around to find she was in the sitting room, along with a very surprised Stefan.

"Lea what –?"

"Oh my God, Stefan," she gasped, running to him, and clutching herself to the vampire.

"Hey, shh, what happened?" he said holding her close.

"Lea?" she heard another familiar voice, Damon entered.

"Damon," she gasped, leaving Stefan's arms for Damon's.

"Whoa, hey easy, what's got you so spooked?"

"The guy from the car, he called me, I saw him." She said in a rush.

"What?" he said his teeth gritted his arms tightening around the little witch.

"Well, I saw a figure, he had his hood up."

Damon looked at his brother, his blood boiling inside. This guy was dead.

"He's dead," Damon said, looking at the redhead reassuringly. "We'll get him. He isn't going to lay a hand on you. Got it?"

She nodded, but jumped as her phone vibrated.

It was Alaric.

"Hey – yeah I won't be much longer."

"Don't worry about it, was it a good walk?"

"Yep, very thought provoking," she said, glaring at Damon as he snorted.

"Great, I was thinking of ordering takeout what would you like?"

"Pizza, a veggie pizza."

"Done, I'll order it now."

"Great, be back soon, bye." She hung up and looked at the brothers. "Why me? What does he want with me? And if he's trying to kill me, why call first? Could he be working with someone who knows who I am?"

"It's because were predators, Lea. We hunt, we stalk. It's often as exciting as the kill. I doubt it will be linked to your old life." Stefan told her.

"So I am that lucky," she grumbled. Damon snorted at her.

"Come on," he said gesturing towards the door. "Let's get you home. I'll watch over the house tonight for anything suspicious." He promised.

"I don't need a babysitter," she said frowning.

"Actually, you do," he said nudging her towards the door.

"Damon," she tried to fight him, but he just kept pushing her.


"What," he turned his head at his brothers tone. "She's proving my point. If I can drag her from this house so easily then this unknown vampire is going to be able to get his teeth into her – yes pun intended – It strengthens my argument. I'm going to be around your house like a peeping Tom. Not up for debate. Let's go."

"You're such a dick," she said as she stumbled out of the house and into the fresh air.

"I've been called a lot worse than that. In you get." He said opening the passenger door for her and gently pushing her inside.


"So, I'm not living with a normal teenager then?"

Azalea jumped and whirled around. Spilling half the tea from her mug onto her hand, arm and the floor.

"Sorry," her uncle moved forwards. "Are you ok? Did it burn you?" he said scanning her arm for injury.

"It's fine," she said, her heart thumping frantically in her chest.

I'll clean that up, you just sit and relax." He said, grabbing the kitchen roll from the counter.

"What did you mean?" she asked. "The normal teenager." She clarified when he frowned at her.

"You're up before 12 on a Sunday." He said. Putting the kitchen roll in the bin and getting some more.

"I've never really been a big sleeper." She said reaching for the kettle.

"I'll do that. You go relax." He said.

"I'm fine, Ric," she said, but as she turned from him, she smiled. It was nice having someone care for her.
