I was in fact not tripping balls.

Waking up in Jake's bed was not how envisioned last night to go. Though, Jake being the perfect gentleman, stopped at the kiss and slept in his roommate's bed. Why does he have to be so damn perfect? Slowly, I get out of his bed and make my way to the kitchen. "Morning." Some random guy says to me as I step foot into the living room. "Jesus fuck, who the hell are you?" I ask. "Malcom, I'm Jake's roommate. Who are you mysterious lady wearing Jake's T-shirt?" He asks. "Oh. I'm Paige, I work with Jake." I say, suddenly self conscious of the fact that I'm not wearing trousers. "Ohhhh, you're the famous Paige. He talks about you all the time you know." Malcom says. Just as he was about to say something else, Jake walks in. "Malcom! I thought you weren't coming home until Tuesday." Jake says, giving Malcom a 'bro hug'. "Play finished early, director was pissed off at the guy who replaced you." Malcom says, sipping his orange juice whilst visibly checking me out. "Well Malcom, you could've not scared the crap out of Paige." Jake said, wrapping his arm around me possessively. "I wouldn't have if I didn't have to sleep on the couch, you were in my bed and she was in yours. Ergo, couch." "Sorry about that by the way guys, I fully intended on sleeping in here, but Jake kinda forced me to sleep in his room." I said sheepishly. "No worries pretty girl, I've been waiting to meet you, especially considering how much Jake talks about you." Malcom laughs. "Which is a perfectly normal amount, not like a creepy way." Jake adds. "Don't worry about it, I have to go anyway because I promised my friend we could see a movie today." I say, backing towards Jake's room to grab my clothes. "I'll drive you there." Jake offers. "Okay."

"Sorry about Malc, he can be a bit out there sometimes." Jake says as we round the corner onto Cate's estate. "It's fine, just wait until you meet Cate." I joke. "Actually, what are you doing today Jake?" I query. "Nothing, I was gonna have a movie marathon." He says as we pull onto Cate's drive. "Want to watch movies with me and Cate?" I ask. "Sure." He says. I smile and get out of the car. "Cate! I'm here and there's someone I want you to meet!" I yell as I remove my shoes and start walking up the stairs. "Wait here, I want to surprise her." I tell Jake once I'm halfway up. "Paige, I'm not in the mood for games, I can't find anywhere to watch Interstellar." She calls, signalling she's in the living room. "Trust me you will like this." I say moving into the living room. "Do you trust me?" I say. "Who's shirt is that? And of course." I cover her eyes and lead her to the top of the stairs. "Okay no screaming and no embarrassing stories." I say in her ear, slowly moving my hands. "Hi." Jake says, waving adorably at my best friend. "Oh... my... GOD! PAIGEEEE!" She screams. "Dude shut the fuck up!" I say. "Jake, this is Aimee-Cate. Cate, Jake." I say once Jake reaches us. "Aimee-Cate, I thought you said her name was just Cate." Jake questions. "Yes and no. Yes: Aimee-Cate is my birth name but I prefer just Cate." Cate says. "Cool, so are we starting this movie marathon or what?" I say.

I thought things would be more awkward considering the late night activities me and Jake got up to but it's surprisingly domestic. I'm cuddled up with Jake on the love seat and Cate is sprawled over the sofa drooling over Cillian Murphy. "I don't get it, what's the deal with all the movies with that guy in them?" Jake whispered in my ear once we got onto the fourth movie of the day: Red Eye. "Cate decided that she absolutely needed to watch all of the movies in the whole world with Cillian Murphy in them about a month ago, trust me I've seen them all by now and so has she. But Cate wants me to see the ones she watched without me." I reply. "Oh that's kinda cute." He says, pulling me impossibly closer. My attention is turned to the TV as I watch Rachel McAdams stab Cillian in the throat with a pen; but Jake has other ideas, I feel his hand creep slowly up my leg resting too close to my core that acceptable considering Cate's only one foot away. "What are you doing?" I whisper shout in Jake's ear. "Nothing if you're not comfortable, force of habit. Whenever I watched movies with my ex, she'd move my hand up her leg. I can stop if you.." I cut him off with a peck. "It's ok Jake. It's just Cate is still here and I like this movie." His wonky smile reaches his eyes as he stares at me, nodding he too turns his attention to the movie and the rest of the day continues in the domestic bliss it started.
