|~Chapter 1: Troublesome Friends~|

Earlier this morning, you were merely having a good breakfast with your foster brother. He had cooked up something that smelled so good it awoke you from your deep sleep. With saliva going down to your pillow as your messy brown hair was spread out over your face. From your snoring, your throat hurt like it was just grated.

"Good morning, Yumi-chan!" your older brother shouted, a smile that was all too familiar.

'Yumi...' You thought as you smiled back with a wave. Your biological mother hadn't even cared about you enough to even give you a name. The family before gave you a boy's name, one you deeply disliked.

"Good morning, Hakira-san, pleasant dreams I suppose?" You questioned as you sat down at the table.

"Why do you talk so formally? Relax a little. But--I guess I did have a pretty nice dream!" He exclaimed handing you a plate of food.

You put your hands together as a sign of admiration. You loved your brother's cooking, especially if he's in a happy mood. Which meant more love was cooked with it. As you carefully ate your breakfast, you felt as if today was going to be special. Of course, you couldn't tell if it was a good way or not, but something different was bound to happen, and soon.

Once you were fully awake and not your drowsy self, a coat of iron sand folded around you. Hakira didn't mind it, in fact, he adored it when you used your Kekkei Genkai. Though, he had to admit it was dangerous at times, mainly when you're angry. Just as you finished your breakfast knock on the door was heard. You heard your brother hum in wonder, it was only eight in the morning, who could be at someone's door at this hour?

You perked up hearing a familiar voice, "Hey Hakira-san! I was wondering if Yumi-chan was home--the Suna Council needs her. And it's urgent too." your friend, Kankuro, was at the door. Ninja outfit and face paint.

"Uh, Kankuro-Kun, I'll get ready!" You said as you rushed upstairs. If Kankuro himself came, then this was urgent! Quickly you put on your white wrapped-kimono with red outlines, your shorts, your ninja pack, and lastly your Sunagakure headband. It wasn't really important if that your outfit was perfected or not, because a literal coat of iron sand protected you.

Your footsteps thumped on the stairs as you rushed down, Kankuro was still outside and your brother was waiting to say goodbye to you. "Bye Hakira-san!" You shouted, giving him a mere wave before bursting out the front door.

As if being rushed to dress wasn't enough already, once you opened the door and ran out you immediately ran into the street, Kankuro had managed to keep up with you. He was panting like a dog, "Jeez--will you slow down! It actually isn't that urgent!" he shouted, trying to catch your shoulder.

You stopped abruptly, skidding forward and creating a dust cloud in front of you.

"What?! But you said the Suna Council needs me! And that it was urgent," You shouted as you shook your fist. Making you burst out the front door and run like that early in the morning.

"But there's no need for-" Kankuro shouted but was interrupted.

"What are you both bickering about this time?" A low husky voice came from in front of you both.

You jumped, how could you not? This voice came from none other than Gaara! It had to, or were you just imagining things? You looked around timidly before backing up into something. More like someone--and this someone wasn't Kankuro. You look up to see nobody other than the auburn-haired boy. He was looking down upon you, his sea foam eyes meeting with your olive green eyes. You cringed at the unexpected meeting between you two, it was awkward and not to mention a little weird since you stared at him for a solid minute.

"Oh, um, Kankuro-Kun had lied to me and made me rush out of the house so early.." you explained, still looking up at him but averting your eyes. For some reason, it was always hard to talk when you looked into his eyes.

"Hm, Kankuro-san, you are a nuisance..." he said facing his brother's direction.

You could hear an audible groaning coming from the puppet master as his little brother made fun of him.

"Anyways, shall we get going to the Suna Council Office? I have a strong feeling someone talked you a good deal." Gaara said turning to Kankuro who was brooding alone. You both began to walk together.

"Gaara-sama, have they made a decision yet?" you asked, referring to the decision of the next Kazekage.

You knew Gaara had been aiming for that possession for a rather long time. For a while, he had done plenty of deeds for both his The Village Hidden in the Sand and The Village Hidden in the Leaves. But what struck him was not the question, but what you had called him. 'Sama' he knew that -sama had meant someone who earned and deserves the utmost respect. It's not that he was uncomfortable, he wasn't used to it so as an effect he was puzzled.

"Gaara-sama?" You called out once more, he looked conflicted. "Is something wrong?" You asked, turning around since the boy had stopped in his tracks.

"Hm? Pardon my absence of speech, I was accumulating my thoughts. No, they haven't made their decision yet, but I am getting quite impatient.." he spoke, meeting with your eyes once more.

Your heart fluttered as you took a deep breath. "Well, it shouldn't take them this long to make a simple decision!" You exclaimed, folding your arms as Gaara finally caught up with you.

"Simple? Choosing the next leader of a nation isn't an easy job." he retorted, not sure what to make out of your statement.

"Well, I mean, they have you as a candidate, right? With someone like you--who has had all the strength, willpower, knowledge, and experience--I know I'd choose you for the next great leader. The next great Lord Fifth Kazekage!" you said allowing your arms to fall on your sides.

You didn't know that both of you had gotten a lot closer than before, literally and figuratively. So when you had put your arms down, your's and Gaara's hand brushed against one another. Feeling the surprisingly cold skin against the back of your palm made you quickly move away a few inches. It probably made him totally uncomfortable to be that close to you, so you did yourself a favor and moved away. Just so he didn't have to have an agonizing conversation about it. What you didn't know was that Gaara had actually like the touch, in fact for some odd reason, he was craving for more. And that made his embarrassed, so he turned his head away from your direction.

"T-thank you, Yumi-chan, you give me hope," he said a very very small shade of pink covering his cheeks.

He needed to know why his face, feelings, and heart was doing this, was is a genjutsu? No, it wasn't possible, he was able to tell. For now, the future Kazekage ignored it. Gaara wanted to make it to the Suna Council before he asked questions. Perhaps he'd ask his brother later, just for advice, maybe even his sister depending of the matter with the Council.

~Time Skip to them finally getting to the Suna Council's Office~

You both had walked in silence the rest of the way. You wanted to carry on with the conversation but you didn't know him that well. In fact, you guys only got along over the course of three years, even then you guys still didn't have the hardcore facts on each other. You never saw each other when you were young, you had only heard the small stories, and you felt bad for him. It was never his fault, and the village hated him for it? Sometimes you were ashamed to call The Village Hidden in the Sand your home.

Gaara held open the door for you, waiting for you to enter first. You gave him a warm smile and a nod as she walked through. He watched you from behind as you made your way, but stood still as Kankuro nudged him, "Blink once in a while.." he warned with a snicker, which resulted with Kankuro getting smacked upside the head with Gaara's sand.

You snicker as you see Kankuro hold his head in pain, Gaara had a small smile hearing you giggle. He could never explain why he smiled when he heard you laugh, another question added to his list of things to ask Kankuro or Temari.

All three entered the office, and they began explaining why they called all three chunin. "Welcome, Yumi, Kankuro, Gaara, we have called you here today--because we are sending you on a mission. As you know, we do not have a Kazekage just yet, but we will make our decision once you get back. You and the shinobi of the Leaf will work together. We do not know which ninja you are going to work with, but--we trust Lady Hokage to make a good decision. The mission its self: you'll be sent to a town filled with bandit and thieves, your job is to take them all out and send them where they belong..." one of the members stopped so they could comprehend what he had just said.

You were puzzled as to why they choose you. Temari was still in the Sand Village, why didn't they pick her? "If I may, why did you choose me to come along on this mission?" you asked tilting, fiddling with your fingers.

"Well, Temari herself stated you were the best for the job, with your iron sand you're able to capture and captivate someone easily. Not only that but you've been improving on your missions, you've shown strength and stability. You're the only kunoichi for the job." the same man said.

So this is what Gaara had meant before when he said someone had talked her up. Temari was her best friend, you thought she talked you up for more than one reason. Did she know they were going on a mission together? It was possible since she had gained access to the whole building--she was the oldest after all.

They were supposed to set off tomorrow, and the time to get to The Hidden Leaf Village was about two and a half days. Two and a half days of walking, two and a half days of heat, two and a half days with Gaara, and two and a half days of Kankuro teasing them both--mainly you--in the heat walking with Gaara. All the more hell you could ask for?

All three of you make your way back to your homes, but before you and Gaara had to part ways. He gave you a warm smile before saying, "I hope to see you in the morning, Yumi-chan," he spoke as he gave you a big hug. I came from nowhere, and not even Gaara expected it. He cleared his throat before bowing and heading home. Tomorrow was going to be difficult and different. But before that Gaara had to ask Kankuro and Temari about...stuff.
