Chapter 7

Copycat tried to keep his composure, though still remained shocked, though it wasn't clearly visible, he would tell that something was different about the tiny human standing before him.

Copycat:(He's suddenly become very confident, this could be a problem...)

Matthew looked at the blade he was holding, it was as if he could feel the energy that was within it. He took a deep breath and looked at Copycat.

Matthew:(Now then, for something completely stupid.)

Matthew then threw the blade right at Copycat.

Copycat:(Chuckles) What's a tiny blade supposed to...

Copycat was then immediately interrupted by the strength of the small blade as it hit him, knocking him back quite the distance.



Copycat:(A blade that small, is that powerful?)

Matthew then attempted to run off.

Copycat:Where do you think you're going?

Copycat immediately chased after Matthew. Chase realized what Matthew was up to.

Chase: He's distracting Copycat...

Rocky:What should we do?

Chase: Let's go free Ryder!

Chase and the others managed to get Ryder out of the electric chair he had been strapped to.

Ryder:We need to help Matthew!

Rubble:I hope Skye is close to the Lookout.

Meanwhile, Skye had finally made it back to Adventure Bay with the meteor, taking back into the Lookout.

Skye:Time for the Mighty Pups to strike back! (I hope you're okay, Matthew...)

Back at the base, Matthew found a place to hide inside a rather massive room that was in the center of the base.

Copycat: So, you wanna play cat and mouse eh? You can't stay hidden forever.

Matthew breathed heavily as Copycat looked around, trying to find him.

Copycat: I'll have you know that the air vent in this area is not in a place where you can reach. Not unless you're willing to risk your own life just for a hiding place?

Matthew:(I need to think of something fast.)

Copycat then summoned a small fireball, blasting the control panel, making the door stay locked.

Copycat:You aren't escaping me this time.

Copycat then summoned a few whirlwinds, knocking everything in the area away, including Matthew, causing him to crash right into the wall.


Copycat looked at Matthew and smirked.

Copycat:You think I was gonna fall for that again? I guess that brain of yours is even smaller than you are yourself, Speck!

Matthew saw that the key-shaped sword had reappeared in his hand.

Matthew:(It's back?)

Copycat had noticed this.

Copycat:(What? That's impossible! Just what kind of weapon is that?)

Matthew held the key-shaped sword close to him, as Copycat prepared another fireball.

Copycat:You're too dangerous to stay alive now that it seems you are beginning to regain your power.

???:Pick on someone your own size!

Copycat turned around, seeing that the Paw Patrol had arrived, and that the pups now had their mighty meteor powers back.

Copycat:You annoying mutts! Why risk your own life for someone as weak and tiny as this thing?

Chase:That "thing" is our friend. He may be tiny, but he's got a much bigger heart than any of us will ever have. If you want him, you'll have to go through us first!

Copycat:(Where's Harold when you need him? I need a plan, I may have all their powers, except for those twins and the husky's... But even I don't stand a chance against all of them.)

Copycat then looked at the fireball still on his paw and smirked.

Copycat:(That's it.)

Copycat then aimed the fireball at Matthew.

Copycat:Attack me, and he dies!

Matthew was frightened, not sure of what to do, as were the others.

Marshall:Why is he so important to you?

Copycat:You really don't know huh?

Ryder:Know what?

Copycat:(Chuckles) I don't think I'll tell any of you...

Chase and the other pups growled. Seeing that Copycat was distracted by his conversation, Matthew attempted to back away, but was then suddenly snatched by Harold.



Tuck:How did you even escape?

Harold:I have my ways, though it wasn't easy. You mutts will pay for getting in our way soon enough, but for now... Good-bye!

Harold then snapped his fingers, causing the entire base to shake.

Zuma:What's happening?

The center of the floor began to open up, revealing a massive robot.

Marshall:That's a big robot...

Everest:No kidding!

Copycat:Now if you'll excuse us... We'll be leaving now to go work somewhere else!

Copycat then summoned a few whirlwinds to push Ryder and the pups away as he and Harold got into the robot and tried to escape.
Ryder:We gotta stop them! We can't let them take Matthew!

Ella:Leave this to me!

Ella then used her powers to grow to giant size and grabbed the robot by the leg as it attempted to take flight.

Ella:You're not going anywhere with our friend!

Harold and Copycat tried to break free of Ella's tight grip by tapping every button within the robot.

Harold:Nothing's working!

Copycat:This is great... Is that big head of yours just for show or do you have an actual plan?

Harold:Does it look like I do?

Copycat:(Sighs) Then we only got one option!


Copycat then grabbed Matthew, punched the faceplate of the robot, breaking it open.

Matthew:What are you doing?

Copycat:Doing something I know that these soft-hearted pups can't resist.

Copycat then threw Matthew out, sending him into a free-fall. Ella took notice of this and released the robot, allowing her to quickly move, having Matthew land safely on her head.

Ella:You okay, little fella?

Matthew:Yeah, thanks.

Just then, Ella was hit by a massive boulder, causing her to be knocked back and fall to the ground.


Ella:(Groans) I'll be fine.

Matthew looked up, seeing that Copycat was above them, holding another massive boulder.

Matthew:It was a trick?

Copycat:Of course it was you idiot! You think I was just gonna let them have you back? This boulder though will make sure that mutt can no longer follow us. I suggest you move away, or else you'll die as well! A part of me already wants to kill you, but I think it will be better to watch you suffer first.

Ella:Matthew, run! Get out of here!

Copycat then threw the boulder. Matthew watched as it was heading towards him and Ella. Ella was hurt quite badly from the last one as she returned to her normal size and struggled to even move.


Matthew looked at Ella then the boulder.

Matthew:No... That's just what he wants.


Matthew looked at his right hand, seeing that the key-shaped sword had reappeared once again.

Matthew:Pray that this will be enough...


Matthew then threw the blade, sending towards the boulder.

Copycat:Such an idiot, that thing might have worked on me, but I highly doubt...

Copycat was interrupted by the blade going right through the boulder, not destroying it, but sending Copycat flying right into Harold's robot, rendering him unconscious.

Harold:(Sighs) We have no choice but to retreat for now, I stand no chance against those pups by myself.

The robot then took off. Matthew looked at the boulder that was still headed his and Ella's way.

Matthew:You wouldn't be able to shrink like your brother?


Suddenly a massive burst of wind pushed the boulder, sending the boulder crashing into the ocean.


Ella and Matthew looked up, seeing that Skye was flying above them.

Skye:That was close. Are you two okay?

Ella:Yeah, we're fine.

Skye landed on the ground to check on them.

Skye:Heh, you're quite brave, little Matthew.


Ella:Seems that Harold and Copycat retreated.

???:Harold must've figured that he would be outmatched by us since Copycat was unconscious.

The three turned, seeing that the others had come over.

Chase:You did good Matthew, very good.

Zuma:This little dude is cwazy! I like it!

The others let out a little howl as Matthew looked at the key-shaped sword that was on the ground. Matthew walked over to it and picked it up.

"You've begun to take your first steps, now then, once you return to Adventure Bay, I have something for you to do."

Matthew:(I understand...)

Ryder:So, let's head home?

Marshall:Yes please, I'm starving!

The pups giggled as they were approaching their vehicles, Matthew turned around and looked up, seeing that Harold's robot was still visible as it continued to retreat.

Matthew:(They'll be back, when they do, I'll be ready.)

Chase:You coming, Matthew?

Matthew:I'm coming!

Matthew quickly caught up to Chase, as the German Shepheard picked him up, putting him the dashboard of of his police cruiser, with Ryder riding on the back of it.

Chase:I can't wait to take a nap once we get home.


Chase and the other pups then begun to make their way back to Adventure Bay.

That will be it for this chapter, the next chapter shall be the final one. Thanks so much for your patience, sorry for taking so long to finally make a new chapter. Anyways, I hope everyone is having a good day and is looking forward to the last chapter of this rewrite. I don't think I'll do an epilogue for this, pretty sure everyone already knows what takes place after this book, so, I don't think I'll bother to make one. 
