Part 16: She's Perfect?

        Shirayuki immediately realised that she had no idea how to get there, "Hey...Can somebody help me?" Shirayuki asked.

        "Is there something wrong?" Langa asked, appearing in front of her.

        "How do I figure out where the Zoldycks' live?" Shirayuki asked, not knowing anything about modern technology.

        "Kukuroo Mountain, that direction. You have to take a plane to get there, but you can just use your boat." Langa explained.

        "Okay thanks, Langa. You're the best! I have no idea what a plane is but I'll assume that you can fly!" Shirayuki thanked, making her way to Kukuroo mountain.

        Shirayuki then made her way to Kukuroo mountain, but took a day to get there since the boat was slower than this so called plane. She ended up at the bottom of the mountain, climbing with her chakra, jumping higher and higher until she reached the top, but saw the people and hid. 

       She saw two people, assuming they were hunters, threaten the guard and took and key to enter the door, but ended up being eaten by some creature named Mike. She laughed, and saw the guard look up at the tree.

      'He noticed me? Well, I guess the Oh~so powerful Zoldycks' need the best of the best.'

      Once the people left, Shirayuki appeared and looked around. 

     "Look, I know you aren't allowed to let people inside and I'm not trying to like make you do it for me. I'm just wondering, if you're okay or not? I mean obviously you're quite strong but I'm just a little worried." Shirayuki explained.

      "Yes, I am quite fine. But, if you would like to come inside. I'm fine with it." Zebro said.

      "Yeah, okay. I am not getting eaten by that big guard dog." Shirayuki laughed, leaning on the big heavy gate.

      She then fell back and saw the door move back slightly.

      "So that's the gate! Well, I guess there had to be a way for you to get inside." Shirayuki exclaimed, giving a thumbs up to Zebro before trying to push herself through.

      Shirayuki struggled on opening the gate since she could barely push the gate with her arms. She then turned and put her back against the gate, pushing it open so that she could get through.

      "Reminds me so much of when I was working with Shenhe and Noelle, I guess that Zhongli's words were right after all..." Shirayuki sighed, before walking away.

      Zebro then made a call, "A girl has made her way through the testing gate."

      "...Did you get her name?"


     The call then ended.

     Shirayuki then reached Canary, who had her weapon ready to fight her. 

     "If you take one step across, you will very much regret it." Canary said.

      "I'm perfectly fine with that." Shirayuki smiled, walking up to her.

      Canary was about to attack when someone told her to stop, Shirayuki looked to see a woman with a weird red eye. She quickly jumped back, getting her kunai ready in her battle stance, glaring at the woman.

      "Who are you?" The woman asked.

      "It's polite for the person to introduce themselves. Though, I assume that you're Killua's mother?" Shirayuki questioned.

      "You're quite the smart one, aren't you?" The woman said in a judgy tone(idk what the hell that means but for some reasons, it makes the most sense).

       "Not really. That Illumi guy with the most beautiful hair I have ever seen said that Killua stabbed his mother's eyes and your eyes aren't really the same as everyone elses, is it?" Shirayuki chuckled, still keeping her glare.

       "What a sharp mouth you have." The lady said, extremely annoyed but keeping a fake smile, about to move forward.

       "Move a step closer and I won't hesitate. Illumi may have said that I'm the only one of his friends who you wouldn't kill but I'm no idiot." Shirayuki threatened.

       The lady just laughed, and moved forward, and Shirayuki immediately attacked her and almost killed her if she hadn't dodged fast enough, Shirayuki managed to cut her arm slightly though. 

       "I already made myself clear. Move a step closer. And I will. Not. Hesitate to kill you. I don't know how you are in the family or who you are, and I really don't care. I'm going to find Killua, beat the absolute shit out of him until he's back to normal, and leave. So don't try to intervene, or you will be the next meal for that animal." Shirayuki threatened, no longer smiling, letting her bloodlust out.

       The lady then started crying, "Oh! You're perfect! Absolutely perfect! That glare, your bloodlust!" She cried tears of joy.

       'What the actual fu-'

      "Oh, you'll make a perfect daughter in law!" She cheered.

      "...You know what, I've wasted more than enough time. Goodbye." Shirayuki sighed, jumping onto the trees and jumping all the way to the main building.

       Helpers at the mansion saw Shirayuki, and got ready to attack but Shirayuki knocked them out and continued searching for Killua.

      (I don't know if that happens or not but just know that Shirayuki is much stronger than assassins because she has more experience than everyone else cuz she's a ninja who kills and spies and poisons and stuff like that so yeah. She's not a mary sue in this, she's stronger than assassins but like, she's not stronger than extremely powerful people like(kinda spoiler) Netero, or Meruem and Pitou and Kite so yeah)

      What Shirayuki didn't know was that Gon and his other friends had arrived, and were already training to push open the testing gate. Shirayuki then tried to figure out where Killua could be.

      "I met his mother, I haven't met the rest besides Illumi. I wonder if-"

     "Who are you?" 

     Shirayuki flinched and jumped back, blowing a fire ball at the person. Shirayuki observed the man carefully, seeing that he was very muscular and quite tall and assumed that he was the father. 

      "I'm assuming that you're the father of the Zoldyck family?" Shirayuki asked, keeping a straight face.

      "I heard that you opened the testing gate, what are you here for?" He asked.

      "I'm not answering your question until you answer mine. But if you must know who I am, I am a friend of Killua. Though I have no idea what the testing gate is." Shirayuki explained.

      "And your name is?"

      Shirayuki looked at him with a blank face, "Yes, I am the father of the Zoldyck family. Silva Zoldyck." He introduced.

     "Shirayuki." She introduced.

     "Shirayuki? I'm sure I've heard your name somewhere."

    "If you say Snow White, I will rip your heart out and feed it to that anime in the distance." Shirayuki threatened.

    He laughed, "Not what I was thinking. I heard it from my family, my wife seems to be fond of you. I've never expected that so I won't kill you for the time being." 

    "Sure, now where is Killua?" Shirayuki asked.
