Part 31

Hey guys so the final chapter is below, I know it's been long over due but I have been working on my other books, I'm also looking for a co writer to help finish one of my books so message me if you want to help out.

I want to thank everyone for your votes and comments, this was my first ever fan fic and I'm so happy with all the views I got for this. Hope you like it.

(Riley's POV)

Dean had just arrived as I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy.

"hey cutie" he said as the nurse handed him to Dean

"have you thought of a name?" The nurse said

And I looked right at Dean "Dexter" he replied and skilled at me.

Half an hour later we were in our own private room I was feeding Dexter as Dean went to go and get Dru and AJ

"knock knock" he said entering the room Dru in his arms AJ following behind

"hey Dru come and meet your baby brother"I said

"say hello Dexter" Dean said

"hello Dexter" Dru said.

Dean put her down and went to take a seat on the chair on the other side of my bed "AJ you have been a life saver and a great help with Dru, Dean and I were wondering if you would be god mother to Dexter like you are with Dru, and obviously Aunty as well?"

"id love to" she said "I have to run though im afraid i have a meeting with triple H and Stephanie" she said saying her good-byes

20 minutes later we were visited by another visitor "uncle Roman!" Dru said

"knock knock, I wasn't sure if you were up for visitors yet?" He said

"Roman you are always welcome to come and see us" I said as he stepped through the door

"congratulations to you both" he said

"here uncle Roman" I said handing him Dexter "this is Dexter" I said

"hey cutie" he said holding him"Dude he looks just like you" he said to Dean

"thanks man" Dean said a little embarrassed.

They left me after about 10 minutes to get some rest and relax

(A month later)

I was in the hotel room getting my hair and make up done. Today was the big day I was going to marry Dean Ambrose.

AJ was holding Dexter and Dru was getting her dress on.

"wow you look amazing Riley" AJ said to me

"thanks" I smiled

Just then there was a knock on the door.


I opened the door and saw Roman "Hey AJ I just came for Dexter seeing as you will be walking down the isle, plus Dean wants to see his little man" I giggled and handed Dexter to Roman.

(Rileys POV)

It was time the music hit and Dru walked down the isle, and then AJ walked down and the took Dexter out of Romans arms as Roman was Deans best man.

Then it was my turn the music hIt and everyone stood up and I made my way down the isle. I saw Dean and my smile widened as he looked so good in a suit.

(after the ceremony)

We just said our I dos and now we made our way to the wedding reception. It was there I threw my bouquet and AJ caught it.

Then we cut the cake and I fed Dean as he fed me some. Then the music started playing and it was time for our first dance as man as wife.

It was funny Deans face was one of fear and concentration as we started to dance "Relax" I whispered into his ear and that's when he did. The. The music changed and everyone else joined. Dean and I left everyone to it as I went to see Dexter who was fast asleep in Romans arms.

After half an our I went and changed as Dean,Dru Dexter and I left for our honeymoon.

As we drove off I to the sunset we waved to all off our friends and family

(the end)
