Part 1

"Is it a man or a women?" asked the reporter.

"Its human, that's all you can tell," answered the man, looking at the charred trunks of what used to be.

The remains of the dead is hardly possible to call "bodies", because that would identify as something human.
But there was nothing "human" about what is left here.

"Its the worst thing I've ever seen." The man answered. "I've witnessed hell on earth, But nothing can compare to this." The company employed over 600 women and around 100 men. One of the saddest features of the situation, they were just about to finish for the day and go home to their families. About 5 minuets more, if the fire had waited, all these lives would not have been lost.

How it started, no one knows. In the top 3 floors of the building there were around 600 employees,  around 500 were just girls. The workers, mostly Italians, Russians, Hungarians, and Germans, aged from 16 to 20 years young.

The girls either lost their lives by either being burned alive by the flames or jumping out the windows and gruesomely falling to their death onto the pavement below.

On this day, there were an estimate of 1000 lives lost.

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