Chapter 19 Adrien Shows Her?

         "No please!"  Marinette protest.

           "I have too."  Adrien says.

           "Marinette, you mean everything to me!"  Adrien says.

           "This can not happen."  Marinette remarks.

           "I thought I was not ready, but I am now." Adrien says

          "Wh-what?"  Marinette blushes.

         "It is alright,  I will not bite you I promise."  Adrien says.

         Adrien smiles as he slowly removes the gloves, the mask and the rest of the diguise.  He reveals his regular clothes underneath.  He continues to smile at her.

       Marinette gasp.   

     "Yes, it is me.  I was with you when you got out of the dungeon." Adrien explains

     "wh-what? You really are Adri!   I can not believe it is really you! " Marinette says.

      "Y-Yes, but I..." Adrien begins

    "What is it?"  Marinette ask.

     "Here you can have this back."  Adrien says.  He returns the special bracelet her grandma gave her with her family crest on it.

        Marinette slips the bracelet back on her wrist.  Now that is where it belongs once more she looks at him sadly. 

       "I still can hardly believe I found you after all this time!"  Adrien says.  He blushes and his voice softens a bit as he speaks to her.  He is so in love he can not hardly stand it.

     "I have been a horrible friend."  Marinette says.

     "No, you have been as wonderful and stubborn as I remember!"  Adrien says.  He teases her a little and shoves her shoulder just a bit.  He thinks, how did you get to be this grown up?  

      Marinette remains quiet.  She is still in shock that her childhood friend stands before her, much older now, tall as ever, and quite handsome.  She blushes.  She thinks, Adri I do not deserve you.  

     She starts to tremble a bit. She looks a bit pale all of a sudden as if she may be ill.  She feels weak all of a sudden.  Marinette feels the air about her grow thin.  She can not feel her feet.  She feels like she can not breath.  She can not speak.  She tries, but her voice will not come out. She looks at him in fear and begins to panic.  She thinks, Adri!  I am so afraid, help me!  Help me, Adri!

     "Your highness I can not loose you again!"  Adrien says to her.

    "Bluebell say something!"  Adrien remarks.  He gasp.

       Marinette starts to collapse as he catches her.  Adrien just remains this way for awhile still as can be in the hallway to his home with the love of his life in his arms.  He stares into her eyes and sees her go limp.  He panics.  "Marinette, no!  Please!" Adrien begs her. 

       Marinette's POV:   As I try to tell Adrien, whom I know better as Adri now that the truth is out how I feel, I go numb.   My feet will not move, my voice seems to get stuck in my thoart, and I hear him speak, but I collapse.  Right before everything around me goes dark I feel his strong, arms catch me.  I feel him catch me and let myself relax.  I wish I could tell him more.  I  wish...I wish... but what good does a wish do me now as I feel my body go unconscious.  I am so sorry, Adri!

      Adrien's   POV:  I  reveal the truth to her, to my Bluebell Gal, as I refer to often.  I am happy to have her back in my life at  last.  Truth be told, I am afraid of loosing her again.  I lost her once.  I felt my heart almost would break.  Now, I have her back in my life only she collapses on me.  I catch her and stare into her eyes.  I beg her to stay with me, but she does not listen.  She leaves me again!  She goes unconscious in my arms.  What do I do?  What happens to her?   What am I to make of it all?

   Adrien's  POV:  It came as shock to me to discover the one I love is a member of the royal family my family was at odds with years ago.  It makes me feel as if I were at a loss for words really.  I do know this though, I love her!  I intend to show her if she is okay.  I  feel tears roll down my cheeks as I look at her.  I feel like my world will crash in on me if anything should happen to her.  I need her in my life.  I  love her!  What will I do if...If she never wakes up?   I shall go isane, or who knows what?   I have to do something, but what?


     Meanwhile with Alix and Natalie...

        Alix and Natalie are unaware that Marinette is unconscious in Adrien's arms, or how upset Adrien is right now.

      Alix remarks,  "I suppose I shall be single forever then."

     Natalie says,  "Now, come on!  I am sure there is someone out there for you."  

    Alix remarks,  "Natalie thanks, but no thanks.  We both know no one will ever love me."

        Alix's  POV:  Why should anyone ever care about me?  I mean it.  No one has before, so why should they start to now?   It is not as if I ever done anything great in my life anyway.  I shall never be that great of a person.   Marinette is a better friend to me than I have ever been to her for that matter.

       Natalie's  POV:  Alix really tries to hard to find love.  She strives for attention.  She seems to be a bit needy.  The girl has some silly  notion in her head that she will be loveless for the rest of her days.  I do not find this to be true.  No one is beyond love.  Not even red haired, flirty girls!  I still think in time she too will find her true love as all young girls long to do so this day in time.

          Right as they speak a loud knock is heard at the door.  Whoever it is seems to grow impatient as the knock gets louder and louder.   

      *Author's  Note:   Who is at the door?  What could they possibly want anyway?

 to be continued in   Chapter 20  Marinette Remains Unconscious?

