Cover Contest Results

Hey everyone! I have good news and bad news.

The bad news is that I only received one entry for my book cover contest. If anyone still wants to 'enter', then definitely have a go at it! I was planning on alternating between covers every few months, but plans change.

The good news is that I fell in love with the entry the moment I saw it.

Congrats to Anonymous_Potato1123 ! Your design will be the opening cover for the A Moment of Stars Rewrite!


Honestly, everything about this cover makes me want to jump for joy. YOU UNDERSTOOD THE ASSIGNMENT!!! The color scheme, the silhouette, the halo/crown, the fonts, literally everything about this cover embodies the essence of my story, and I am so grateful that you took the time out to work on this!

[In all honesty, I think you would have been the winner regardless if there were more entries. I became emotionally attached to this cover waayyy too quickly haha]

The even better news is that the first 5 chapters of AMOS[Rewrite] will be out TOMORROW! I'll be making an announcement once I get it posted, so please look out for that.

This means I will be marking this one as complete.

I would like to take a moment to say thank you all for sticking with my wack updates and plot holes for so long, it means so much to me to see how much this story has grown and how these characters have developed. You wont regret reading this rewrite, it's gonna be a crazy ride!

The plot for the most part is the same, but I changed the origin stories for certain characters as well as took out many unnecessary scenes. I also inserted more descriptions and made the timeline make more sense than the one we have now.

I will be far more consistent with this rewrite now that I'm not scared of messing things up, and I hope you all enjoy!

See you all in Aevum~

