「Black Like Grimm~」

「Kumagawa Speech Patterns」
*Inside of a neat motel room, with barely anything in it, we see a black hair girl with amber eyes in the middle of putting on and fixing a black bow on her head, once done, she gather a few more thing's before heading out the motel and into the street's of Vale, she walks in a paranoid and quiet walk, trying her best to not to stand out, and while traveling threw the street's in a not wanting to be noticed fashion, she couldn't help but glance and see a few random people picking on other people, seemingly ones with single animal parts on their bodies, this made the black hair clench her fist and frown deeply*

'One day... I'll change this world, for the better, and for the sake of equality.'
*She for now decided to ignore it for now, not ready to risk to take action just yet, she continues to move, and she moves some more, untill she reaches her destinations, which was a library, seeing this made her smile lightly, viewing this as the only safe place to relaxing in, though when she went inside, she was met with a great surprise*

*She went inside with extreme wide eyes shock, cause inside said library, there was nothing inside, bookwise, all the shelves were empty, not even kids or magazines were on display, there was nothing but a single table, filled with nothing but 'Mangas?', when she went up to look at them, she realized that it was a new type of literature, she was interested, but still heavily confused*

'Where are all the books?'
*She was very lost on what was happening here, though she pretty sure that no one will tell anything, so she let's out a little sigh of dissapointment, before looking back at the pile of Manga's, after a moment of thought, she decided to take three, cause why not, she was already there, after picking three she was curious about, she check them out, put them in her bag and went back to the motel, once she did, she didn't immediately read them right away, thinking Manga as comics, which did not interests her and for now ignores them, or, at leasts that's what she wanted to do, but in actuality, once she went home, she toss her bag on the bed, planning to head to the shower, and maybe go to sleep, but before she did, she noticed that one of the Manga, one called 'The Disastrous Life Of Kusuo Saiki', fell out of the bag and open on a random page, she couldn't help but look at it, now with mild curiousity*

'I guess it wouldn't hurt to read a few pages.'
*She simply shrugs, sitting on her bed and held up the Manga, thinking she would only read a few page before getting bored, though, a few page became a whole chapter, a whole chapter became a the whole manga, and a whole manga became two more manga that she also had, and once she had read it all, her bored yet mildly curious mind, soon became full blown excitment and wonderment*

'W-Wow, to think pictures and word can tell an amazing story!'
*She was honestly shock by this Manga achievement, while at the same time very amazed and glad she was able to read such a masterpiece*

'J-Just, just wow! I-I need more! A-Are there more?!
*Wasting no more time, she quickly grabbed her bag, the mangas she read, and quickly went back to the Library, the sun was setting by that time, and soon, she came back with both a bag and handful of Manga's, and after perfectly setting them and organized them on the table, she immediately sat down, grabbed a Volume 2 of the story she read earlier, and quickly begins to read it*

'I-I wish I can meet the person that made such a masterpiece~'
*For the past week, or so, this amber eyes girl had done nothing but read all the Manga, day in and night out, she of course ate some meals and trained her fighting skills here and there, but that was all second importance to her, soon we see her on her bed, wearing some comfortable and snuggable PJ's, and in the middle of reading the last volume she had, and after a few moments more, she sighs and close the Manga*

'How can anyone create such a story, so unreal~.'
*The Bow girl couldn't stop the feeling of light satisfaction and the need of wanting more, but before she could commit to her feelings, she pulled her scroll and checks out the date of today*

"Hm... I guess a couple more wouldn't hurt before school starts."
*Totally convinced herself to go de dress amd head out to read more, cause you know, she's totally not addicted or Anything, though when she went back to the Library to get more, she suddenly spotted a young man, who seems younger than her, and was in the middle of putting some Manga's, at first she just thought it was a fellow reader putting away the books, but once she got closer, she noticed that he wasn't returning them, but actually adding more, this caused her to gasp in shock, which caught his attention and look at her with a familiar looking innocent smile*

"Y-You, y-you, did you write all of these?!"
*The Book Nerd could barely contain her excitement on meeting the actual author who made all the manga she's has read, this question made Kumagawa rubs his chin and hums*

'「Technically, yes, I made all this.」'
*He nods to her question, the answer was enough to make her squeal and gets close to him, which made him lean back and wore a slight uncomfortable expression, clearly not use to girl's beimg around him amd acting like this, but he hid it with his constant smiling*

"HOW Di-, hurk, How did you managed to write some many of these, how did you come up with all these ideas, what's your inspiration?~"
*This Amber eyes girl, once calming down after realizing how much of a fan girl she was acting, couldn't help but wonder and ask how he was able to make any of this, and in such a young age, it was just so unbelievable to her, again, he had to think about his answer, before letting out a small smirk*

"「It's because of people like you~」"
*What the Minus caught this Bow girl way off guard and startled her*

"L-Like me?"
*She didn't understand, and actaully get a little concern on what he was implying*

"「Yup~ once I get inspired, I can't help but analyzed what I see and 'Guess' what they been threw~」"
*He takes one of manga the black hair girl had, which was Kusuo Saiki, and opens it up and shows her a random pages*

"「For example, when reading this and watching this character, do you know what I see?~」"
*Kumagawa looks up to the Bow girl with a small raised brow*

"W-What do you see?"
*She was now scared to ask*

"「Someone who is unhappy of being himself when around other's, so much so that he wants nothing but to be left alone~」"
*This caused her to go wide eyes and become stunned slience*

"「He hate who he is and wished to be normal, so that he could have a fine and peaceful life, without needing to hide himself and avoid everyone he knows, except his own family~」"
*Hearing more of this, the Amber eyes couldn't help but feel a tight pain in her chest, not realizing how much this was hitting home*

"「But unfortunately, he can't and has to continue avoiding such a problem, whiched caused more harm than good, to himself, and those around him...」"
*The Minus then closed the Manga and looks back up to the black hair girl, who was close to crying, cause her mind was now filled with memories of her past and sins*

"「I always think a story based on some, 'Realism', is what makes it better, don't you think?~」"
*The Good Loser puts on his innocent smile again, to which she nods and tries to wipe away any tears that had came out*

*Was all she could say, the smiling boy hums as he watch her be depressed*

"「Hm~ since you are a very big fan or mine, I wanna give you this~」"
*He then reaches in his uniform and pulls out a Manga and handed it out to the girl with the bow*

"H-Huh? What's this?"
*She was surprised as she hastily takes it and reads the title, 'Medaka Box'*

"「Just a little One Shot, probably will or will not continue, but for why I'm giving it to you, consider it a gift for being my Number 1 fan~」"
*He gave a cute wink, causing her to blush lightly, but also smiling softly, feeling a little better and even a little happy to be given such a gift*

"T-Thank you, I can't wait to read more of your work."
*The boy replies with a happy nod, then she took the Manga, gave a polite bow of 'thank you', before shyly leaving, it was quite of an experience for her*

'「Hehe~.... messing with the Neko Blake Bella-Booty is so fun~」'
*After enjoying watching her leave, he pulls put his notepad again and crossed out another name*

"「Hm~ I wonder if I should've gave her Keijo to, might give her ideas~」"
*Lets out a silly perverted giggle as he than had a small nose bleed at his perverted fantasy*
Minus Idea: I'm thinking of something that has to do with Sins and using that against their enemies, or something like that, kind of like Sans Karma ability.
(Let me know if you come up with a better Minus, and remember, it has to be a evil and dangerous ability)
