Hey yalls, so ummmm, I kinda let myself get lost with school, so I forgot to write, but I'm back and I'm gonna make u guys a new chap, HOWEVER, this chapter might be short due to tiredness, so plz, don't criticise to hard.

This is the entrance exam from the LoV point of view, BTW, anyone figure out who the mystery person was yet? Anyways, you'll find out in this chapter.


×Third person POV×

The LoV were watching the entrance exam in the T.V. Toga was sharpening her knives on the floor by Dabi's chair while watching, Dabi was drinking beer on the single sofa while playing with some fire on the tips of his fingers all while watching, and Shigaraki had a cup of coffee on the coffee table which he spiked with alcohol, and had his feet on the table. 

They were watching normally all the time, but then deku ran in before the countdown was done, and they seemed suprised, cause they thought that all of these bitches wouldn't be sensible enough to work out the fact that there's no timer in a real fight.

All of them decided to keep their eye on deku.

×Shigaraki POV×

Before the countdown finished, a kid ran through into the fake city, then I realized, It was the same kid who went after the sludge villain. 

This kid was really starting to bug me, cause he's familiar, but I don't know how!!! Ever since I saw him on the news that day he's been stuck in my head! IT'S ANNOYING!!! 

I kept on watching this kid and when he pulled out some katanas, I just couldn't take it anymore.


 I screamed in frustration and I kicked the coffee table over, and I stormed off to my room, and just slept before the headache I had got worse.

× meh wif- uh, I mean Toga POV×


I was sharpening my knives when all of a sudden the same cute white haired boy who fought the sludge villain, ran through the gates. 

He pulled out some really long chains, and he was moving like if he was ribbon dancing with them, and really good at that. 

After a while, he pulled out some nice and shiny katanas, but I couldn't see how well he was working with these right away, cause I was distracted by shiggy yelling and kicking over the coffee table, then he walked up to his room......

 "What a baby..."

 "..... What's his problem??" Dabi asked looking at me.

 " Idk🤷" I said and I continued watching the exam while sharpening my knives.

(Guys do me a favour would ya, pretend that emoji has knives in her hand, cool? Thanks😁)

I saw that the boy was working well with the katanas, like really well. And I bet I would too, considering that katana are basically big knives.

Soon, the zero pointer came up and for some reason, he went after it. 

After he got rid of it, I saw what he did.... He saved a brunette who was stuck under some rubble. Now that's a real hero!

(Now, the one you've all been waiting for) ×Dabi POV×

I was drinking my beer and relaxing on the couch, when this cute white haired kid ran through the gates. 

I realized it's the same kid who went after the sludge villain. 

I'm gonna have to thank him somehow, cause ever since we saw him on the news, crusty's had a stick up his ass.

I mean sure, it can be hell, but when crusty is in that kinda mood, it means that he's emotionally suffering as if fire were melting him inside out, but there was ice freezing him outside in. 

He deserves it after he disintegrated my last bottle of beer. I had to go to the store in THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!!!!! IN THE RAIN MIGHT I ADD!!!!! RAIN!!!!

Anyways, this kid was doing really well with his chains. And then, he pulled out katanas.

Of course, as I was expecting, when I looked at blood sucker, her eyes lit up.

I chuckled.

(..... What is it with me and making characters chuckle?)

Soon enough, the zero pointer came out and he went after it. Am I simping for an idiot??

Then I realized, he saved a brunette stuck under some rubble.

Hm... Ok, lemme see.... 





5.most likely has style

6.most likely kind, generous, etc.
































(Keep going)





























































(Down more)












































































(Just a little bit further)






































































(Just go abit further)










































































(Me:Just a bit again..



Dabi:............ No one......

Me: That's what I thought. But anyways, you could have just asked nicely, now, onto your line.)




.......... I... I think I have a crush. I felt my face heat up.

(Me: OoooooOOOoooOo, Blushie BoOyyy.

Dabi:Shut up!!

Me: *laughs*

Dabi: SHUT UP!!!

Me: *laughs harder*



797 words.

Ik, it's a short chap, but I hope u guys enjoyed!!!🤗🤗🤗

comment some feedback and let me know what I can improve on it remove.

Also, are you guys enjoying my behind the scenes interactions with the characters??

Also, I've been thinking about 3rd person pov. Should I create a narrator and have me and the narrator replace 3rd person pov? think

Or do you want me to do a chapter where we replace the 3rd person pov, and you tell me what y'all think then?

let me know.

Again, hope u enjoyed byeeeee 👋😁😁😁😁😁😊😊😊😊😊
