
The title you wrote,
"Je T'aime"
Who did you write that for?
Me? Or someone else?

My mind ran in shambles at the thought.
She couldn't have.
I treated her like a lady and as nicely as possible as I could,
All this time.

She couldn't have loved someone else, right?

The paranoia was killing me internally,
The thought of her loving
And being with someone else,
Made me realize how weak I am.

I remembered the place where I used to stay all the time,
That dark, void corner.
I don't want to go back there.
Anywhere but there.

The boy who admired her from afar...
The person I used to be,
How it hurt,
Seeing her being happy with other people...

Especially someone else.

Spring was our haven of memories,
But will it continue to be?
Who knows if Spring will fade away,
Along with the memories---

Memories of us.

If she were to end up with someone else,
What would happen to me?
To Spring?
To us?

I didn't ever want to return to that corner,
The corner from where I looked at you,
And the corner where I realized
I loved you---

But you loved someone else...
