Rooftops and Invitations [3: Rooftop]

Three months had passed in a blur. Work was good, her friendships were great and her marriage... well she couldn't deny it anymore... her marriage was wonderful, Chat Noir was wonderful.

"So three months already, Marinette?"

"Yeah," she sighed dreamily, "time flies when you're having fun."

"I don't know if you're being sarcastic, or if you are actually 'having fun'?" Marinette blushed at her friends' wording, yes they had had fun, but they were yet to have complete fun.

She was currently sitting in front of Alya at a coffee shop near the boutique she was working on a couple of commissions in. It specialised in evening wear and bridal wear, completely different to what she thought she would go into. But work was hectic and amazing, and orders were flying in so fast she had to begin to decline one or two.

She looked down at the ring on her finger, one of the few times she could wear it out was when she met up with Alya, and god she loved how it made her feel. She'd always felt connected to Chat in certain ways, but this, it just felt so right, like they were made to be this, to do this together. This was their fairytale.

"You're so smitten it's cute." Alya said, Marinette looking up to catch her best friend giving her a rather interesting expression.

"Yeah, I really thought I'd never get over Adrien, but I don't know if it's the not seeing him as much, or the fact we're good friends now, but..." she sighed, her ringed hand coming up to rub her head.

"But?" Alya encouraged her.

"But I don't think being married to Adrien would be half how I feel with Chat. I can't explain it, Alya. I would say it's love but it feels so much more. I think about him all the time, I message him all the time. I get excited when I come home and he's there, when he sends something to the apartment he thinks I might like, or when I have to wash his dirty socks and pants. I love everything! The good, the bad -"

"And the ugly?" her friend continued for her.

"Exactly," Marinette laughed. "I mean the guy can't do anything around the home, you should see him change the bedsheets, he literally climbs inside them. But I love him, Alya, quirks and all. I love him, and I couldn't imagine loving anyone else."

Alya sat back, arms folded and one eyebrow raised. "Well it's about time," she said smugly, her smile wide and knowing.

"Okay, okay, I admit! I was stupid for not falling in love with him to begin with. It just seems over the years he's changed, not only is he funny, and extreme, but he displays everything I fell in love with Adrien for, he's like Adrien 2.0."

"In black super spandex and one wonderful tush."

"It's a very wonderful tush."

"I bet it is," Alya laughed only for Marinette to roll up a napkin and throw it at her friend's face.

"That's my husband you're talking about." Marinette laughed, her friend throwing the napkin straight back. "My husband," she said dreamily, hands coming up to cup under her chin.

"Come back to Earth please girl, we haven't finished yet. So what's happening about identities?"

"He's worried about Gabriel's retrial. For some reason it petrifies him that Gabriel will get the Miraculous back and come after us. Gabriel knows who Chat is Alya, and if he sees us together...I dread to think."

"Well let's hope Gabriel's case gets kicked out of court like last time."

"Cheers to that." They held up their coffee cups, tapping them against each other in solidarity.

Marinette watched as her friend's face morphed into confusion and then slowly to shock, almost as if she'd just figured something out, before finally blinking and bringing her face back to normal.

"So, what's your anniversary plans? Todays the day right, the three month dating deadline you placed on it." She threaded her fingers together and placed her elbows on the table staring at Marinette.

"It is and I've planned something kind of nostalgic for us, a little trip down memory lane."

"And, can anything be shared on the blog?"

"Not a chance in hell," she laughed, stretching forward and tapping her friend on the hand. "But I will tell you I'm finally going to face my fears. I'm going to tell him tonight exactly how I feel."

"I'm proud of you Marinette, you've come a long way, and as much as I would have loved Adrinette, you know I've always rooted for Ladynoir."


He stood around the apartment waiting.

Ladybug had told him she would meet him at five, it was now half past five. He didn't know why he was so surprised, in all the years he'd known her she had never been on time for anything, including the take down of Monarch. At least she made it for the grand finale he supposed. He watched the clock tick in the hallway, each second feeling like an hour. He'd had to fake an injury to make sure he got here on time; faking that his own 'personal balls' were in pain and he needed an ice pack and rest.

So here he was...waiting like a cat on a hot tin roof - impatiently. He began to clap his hands in a melodic rhythm, twisting and turning them to create a beat. His foot began to tap, adding to the tune he was composing, before he started to hum along with the beat of the song.

"Livin' on a Prayer, good choice. At least we agree on something."

Turning around he saw his Lady standing there with a smile on her face as she watched him create his own mini concert. He walked forward offering his hand out to her.

"Take my hand and we'll make it I swear, Woah, livin' on a prayer. Come on M'Lady, finish it off, I know you want to."

She placed her hand in his, rolling her eyes. "Fine! Livin' on a prayer." she sang.

"Awww, M'Lady, your voice is like a midnight fire. All warm, worn in and golden. I could listen to you sing forever," he said, the smile on her face brightening.

"Come on, you big flirt."

"Is it still flirting if it's aimed at my wife?"

"It depends, which item of my clothing have you ruined this time?"

"Meow-ch, Bugaboo. You know since the washing disaster I haven't even attempted to do anything slightly domesticated without you by my side. You and me against the washing machine."

She started to laugh before moving forward and wrapping him into an embrace. "Are you ready for our second official date?"

"What? Is a black out not classed as a date?"

"Not a chance, kitty cat."

"Well, in that case, I've got my supersuit on, my first aid kit in my pocket and the paramedics on speed dial. I'm ready."

She slapped the top of his arm before burying her head into his chest, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug. "I'm never going to get over how bad that first date was, but I'm hoping our second can make it up to you. Are you ready to go?"

With a curt nod, they joined hands before heading for the well hidden terrace, laughing themselves into the distance.

He could see a faint glowing from a rooftop, actually strike that, from their rooftop, a faint sound of a song in the distance as she guided him straight for that exact place.

She'd recreated the night from all those years ago, from when she'd denied him by not turning up to the date that he'd planned, then proceeded to tell him there was someone else she loved.

He landed gobsmacked, examining the set up and seeing it was almost identical; the only difference being the music and the alcoholic beverages out on display.

"I thought, maybe we could have a redo? A second chance?"

He turned himself to look at her, the weaving of her fingers and unsureness of her face showed him how vulnerable she was feeling, and, maybe, also a hint of regret? "I don't think I fully understood the last time we were here, but I want you to know that you have my heart now, Kitty, you have all of it."

The faint, soothing sound started up around the rooftop, the opening chords of Hayley Reinhart's version of 'Can't help falling in love' drifted atmospherically across the rooftop, both heroes smiling at each other as Chat bent down and held out his hand towards his partner.

"May I have this dance?"

She nodded in agreement, placing one hand in his open one and the other on his shoulder. Cupping her hand gently, he pulled her into his body by the waist, his heart fluttering as she rested her head against his chest and they began to sway to the music.

'Take my hand, take my whole life too, for I can't help falling in love with you.'

He wondered if she could feel the way his heart was pounding out of his chest, how having her this close was doing untold things to him. She was quietly singing along to the music and he wished, oh how he wished she meant every word she was saying. That the beautiful lyrics of this song were especially for him from her.

"I do," she whispered, her voice almost getting lost in the wind that was swirling around them, flickering the candle lights and sending the music on a voyage across the Parisian skyline.

He froze, separating himself from her to look down into her red masked eyes. He could feel every emotion as she looked at him, and he could feel what she was about to say right down into his toes.

"I do," she said a little louder, "I do love you."

He smiled, bending forward and kissing her on the cheek. He didn't want to jump the gun, he had waited so long for this, a part of him thought he was imagining things.

"I love you too, Bug," he said with a smile.

"No, I don't think you get what I'm saying." Her hands both looped around his neck, herself stretching up on her tiptoes to pull him in closer, his forehead finally connecting with hers. "I am in love with you. I think I always have been, I just didn't understand."

"Well, I'm guessing your subconscious did, after all you proposed to me." He knew he was smug, he wasn't dumb enough to think anything different.

"Lap it up!" she said, combined with a Ladybug eye roll, god he loved her expressions. She had a multitude of expressions, each one a tiny treasure he locked up and placed in his Ladybug lockbox.

He grabbed hold of her hips and pulled her in closer, making sure he connected as much of their bodies together as possible, his forehead returning to hers and his nose giving her own a little tap.

"I have some really great news," he whispered from where his head was settled, "I'm in love with you, too."

"Good," she sighed.

"Good." He responded, both smiling brighter than the lights flashing from the Eiffel Tower.

He felt the tug on the back of his neck as she pulled him in closer, the light fragrance of her breath as she moved her lips in towards his, a clear aim for her own to meet against his. It didn't take him too long to configure the movements of his own, his lips pressing against a sticky substance he knew to be her strawberry lip gloss.

They started off with a delicate kiss, a declaration of love, a declaration of trust. He pulled away, eyes remaining closed as he let out a soft sigh and cuddled her into him closer.

'Take my hand, take my whole life too, for I can't help falling in love with you.'

He smiled, opening his eyes finally to look over her head as they continued to sway on the rooftop, his life suddenly had meaning again. He felt whole again. Maybe it wouldn't be bad to reveal identities, maybe it was time.

"They want us present at the trial for Gabriel Agreste."

...And straight away those thoughts changed once again.

Just knowing his father might be let off for his crimes would always be a problem, a problem he really needed to get over, but it wasn't time yet. His jaw clenched as he thought about his father walking the streets again, his father demanding him to do things again, it was just too much. He couldn't risk her, it wasn't worth it.

"We'll be there and we'll make sure he gets locked up for the rest of his life and his key thrown away."

"For us, and for Adrien." she whispered, holding him close again. She looked up into his eyes and all the worry left his head. She would wait for him to be ready, he knew that now.

"For us and for Adrien," he repeated, his wife having no idea exactly how much those words meant to him.

The track changed as they continued to dance.

'What would I do without your smart mouth? Drawing me in, and you kicking me out

You got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down

What's going on in that beautiful mind? I'm on your magical mystery ride

And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright'

All of a sudden he felt a slight wetness on his neck, just above his bell. He looked down and saw the most beautiful display, a woman in love pressing gentle kisses on his neck - a woman who was in love with him.

Tilting his head down, he took her lips with his, kissing her deeper and more meaningful than he ever had before. He knew at that moment this was the kiss to end all kisses. The kiss of a newly formed love, and a husband and wife sharing their hearts. The soft music, the candles, the romance, the want and the need. He knew he would remember her taste, her little mews as he took her tongue in his mouth, the clash of teeth, the small laughs, the pull at each other as they tried to get closer. It was them against the world, it was them together forever.

His eyes were closed, fireworks of a multitude of colours exploding behind his lids, each little explosion going from the tip of his toes to the top of his head, the power more all consuming than that of transforming. It was electrifying and he wanted it to continue again and again and again.

She was the first to break away. His Lady once again came to her senses and took the lead, a small smile on her face as she grabbed a hold of his hand, leading him down onto the picnic blanket she'd lay out, cuddling up beside him and acting like a shy teenager.

Finally taking some sort of control, Chat Noir cupped her cheek guiding his lips back to the open invitation of hers. Lips to lips; hearts to hearts. He lay her down, gently, on the blanket and loved her the best way he knew how.
