The day time started again

Vivienne was waiting for me, as I knew she would be. For a second, a small second, I feared she would hate me for what I did. She didn't. She ran to me in her light pink dress and pulled me to her so fiercely, I was sure we would die if we hadn't already. We kissed like our wedding night, we held each other like there was no one else, and her eyes shone, reflecting the eternal sunset. She said my name, my name, and I said hers.
At the end of my life, they named me The Sunset Killer. But they never identified my body. No, they didn't know Juliana Ivory and The Sunset Killer were the same until they read the manuscript for my new short story; the one I just read to you.

I was Juliana Ivory, The Sunset Killer.
I am Jules, wife of Vivie, one of two spirits dancing along the sunset.
I am a lover.
