Part 4-Another Enderman

They walk to a dark cave...stone cave.. and there is an enderman ,zombie friend. Thats a female enderman!. Her name is Sabrina. She is 15...same like jason. The zombie tell a lot about Sabrina...and her dad....take on adventure in the forest and didnt come back ...i heard he died because killed by human....about one week ago....when the big enderman died because killed by Steve Father. Jason said to Sabrina that he saw an enderman in the forest...when he still a baby..and then after 15 years the enderman take care on him.....the enderman died a week ago when tried to protect him from Steve dad.... Sabrina cries.....after a few hours....Sabrina stop to cry. Jason asked about the ender sabrina. Sabrina knows the place....she said reach that place...they need to teleport....with the help of enderman. Sabrina is an enderman...but she doesn't know how to open the portal.
Because his dad didn't teach him about it yet.... Jason said to sabrina : "your father told me about ender dragon. That dragon knows about creeper skill...maybe the dragon know how to teleport...", "Lets ask another enderman to do that",Jason said again
