Let me know the truth before I dive right into you...

E&N: Heeey

Eva and I walked in to Vildes kitchen for our long awaited girls night. She and Magnus had purchesd their dream home on Vindern. The other girls were already there, gathered around the kitchen counter.

They all got up and we hugged, long and hard. I haven't seen Sana since New Years and Chris since last August and now she is six months pregnant.

N: How are you feeling? – caressed her stomach

C: I feel like a bubble

N: You look great. So fresh. Glowy.

C: Oh please... How are you?

N: I am good. Happy to be here. – I hugged her again

V: What are you drinking? – standing by the fridge

E: Ehm what are you having? – she looked around the counter. Pineapple juice in front of both Sana and Chris – Oh right. What about you Vilde? – turned to Vilde

V: I am having red wine but, we also have white, cava, beer, gin and tonic, vodka?

N: Uuu I can take a glass of cava.

E: I'll have the red wine you're having.

N: When did you guys get here? - turned back to the girls

V: Eva, come here... help me with this bottle. – she got up and went to help Vilde by the fridge

C: Ehh about ten minutes ago. Sana was just about to tell us about her loverboy in London

E: Oh wait for me. I want to hear too. – she was pouring herself a glass of wine

N: Ahh. How is Aarav?

C: That's right. You've met him?

N: Yeah. When I was in London for New Years.

E: And?

N: He is great. So freaking talented. And a great sense of humor. I felt like I laughed more those four days than I had all last year.

V: How long were you in London?

N: Five days.

C: You spent all the time with him?

N: And Sana.

We all laughed.

C: Yes well of course.

V: I was just thinking.. it must be serious since he was with you guys the whole time.

N: I think you have to ask Sana that?

They all turned to Sana.

S: I don't know. We hang out a lot yes.

C: What is a lot? Every day?

S: Yeah. Probably.

E: Sana, are you living with a boy and not telling us?

S: Nooo.. we are not living together.. but,

N: Almost?

S: Almost. – smiled

V: So you are there? The talking about living together stage?

S: We have talked about it...

E: Have you told your parents about him?

S: Just mom.

C: But, how long have you been dating now?

S: A year and... seven months.

E: Wow has it been that long?

S: - nodded –

V: I think we should make a toast for Sana to encourage her to move in with Aarav.

S: That's exactly the push I need. A toast.

We all laughed and toasted.

S: What's up with you? You said you saw William on Thursday, there was some drama? - she looked at me. I was surprised. I hoped we would avoid "him" chapter, but I guess that's impossible at a girls night. 

N: Isn't it always?

C: Waaait a sec!! William?? Your William? I didn't know you guys talked or were in touch?

N: Well.. we aren't talking or in touch

E: But, you were.

N: Yeah.. we were... briefly.

C: When was this?

N: Well remember I wrote you guys on the group chat I had met him in Nyc and had dinner with him and Bridget, his fiancee

C: Fiancee shit?!!

N: Yeah... well after that dinner we sorta kept in touch

C: Just the two of you? Or the fiancee as well?

N: No, no just the two of us.

C: Okey... and then?

N: Then I found out he was engaged.

C: Oh you didn't know when you met her?

N: No, no. Had no idea.. until Vilde came to visit – looked at Vilde – in February? Vilde nodded.

N: And told me. Then I cut all contact.

C: Wow!

E: He also didn't say anything about Noora to Bridget

C&V: What?

V: I didn't know that.

Eva looked at me... and then they all were.

N: Yeah, he introduced me as his friend from high school.

They all laughed. I laughed as well.

C: Man!

V: Why do you think he did that?

N: I have no idea.

C: What would he have said.. this is Noora, the love of my life.

They all looked at me and smiled because they were thinking the same.

V: I want to tell you something.. but, you have to promise not to tell anyone – looked only at me now – and if he ever mentions anything about this you gotta play totally dumb.

N: Okey... You are scaring me now.

V: No. I am serious Noora. This can't come out. It's as confidential as it can be. But, I just feel it is my duty as your friend, even if it's the last thing I do for this relationship, to tell you.

N: Okey.

S: Say it, woman!

C: I am pissing my pants here.

They laughed. I couldn't move, neither body or face, she had really worked me up for this.

V: Okey. I've heard there is a prenup involved.

N: What? Where did you hear that?

V: Erik told Selena, in confidence of course. But, well we were talking about you guys a night when I got back from New York and she accidently told me.

E: Omg!

C: Shit!

S: That would explain a lot. – she said staring into the loose air

N: Wow! – then I turned to Sana – What do you mean by that?

S: Well you said he had been on and flirty the whole time you had spent together and when texting. But, he never did anything concrete, like never pushing it the next step. And it's you and William.. I mean he could have. I personally never believed that it was because of love for Bridget. But, now you have an explanation and a real reason. He couldn't and can't do jack shit.

N: Why? I don't understand prenups?

E: Me neither.

C: I know my aunt living in the States has one.. but, I am not sure what it implies.

S: Asså prenups are tricky business. There is a reason why, mostly spouses, want them signed. I mean I don't know the nature of theirs, but usually, there is a lot at stake for both of them and it's first and foremost the finance that is in question. Luckily they don't have children so she can't play that card if he does anything. Or breaks the agreement.

- They were all looking at me

N: Why are you looking at me? If he hasn't broken the agreement, he sure as hell isn't going to do it now.. we are barely on speaking terms.

S: But, you are seeing each other tomorrow?

V&C: What?

N: Yes.. we are meeting to talk. I think he wants to clear his conscious.

V: I am glad you are meeting to talk. - smiled

N: I am glad you are glad Vilde. – smiled back

S: But, does he know about Aksel?

C: Who is Aksel now?

N: Aksel Norlie remember him? He was in Williams group of friends.

C: A Penetrator?

V: No, he was on St.Basil.

N: But, we have been to parties with him.. And he dated Olivia. We bought our bus from her and Mari and them girls.

C: I think I remember something vaguely.. but, what now you are dating him?

N: He came to Nyc and we are working together and... now we have been hanging out


N: Yes, a lot. And I guess William knows cause he asked me about him on Thursday.

C: For real? I mean he is the one to speak

N: Right.

S: What did you say?

N: That it was none of his business.

V: You should have seen how he was looking at you the whole night. Like you were the ocean and he was desperate to drown.

We all looked at her.

V: Sorry. That's from a book. – We all laughed.

During the evening and night, we also covered the other love stories in our lives, past and present.

Chris met Lasse while she was on the last semester of her Masters at the University in Oslo. Lasse is from Denmark so he moved back home when the semester was over. He encouraged Chris to apply for jobs in Denmark. During that summer she got a job and moved to Copenhagen with him. They have been together for two years and are now awaiting the arrival of their son in August, who will probably be named Liam.

Eva met Thomas Welder in Bergen at a med-conference. They had a long-distance relationship for six months and then his contract in Bergen was up so he moved to Oslo and with Eva. They also have been together for two years.

The Eva and Chris tale ended really badly. 

After nine months of dating, he began having an affair with Evas friend from University, Benedikte. He eventually got her pregnant. Eva was devasted and in shock after that. She took that year off and came to Stockholm, where I lived at the time, and lived with me and Harald. It took her nearly three years to fully recover. 

Chris lives in Stockholm now with his new lady Stella and their 4-month old daughter Mathilda. Benedikte moved out there with their son, Aleksander, a year ago and he wanted to be close to Aleks.

Yousef is engaged to Maiken (who was on the russebuss with us). They have three children, a girl Amal(3) and twin boys Isak and Dilan(7 months) and live in Oslo.

Eskild lives in Chicago. He had broken up with his boyfriend and needed a change. There was an add for a job in Chicago through his firm, he applied and got it. He moved to the windy city about four years ago.

Linn moved back home to Skien where she started knitting clothes for children. It really became a hit online and she is now making a living of that. She was always meant to be her own boss hehe. She married Marius seven years ago, who she went to high school with. They don't have children. Eskild, William and I were at the wedding in Skien.
