1: Entering the Naruto World

June could feel the warm sun shining down on her face and the wind blowing through her hair. She slowly opened her eyes and noticed that she was in some kind of forest.

'A forest. How did I get out here from the orphanage.' June thought saw the tall green trees around her.

She slowly got up, looking around, confused, trying to figure out where she was since this didn't look like she was anywhere near the orphanage.

"Where am I?" She questioned as she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her head.

She then saw two shadowy figures next to each other, looking at a small figure in the figure that was lying down with arms. The one figure standing started moving their mouth as they began to talk.

"Ssshe absssolutely beautiful, Hoshi-Hime. We ssshould name her Hosshiko Yashagoro are Ssstar child," The shadowy figure said in a silky smooth male snake-like voice as he drew out the s like he was hissing.

"Hoshiko, that's a beautiful name, my snake," The other shadowy figure agreed in a soft and angelical
female voice.

June are, now known as Hoshiko, grabbed her head as she groaned in pain as the image faded away. She collapsed on the ground as she panted from the pain she was feeling in her head.

"What going on," She said through gritted teeth as she tried to fight through the pain and stand on back up.

She froze as she heard footsteps approaching her and tried her best to turn her head to see who was coming. She felt her body stiff in alarm as she heard them coming closer.

An ordinarily little kid might feel relaxed and relieved as they hear someone coming toward them, thinking that someone has come to help them. However, Hoshiko had her guard up, knowing from experience that the world was full of cruel people.

After a few minutes, a person emerged from the surrounding trees behind her and stood beside her. It was a boy with raven hair wearing a mask and ANBU. She looked at him nervously as he suddenly called out to something

"Captain, there is someone over here."

Suddenly a taller man wearing the same uniform with silver hair that defined gravity appeared and walked over to Hoshiko, scanning her appearance and looking around to search for the presence of another human. He looked at the boy and nodded at him.

Hoshiko panicked as the boy walked closer to her.
As crows were flying in front of her and the older man grabbing something from behind. However, she couldn't think about that for long as the world around her with entirely black.


Hoshiko opened her eyes and was greeted by blinding bright white light, making her wince in pain from the light.

After a few minutes of adjusting to the light, she could see a white ceiling above her, and as the white sheet was covering her body. She could also hear the beeping of a machine on the right of her. The room she was in smelled like disinfectant wipes.

'A hospital. Did those two from the forest bring me here, or am I dreaming?' She thought as she tried to figure out what was going on.

Hoshiko snapped out of her thoughts as she heard the door open. She winced as her body tensed up, readying for whatever was about to occur, still not feeling entirely safe, not knowing what was going on at our and why she was in a forest and now a hospital.

"Based on the medical records. The girl is suffering from trauma and running a high fever, but the nurse said she seems to be healing quickly," A man that sounded relatively young whispered

"I will say this  whoever the girl is. She can't be good news after opening that scroll containing such a replica of that blade with her. Not to mention she an exact clone of that traitor and seems to have a strange red snake mark on her wrist," Another man muttered in a low voice.

From the sound of it, Hoshiko could tell they were located on the other side of the room. She turned her head to the left, trying to get a better listen of what they were saying for a clue on what was going on.

"We won't be getting any information until she wakes up. She didn't seem to have any belongings or weapons except for what we found in the school, and she appeared to be al---"

A third man spoke but cut himself off when he heard Hoshiko hiss in pain as her head started to pound. She squeezed her eyes, trying to ease the pain, but it didn't seem to be working.

The curtain around the bed was drawn to reveal three-man wearing ANBU uniforms and masks. She narrowed her eyes, recognizing one of them from the forest.

"Who are you, people. Where am I?" She asked, backing up from them with her eyes darting around nervously.

Two of them shared a look but didn't say a word. The third one was just leaning against the wall. Hoshiko looked around nervously, wanting to get out of here, but didn't see a way out. The only exit was a door behind the men and a window on the other side.

"Your both way too serious. Look at the poor kid. She is completely scared out of her mind," A soft and female voice said.

Hoshiko briefly looks up to see a woman wearing a red sleeveless shirt with black knee-length pants. She had dark blue hair tied up in a ponytail and Mint green eyes. She whispered something before smacking the two men making Hoshiko uncomfortable before she turned to face Hoshiko, making her flinch away.

"Relax, we aren't going to hurt you. We just need to know a few things. For safety reasons," She said as she stopped midways toward Hoshiko with a smile but soon frowned as she turned headed towards the guy and started speaking in low voices.

Hoshiko brought her knees up and hugged them as she started to cry, just wanting her parents where they were to get her out off here. Her tears began simply running down her face. Soon turned into fast breathing as she struggled to stop crying. The four then stopped talking as the female rushed over to Hoshiko, hugging and rubbing her back. Hoshiko struggled as she tried to escape from the woman's grip.

"You poor thing. Just calm on down. It is going to be okay," She said, rubbing Hshiko's back, making her cry harder as she tried to escape.

"Aina, I think you're making it worse."

"No, she just needs a minute to calm down."

"She looks like she having a panic attack. Just let her go before she passes out."

"She is fin-oh dear."

Hoshiko's eyes rolled to the back of her head as he fainted into the world of darkness once again.

Chapter End!

Here we go; the first chapter A Lost Soul has been published. June has found herself in the Naruto world, completely scared of the situation she was put in. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. If so, please vote and let me know what you think of the writing so far.

Word Count: 1232
