Cuddle Party

If Dabi did end up becoming Shigaraki's boyfriend, you didn't really notice it.
They didn't behave any differently around each other, Dabi still ruffling his feathers and Shigaraki still snapping here and there at him.
The only discernible difference you'd noticed was that Shigaraki had definitely been getting more and more tolerant of you.
Even to the point that if Spinner was out and he wanted to play a game, he'd approach you instead of just playing alone like he had been doing.

At first you had thought it was just because you were on your period, so everyone had been being a little softer with you, but Shigaraki kept it up even after the bleeding had stopped.
He'd even stopped getting frustrated with you when you struggled with your math work, instead taking a moment to close his eyes and take a deep breath before trying to explain things to you again calmly and slowly.
Like right now, you could tell he was trying not to get frustrated with you for not knowing your times tables off by heart.

He'd been sitting with his face scrunched up in thought for about a minute, spinning a pencil between thin fingers.

"Okay. Let's try it this way." He sighs. "Two and two is what?"

"Four." You answer, and he nods, writing down a two and then a four underneath it.

"And then four plus two?" He asks, red eyes meeting your own.

"...Six." You reply.

He jots down the six under the four and motions loosely with his hand for you to continue.
You, slowly, manage to count all the way up to twenty four, and then he nods.

"Alright. So this is the two times table." He informs you. "It's basically just adding the same number over and over."

Your head hurts.

"Do you think you can make one of these, but with three instead?" He asks, gesturing to the diagram in front of you and handing you the pencil.

"Can I have a juice break?" You ask shyly.

He grunts, getting up from his stool to get you a drink.
Everyone else was gone today, leaving it as just you and him. Atsuhiro and Spinner had gone out in Spinner's new van, and Jin and Himiko were out on a special job, according to Dabi.
Dabi was in bed having a pain day because he worked hard the night before so you were being good and keeping out of his way.

It was still so fascinating watching Shigaraki navigate life without being able to touch things. It almost looked elegant how he handled everything, even watching him pouring a glass of apple juice for you had you engrossed in his actions.
He didn't put sugar around the rim of the glass for you like Kurogiri did, but he also didn't get mad at making the drink for you for once so you count that as a win.


He slides the glass towards you.
You thank him, cherishing the chance to get away from the numbers for a second. You watch, taking a sip from your apple juice as he slides back into the booth beside you, scrolling through his phone silently.

"Shigaraki?" You ask, filling the empty space.

He hums a response, not looking up from the screen in his hands.

"Are you Dabi's boyfriend now?" You ask, sipping your juice soon after.

Shigaraki pauses, locks his phone, looks up at you with curious red eyes.

"Is that okay?" He asks, as if the question was a test.

You nod. "Dabi said it would make him happy."

Shigaraki goes quiet again, his eyes widening for a split second and his cheeks tinting ever so slightly pink.
He grunts something you don't hear clearly, placing his phone on the bar counter again and encouraging you to carry on with your work once more.

"Come on, let's work on the threes." He says firmly, leaning toward you once more, and writing three down on the sheet for you. "Three plus three."

"Six." You reply confidently.

He nods, handing you the pencil to jot it down underneath the three.

"Carry on. Six plus three."

You work your way through the threes painfully slowly, finding this one a lot harder. Shigaraki even tries to nudge you along to the right answers, but you're still thankful when you get to thirty six and he lets you stop.

"Can you see the pattern?" He asks, tapping a single digit beside the numbers on the sheet laid in front of you. "In either of these?"

You blink at him in confusion, which is enough to make him relent.
He doesn't try pushing it, simply tapping the sheet again and saying 'four'.
You slowly work your way through four, and then five, slowly making it to ten and then refusing to do any more because the math was hurting your head.
Shigaraki was a little grumbly about it, because apparently ten was the easiest times table to do but ultimately seemed to understand.

"Okay. Before we stop, I want you to look and see if you can spot any patterns. Repeating numbers, similarities. Anything." Shigaraki says, running his index finger over the pencil marks on the paper in front of you.

You scan the page, trying to spot anything like he'd said, and it takes a while but you nod, pointing at the two times tables you'd written out together.

"The numbers repeat here. It goes two, four, six, eight, ten, twelve..."

Shigaraki actually looks a little surprised, before grinning and offering his fist for a fist bump, something you're all too eager to oblige with.

"Any others?" He asks.

You focus really hard, trying to get the numbers to stop swirling on the page. It was getting to a point now where you were struggling to distinguish the numbers from each other, but you did manage to find another pattern somehow.

"Here. It goes six, two, eight, four, zero." You point at the six times table section. "Over and over."

Another pleased smirk graces the lower half of his face, and he gives one of his singular huffs of amusement.

"Good job Star." He praises. "Very smart."

Your face lights up, and he pats your back gently before getting up from his stool and allowing you to have your sketchbook back.

"Go wild." He motions at the drawing you had started earlier before he had interrupted you to do math.

It was a crown surrounded by flowers. For Magne.

You hum happily, swiftly returning back to using your pencil for its intended use, the world melting away around you as you busy your hands once more.
Shigaraki watches for a moment or two, his face cradled in his hand.

"I'm going to go up to see how Dabi's doing." He says, and you feel his eyes weigh on you a little more as though he was expecting a big reaction.

You don't give one, simply humming an acknowledgement and continuing to work on your drawing.
You kind of wanted to see him too, but you didn't want to annoy him when he was having a bad pain day. You also couldn't tell Shigaraki that he was having a bad pain day because Dabi had made you promise not to tell the others that he hurt a lot sometimes.
So you just say nothing and continue on drawing.

Shigaraki watches you for a couple moments longer before sliding out of his seat and walking off.
You don't even think about it really, too engrossed in your drawing to really notice how long he's gone for. It's not until you've done the majority of the shading that you realise you've been alone for quite some time and begin to worry that maybe they've gone off without you.
You ditch your sketchbook and math work at the bar, hopping down off your stool and begin to rush upstairs.

You don't even think twice about opening the door to your shared room with Dabi, a little surprised when you see Shigaraki on the bed with him, only Dabi's hands visible as they clasp onto Shigaraki's front from behind.
For a second you're hit with a spark of jealousy. Dabi always made a big deal out of letting you touch him on days like today when he was struggling with the pain of his scars.

Until Shigaraki whispers 'help'.

"What?" You whisper back, unsure why you have to be quiet.

You're also unsure why he needs help. He's perfectly safe.

"He pulled me here and fell asleep." Shigaraki hisses. "Help me get out."

You stand awkwardly for a second before slowly approaching the two.
Dabi was clinging onto Shigaraki pretty tight from the looks of things, his hands pressed to his chest so that he couldn't move from Dabi's grasp. Dabi's face was buried into Shigaraki's back, his face concealed.
Shigaraki moves his hands far away from where Dabi's hands are when you start trying to peel Dabi's hands off of him.

This doesn't work, Dabi clinging onto him even tighter.

"Stop wigglin'." He mumbles, pressing his face tighter against Shigaraki's neck. "S' cold."

"Get off." Shigaraki hisses quietly.

"Cold... Nice..." Dabi replies, his voice muffled from his face being pressed against Shigaraki. "Shhh."

Shigaraki grunts in annoyance, his wrinkled brow furrowing.
You tap Dabi's arm gently.

"Dabi. Shigaraki doesn't want to be hugged." You tell him patiently.

"Starshine." Dabi mumbles, sounding like he may be smiling a little.

You're about to repeat the warning when Dabi grabs your shirt and pulls you down too, making you squeal.
Your back is pressed against Shigaraki's front, Shigaraki's body completely tense but Dabi's arm thrown over the two of you.

"Sorry!" You yelp, expecting Shigaraki to yell at you for touching him, even though it wasn't your fault.

"Shhhhhh." Dabi shushes.

You and Shigaraki are silent, both of you likely as startled as the other, for a few moments.
And then Shigaraki speaks.

"Are you okay, little Star?" He asks quietly.

"Scared." You admit.

"No need. You're safe here." He replies as patiently as Shigaraki can get. "I think we're gonna be trapped here for a while."

"Don't touch me." You whisper quietly.

Shigaraki goes quiet, which is better than yelling or him doing it anyway.
Instead you lie awkwardly together for a while, trying to shift away from his grasp only for Dabi to hold you tighter to Shigaraki's back.
After the fourth failed attempt, you huff and go still.

"He's going to be embarrassed when he wakes up." Shigaraki mumbles.

You nod in agreement, lacing your fingers through Dabi's for comfort.
He sleepily mumbles and squeezes your hand, making you feel more comforted that he's somewhat aware of his surroundings and that he wouldn't allow anything bad to happen.

After a while, you kind of relax into the situation, your eyes begin to fall shut, Shigaraki's and Dabi's body heats blending together to form a comfortable warmth that was easy to fall asleep in.
So when you feel Shigaraki's breathing start to slow, and his body starts to relax, his arm naturally relaxing over your side, you decide to take a chance on trusting Dabi.

It's almost as though Shigaraki is used to having to be careful of his own quirk when falling asleep, his hand bunched into a fist and stretched far from you.
And it's the most you've ever felt like a family when you slowly drop off to sleep with them both holding onto you, even if Shigaraki's grip is as loose as it can be.
